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Ginny Wythe Student Services Itchen College

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1 Ginny Wythe Student Services Manager @ Itchen College
Pastoral Issues Ginny Wythe Student Services Itchen College

2 The Tutor Why is the tutor important?
Holds the overview of the student Focal point of contact for student staff and parents although they may refer elsewhere An advocate for the student Most but not all colleges do have a model of tutorial system. The more contact the tutor has with a student, arguably the more effective they can be as a tutor (do they teach the student?) The Tutor

3 The Subject Teacher Why is the subject teacher important?
Obviously to teach the subject To provide subject support and guidance To deal with both subject and pastoral issues as they arise and refer when appropriate. Students will sometimes feel they can talk to a subject teacher in preference to a tutor. Subject teachers must also therefore be aware of all pastoral issues and referral processes. The Subject Teacher

4 Issues The key issues are usually:
Attendance and Behaviour related. Each college will have their own procedures for monitoring and dealing with poor attendance and behaviour. However, often there may be pastoral issues relating to such problems. This should always be borne in mind and needs to be taken into account when talking to a student. Issues

5 Types of external agency referral experience by colleges
External Agency Referrals Barnardo’s Young Women’s Service CAF – Pregnancy and teenage parent CAMHS – Southampton CAMHS – Eastleigh CAMHS – Fareham Care to Learn Care Leaver/In care Drug/Alcohol support – Fareham Drug/Alcohol support – (over 18) Southampton Early Intervention Team GPs Home Visits Housing No Limits/DASH – Self referral in college Rape Crisis SYSDA/Women’s Aid Police Children's’ Services Specialist bereavement counselling Types of external agency referral experience by colleges

6 What do you do when a student talks to you about a problem?
All colleges will have their own referral process. As a tutor or subject teacher you would not be expected to do any referrals to external agencies, however you would be expected to pass the contents of any discussion onto your Child Protection Officer (or designated person) in College. They would then see the student. The student might want you to attend further interviews with them for support. You might refer to internal services such as counselling, or health clinics on site. What do you do when a student talks to you about a problem?

7 Safeguarding Four types of abuse are stated in the legislation:
Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Neglect Plus now financial abuse Safeguarding

8 Designated Child Protection Liaison Officers
All schools and colleges will have at least one designated CPLO and there should be clear guidelines regarding the referral process. As a subject teacher/tutor, your remit is to record any concerns and pass onto your CPLO. It is important to ensure that you know and understand your college’s referral process. Designated Child Protection Liaison Officers

9 Physical abuse causes harm to a child’s person
Physical abuse causes harm to a child’s person. It may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning or suffocating. It may be done deliberately or recklessly, or be the result of a deliberate failure to prevent injury occurring. Also, a parent or carer may feign the symptoms of, or deliberately cause ill health in a child or young person. (Fabricated and induced illness – formerly Munchausen by proxy syndrome) Physical Abuse

10 Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities and may include physical contact, or non-contact activities such as involving children or young people looking at pornographic material or watching sexual activities. It is not necessary for the child to be aware that the activity is sexual and the apparent consent of the child is irrelevant. Young people may also be at sexual risk if they abuse one another. Sexual Abuse

11 Emotional abuse may involve conveying to children and young people that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only in that they meet the needs of another person. It may involve causing children and young people to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children or young people. Domestic violence can cause long term emotional abuse. Emotional Abuse

12 Neglect is the persistent or severe failure to meet a child or young person’s basic physical and/or psychological needs. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food shelter or clothing, failing to protect a child or young person from physical harm or danger, or failing to ensure appropriate medical care or treatment. Neglect

13 Financial abuse is a form of mistreatment in which an abuser forcibly controls a victim’s economic means. It can involve stealing money, not allowing a victim to take part in any financial decisions, or preventing a victim from having a job. This form of abuse tends to occur most often in domestic relationships, such as between a husband and wife or an elderly parent and adult child. It can be difficult to recognize because an abuser may purposely select a victim who is vulnerable and unlikely to realize the abuse is taking place or who simply will be too ashamed to report it. Financial Abuse

14 Safeguarding – what to do?
Always reassure the child or young person and appear calm Listen the child or young person, believe what is said, however difficult it is to understand. Reassure the child or young person that they are not to blame. Make a detailed note of the date, time, place, what the child said, did and your questions etc. Follow your college’s procedures for disclosure Safeguarding – what to do?

15 Safeguarding – what not to do!
display shock, horror, anger or disgust press for details - allow the child or young person to disclose in the way he/she wants promise that you will do something that you may not be able to fulfil e.g. accompanying to interview; saying it will be ‘alright’. Offer to keep it in confidence – you must explain that you cannot keep it a secret and that you will have to contact someone else to help – explain who is appropriate. take any action beyond that agreed in the procedures investigate concerns or allegations. Safeguarding – what not to do!

16 Safeguarding is for you too!
Stay Professional Don’t give out your phone numbers Don’t have students has friends on Facebook Don’t give out your personal Do report if a student is behaving inappropriately towards you; eg etc. Safeguarding is for you too!

17 Overview of symptoms of abuse
Changes in behaviour (either becoming unusually withdrawn or loud) Obvious physical injuries Sudden poor attendance Poor personal hygiene Poor state of clothing (These can of course occur without any abuse – but they should always be followed up). Be pro-active! Overview of symptoms of abuse

18 What do you do if a student s you in the evening via your college account stating that they are feeling suicidal? Question for you?

19 Student Services Manager/AP
Tutor Tutorial Manager Student Services Manager/AP This route prepares you well for ‘difficult’ conversations – historically many college principals came via this route. Career Progression

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