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BGS History GCSE Revision Tests Surgery- antiseptics.

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1 BGS History GCSE Revision Tests Surgery- antiseptics

2 1) What was the “Black Period of Surgery?”
The removal of pain made doctors over confident. They took too long and infection rates went right up

3 2) What key discovery had to be made – including year – for the need for cleanliness to be realised?

4 3) What did Semmelweiss do to stop doctors spreading infections?
Made doctors wash their hands (in lime chloride)

5 4) What were the ideas and methods of Joseph Lister?
Noticed that CARBOLIC ACID was used in sewers to kill the smell. Started to use it in operations to kill germs. It was sprayed all over the place.

6 5) What was the key drawback of antiseptic surgery?
Very expensive Very uncomfortable – acid burnt the skin

7 Instead of killing germs, remove them altogether by sterilising
6) What was the solution to the problems of antiseptic surgery, and how did it work? ASEPTIC SURGERY Instead of killing germs, remove them altogether by sterilising everything

8 7) Which of the key problems with operations in 1800 had not been solved by 1900?

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