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U.S. History Review 8th Grade Covering

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1 U.S. History Review 8th Grade Covering 1607-1877

2 This is “SET A” STAAR REVIEW QUESTIONS! Label your notebook paper 1-25 with two spaces between each question!

3 For the next questions you need to write down your answer and an explanation for your answer. Your explanation must be at least two complete sentences! Number your papers 1-25 EXAMPLE: As a result of Manifest Destiny the United States became a world power through— A. independence from Great Britain B. westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean C. efforts to stop secession of Southern states D. laws restricting labor union activity

4 EXAMPLE-Answer: B. westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean
Student explains answer: Manifest Destiny was the idea the American should expand from coast to coast because it was their destiny to do so. This caused the U.S. to gain more states and even more immigrants to come to the U.S.

5 1. Which list of events is in order from earliest to latest?
A. arrival of Europeans – Revolutionary War – colonial period B. Revolutionary War – arrival of Europeans – colonial period C. arrival of Europeans – colonial period – Revolutionary War D. colonial period – arrival of Europeans – Revolutionary War

6 ANSWER C. arrival of Europeans – colonial period – Revolutionary War Don’t forget to write an explanation!

7 2. Select the group of events below that is in the correct chronological order—
A. American Revolution, War of 1812, French and Indian War, Civil War B. French and Indian War, American Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War C. French and Indian War, War of 1812, American Revolution, Civil War D. War of 1812, American Revolution, French and Indian War, Civil War

8 Answer to #2 B. French and Indian War, American Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War

9 3. The Preamble of the United States Constitution states the purposes of government and is based on the belief that A. the states have ultimate authority B. members of Congress should be appointed C. Supreme Court Justices should be elected D. the people are sovereign

10 Answer to #3 D. the people are sovereign

11 4. Which of the following land was aquired peacefully by the United States?
A. Mexican Cession B. Louisiana Territory C. Northwest Territory D. Texas Revolution

12 Answer to #4 B. Louisiana Territory

13 5. In the early 1800s the United States was impacted by European conflicts. Which of the following was a significant foreign policy success of President Thomas Jefferson’s administration? A. purchase of the Louisiana Territory B. support for the Alien and Sedition Acts C. victory in the war of 1812 D. passage of the Embargo Act

14 Answer to #5 A. purchase of the Louisiana Territory We should still be writing an explanation for each answer!

15 6. Which event caused anti-British feelings?
A. Boston Tea Party B. Boston Massacre C. Continental Congress D. Boycott of British goods

16 Answer to 6 B. Boston Massacre

17 7. As a result of President Andrew Jackson’s policies, Native American Indians were
A. relocated to reservations in Mexico B. forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi River C. gradually allowed to return to their ancestral lands D. given United States citizenship

18 Answer to 7 B. forcibly removed to areas west of the Mississippi River

19 8. A primary influence behind the division between the North and the South during the Civil War was—
A. welfare reform and income tax rates B. immigration policies and westward expansion C. loyalty to Great Britain and taxation without representation D. states rights and the status of slavery in the west

20 Answer #8 D. states rights and the status of slavery in the west

21 9. The president sought to end many Federalist programs, lower taxes, and reduce the size of the federal government and the military. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Secretary of State James Madison and established the principle of Judicial review in the case Marbury v. Madison. The Louisiana Territory was purchased. These remarks best reflect what era of the U.S. history? A. Colonial Era B. Jefferson Era C. Era of Good Feeling D. Reconstruction Era

22 9. B Jefferson Era

23 10.Which of the following events occurred first?
A. Lewis and Clark explored lands west of the Mississippi River. B. Thomas Jefferson became president. C. Zebulon Pike explored the Arkansas and Red rivers. D. The Embargo Act was passed.

24 B. Thomas Jefferson became president.

25 This is a quote from the—
Gettysburg Address Lincoln-Douglas Debates Emancipation Proclamation Thirteenth Amendment 11. On the 1st day of January in the year of our Lord 1863, all persons held as slaves within any state or …part of a state (whose) people …shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.

