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Social Studies Test Review

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1 Social Studies Test Review
Chapter 12

2 Washington’s Farewell Address
Foreign Policy based on isolationism and neutrality

3 “Millions for defense, not a cent for tribute!”
XYZ Affair Explain the quote below. “Millions for defense, not a cent for tribute!”

4 France and Britain seize American ships…
Why? They wanted to prevent the United States from bringing supplies to their enemies.

5 Who REALLY got hurt here?
Jefferson’s Embargo Fun Fact: The Embargo Act was the 7th worst move made by a US President. Who REALLY got hurt here? 55,00 seamen lost their jobs

6 American sailors or seamen explaining that…
Impressment Britain kidnapped American sailors or seamen explaining that…

7 They were deserters from the royal navy anyway.

8 Western War Hawks hoped…
to drive the British out of _______________________.

9 Canada

10 The Battle of New Orleans
~The greatest American victory in the War of 1812 ~Made a hero out of Andrew Jackson ~Took place after the war was officially over

11 A Warning to all Europeans:
Leave us alone!

12 The Great Seal The symbol that represents national power?
The symbol that represents the original 13 states?

13 E Pluribus Unum “from many to one”
Symbolizes the creation of one nation from… …out of many states

14 The Barbary Coast North Africa
Jefferson paid tribute to the Barbary States to prevent pirate attacks.

15 Who believed in the policy of avoiding alliances with other countries?
George Washington What was that policy called? isolationism

16 Matching: Monroe Doctrine Embargo Act Farewell Address XYZ Affair
War of 1812

17 Matching: Monroe Doctrine Embargo Act Farewell Address XYZ Affair
War of 1812 Thomas Jefferson

18 Matching: Monroe Doctrine Embargo Act Farewell Address XYZ Affair
War of 1812 James Madison and wife, Dolley

19 Matching: Monroe Doctrine Embargo Act Farewell Address XYZ Affair
War of 1812 John Monroe

20 Give yourself a round of applause.

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