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Station One Sedition.

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1 Station One Sedition



4 1.) When was this law passed? Why did the US government pass the law?
Purpose of reading: To consider whether or not Debs and Schenck were guilty of breaking this law. 1.) When was this law passed? Why did the US government pass the law? 2.) In your own words, summarize this law. 3.) Do you think this law was necessary? Why or why not? Use evidence to support your answer. TOP SECRET – DO NOT OPEN UNTIL AFTER YOU READ DOCUMENT C Both Debs and Schenk were arrested for breaking the law, found guilty, and sentenced to jail. Debs served 32 months in prison until President Harding released him in 1921; Schenk spent 6 months in prison.

5 1.) What does this ruling say?
2.) Do you agree with the ruling? (Remember to consider this ruling within its historical context when answering the question)


7 Overall Question: Were critics of WWI anti-Americans
Overall Question: Were critics of WWI anti-Americans? Include evidence drawn from the documents. (make a thesis & evidence web to address the question)

8 Station Two Chicago Race Riots








16 Station Three Palmer Raids

17 1.) Before Reading: Who wrote this document and what is his perspective?
2.) Before Reading: What do you predict he will say in this document? 3.) According to Palmer, what is spreading like a fire? (Don’t just write ‘revolution!’ Explain what he’s referring to) 4.) How does Palmer describe communism? Why does he think it’s dangerous? 5.) According to this document, who is Palmer going to arrest?

18 1.) Before Reading: Who wrote this document and what is her perspective?
2.) Before Reading: What do you predict she will say in this document? 3.) According to Goldman, what is wrong with the Palmer Raids? 4.) According to Goldman, what is the goal of the Palmer Raids? 5.) According to this document, who did Palmer arrest?

19 Corroboration: Use evidence from the two documents to answer the question in the form of a web & make the center of the web your THESIS. Why did Palmer arrest thousands of people and deport hundreds between 1919 – 1920?

20 Station Four Influenza of 1918


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