26 3. Emancipation Proclamation

27 1776 1803 1812 1861 U.S. Doubles in Size with Land Bought from France
12. The following headline appeared in newspapers in which of the following years? 1776 1803 1812 1861

28 Answer:

29 13. Which of the following was an economic reason why England established colonies in America?
A. they wanted to establish the free enterprise system B. they wanted to purchase cheap ships from America C. they wanted to establish the practice of mercantilism D. they could not afford to feed their people and needed resources

30 C. they wanted to establish the practice of mercantilism
EXPLAIN mercantilism in your own words!

31 14. The repercussions of this event forced settlers to New England in search of religious freedom—
A. Spanish Inquisition B. Protestant Reformation C. Black Plague D. The Crusades

32 B. Protestant Reformation

33 15. The British benefited from their mercantilist relationship with the American colonies primarily by A. supporting the growth of colonial industries B. prohibiting colonists from fishing and fur trading C. taking large amounts of gold and silver from the southern colonies D. buying raw materials from the colonies and selling them finished products

34 D. buying raw materials from the colonies and selling them finished products

35 Benjamin Franklin John Smith Roger Williams Roger Sherman
16. Whose life is referred to in the timeline? Benjamin Franklin John Smith Roger Williams Roger Sherman 1631 He was ordained a minister of the Church of England but discovered Puritanism and joined the “American Experiment” in Boston. He tried to reform the Church, then separated from it. 1635 He insisted land be purchased from the Indians, not taken. He was put on trial in Salem and banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1636 He purchased land from the Narragansett Indians and established the settlement of Providence, Rhode Island. He embraced the idea of religious freedom.

36 3. Roger Williams

37 17. The Mayflower Compact, New England town meetings, and the Virginia House of Burgesses are examples of A. early colonial efforts in self-government B. colonial protests against British taxation C. governments imposed by Parliament D. attempts to limit democracy

38 A. early colonial efforts in self-government

39 18. The primary reason for the establishment of the Middle Colonies was—
A. to escape political turmoil B. economic opportunities C. religious freedom D. opportunity for adventure

40 B. economic opportunities
Explain how this was different from the more northern colonies.

41 New England Colonies B. Middle Colonies C. Southern Colonies
19. The following best describe which group of early colonies? Villages with town meetings Small farms and commercial fishing First American college New England Colonies B. Middle Colonies C. Southern Colonies D. Spanish Colonies

42 A. New England Colonies

43 20. The Mayflower Compact of 1620 is considered an important step in the development of democracy in America because it A. expressed the importance of self-government B. established freedom of religion C. created the first colonial judiciary D. granted all males the right to vote

44 A. expressed the importance of self-government

45 21. How did living in the colonies change the way Americans thought about government?
A. There was little diversity in the colonies and everyone had similar ideas about government. B. The colonists were generally left alone by England and they took part in running their own government. C. The colonists believed they would always be protected by England and there was no need for their own government. D. Most colonists came to believe that government was unnecessary and they would be better off without it.

46 B. The colonists were generally left alone by England and they took part in running their own government.

47 22. What was the greatest consideration for colonists’ desires to make their own laws separate and apart from England? A. Distance from England B. Taxation rights for loyalists C. Local legal structures D. A voice in state government

48 A. Distance from England

49 23. Which political belief is expressed by the quotation “we …will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation”? A. necessity for separation of powers B. government by consent of the governed C. freedom of press and assembly D. right to a writ of habeas corpus

50 B. government by consent of the governed

51 24. In the Colonial Era, developments such as the New England town meetings and the establishment of the Virginia House of Burgesses represented A. colonial attempts to build a strong national government B. efforts by the British to strengthen their control over the colonies C. steps in the growth of representative democracy D. early social reform movements

52 . steps in the growth of representative democracy

53 25. The Virginia House of Burgesses and the Mayflower Compact had a similar effect in that both
A. reinforced the English Parliament’s control over the colonies B. gave settlers the power to establish colonies C. contributed to the development of representative democracy D. granted absolute authority to the colonial governors

54 C. contributed to the development of representative democracy (or otherwise known as representative government)

55 If the bell has not rung yet continue answer the following questions but you do not have to explain your answers. This will be on my website until the STAAR Test if you would like to review back and finish these on your own.

56 26. The House of Burgesses was significant because it—
A. settled conflicts with the Native Americans B. provided more local control C. communicated with King George D. supported the royal Governor

57 B. provided more local control

58 27. How did the Mayflower Compact and The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut help establish the roots of representative government? A. Established the Christian heritage of the England B. Established a set of laws to govern the colonies C. Showed the colonist how to act independently D. Allowed states to do anything they felt was right

59 B. Established a set of laws to govern the colonies

60 28. Which mid-1700s religious event contributed to the growth of representative government?
A. Great Awakening B. Enlightenment C. Seven Year’s War D. Treaty of Paris

61 A. Great Awakening

62 28. The major objection that British colonists in North America had to English rule was that they were A. denied the right to arm themselves for defense B. denied the rights of citizens who lived in England C. forced to settle wilderness areas D. forced to farm crops ordered by England

63 B. denied the rights of citizens who lived in England

64 29. As a result of mercantilism, the thirteen American colonies were expected to provide Great Britain with— A. finished American-manufactured goods B. raw materials and markets for British products C. officials to represent colonial interests in Parliament D. laborers to work in British factories

65 B. raw materials and markets for British products

66 30. Writs of assistance authorized—
A. taxes on colonial exports B. taxes on colonial made goods C. boycott of British imports D. unrestricted search of ships

67 D. unrestricted search of ships

68 31. Colonist formed Committees of Safety to—
A. oppose independence B. invade Canada C. recruit and train local militia D. attack the British at Ft. Ticonderoga

69 C. recruit and train local militia

70 32. The slogan “No taxation without representation” referred to taxes enacted by—
A. colonial legislators B. town meetings C. the English Parliament D. the First Continental Congress

71 C. the English Parliament (the colonists had to pay taxes but didn’t have representation in the Parliament)

72 32. After 1763, which was the main argument used by the British to justify taxing the Thirteen Colonies? A. colonies should contribute to expenses involved in providing for their defense B. taxes were uniform throughout the British colonies C. tax money was used to protect the mining interests of the British Empire D. the written constitution provided Parliament with the power to tax colonies

73 A. colonies should contribute to expenses involved in providing for their defense

74 33. King George III primary goal for establishing the Proclamation Line of 1763 was to—
A. avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native American Indians B. make a profit by selling the land west of the Appalachian Mountains C. prevent American industrial development in the Ohio River valley D. allow Canada to control the Great Lakes region

75 A. avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native American Indians

76 34. Why were the colonists upset about the Proclamation of 1763?
A. It laid the foundation for future laws restricting the rights of the colonists. B. The Parliament violated the colonists rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. C. The law forced a tax on important trade items like sugar and tobacco. D. The law forbid them to settle lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

77 D. The law forbid them to settle lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

78 35. Which of the following influenced American thinking about mercantilism with his book, The Wealth of Nations? A. John Adams B. Thomas Jefferson C. Adam Smith D. John Smith

79 C. Adam Smith

80 36. The major objection that British colonists in North America had to English rule was that they were A. denied the right to arm themselves for defense B. denied the rights of citizens who lived in England C. forced to settle wilderness areas D. forced to farm crops ordered by England

81 B. denied the rights of citizens who lived in England

82 37. Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts in reaction to the—
A. Boston Massacre B. Committees of Correspondence C. colonial boycott of East India tea D. dumping of tea in the Boston Harbor

83 D. dumping of tea in the Boston Harbor

84 38. Colonial boycotts of British goods before the Revolutionary War were effective measures because they— A. reduced the profits of British merchants B. lowered the prices of imported products C. left British troops short of supplies in the colonies D. allowed the Americans to start their own factories

85 A. reduced the profits of British merchants

86 39. As the British monarchy began to take greater control of colonial governments in the early 1770s, the British government began to— A. change self-governing colonies to royal colonies B. give the colonies greater control over economic matters C. assign members of British Parliament to oversee all three types of colonies D. change all of the colonies to proprietary colonies

87 A. change self-governing colonies to royal colonies

88 40. Which of these was most responsible for American independence from great Britain?
A. Bacon’s Rebellion B. trial of John Peter Zenger C. introduction of slavery to the colonies D. publication of documents like Common Sense

89 D. publication of documents like Common Sense

90 If the bell has not rung yet, go back and look up information on the questions you aren’t sure about using the internet.

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