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GENDER EQUALITY – UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Prof Jan Atkinson UCL Co-ordinator for Athena ASSET & Athena SWAN Strategic Advisor: Gender Equality Scheme (GES) Head, Developmental Science Dept, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, Life Sciences Faculty, UCL (Past UCL Pro-Provost (North America) ) Visual Development Unit : UCL and Oxford Website for UCL Athena SWAN:

2 University College London
Founded in 1826 The original ‘University of London’ The first to admit students regardless of class or religion The first to admit women students on equal terms with men The first to offer the systematic teaching of Medicine, Law and Engineering in England

3 Our Alumni UCL’s network of 100,000 alumni actively contributes to its future Notable alumni include: Mahatma Gandhi (Laws, 1889): Indian political and spiritual leader Francis Crick (Mathematics and Physics, 1937) co-discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA Anthony Gormley (Slade, 1979): sculptor and winner of the Turner prize Coldplay: Chris Martin (Greek and Latin, 1999), Will Champion (Anthropology, 1999), Jonny Buckland (Mathematics, 1999)

4 UCL’s Academic Standing
A long, distinguished academic reputation in both teaching and research 21 Nobel Prize winners (former students/staff) In top 3-4 Universities in RAE 2008 = UK Government Research Assessment Exercise (decides public funding level) One of the highest (top 4) research incomes of UK 4th in Times Higher Education World Ranking, 26th in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University top 500 world universities Highest number of Professors in UK universities (N=648) Students 22,000, more than 1/3 graduate degrees. Students from 140 countries outside UK, 1/3 students ( Sunday Times:“an intellectual powerhouse with a world-class reputation”

5 RAE 2008 4* = world leading quality; 3* = internationally excellent
Some highlights in UCL departments (alphabetical order): Architecture/Built Environment -75% 3* or 4* Chemical Engineering- 75% 3* or 4* Cancer Research - 75% 3* or 4* Computer Science/Informatics-80% 3* or 4* Earth/Environmental Sciences- 80% 3* or 4* Economics - 95% 3* or 4*, 55% 4* History - 40% 4*(highest in UK = Cambridge) History of Art/ Design - 80% 3* or 4* Clinical Medicine(including Institutes- Ophthalmology, Child Health, Women’s Health) 70% 3* or 4* Infection and Immunology- 80% 3* or 4* Law - 75% 3* or 4* Philosophy - 75% 3* or 4* , 45% rated 4* Psychology – 75% 3* or 4*

6 First Japanese students at UCL - 1863
Endo Kinsuke Director of Mint Bureau, Osaka Hirobumi Ito Prime Minister, Masaru Inoue founder of Japanese Board of Railways Yozo Yanao Secretary of State, Ministry of Industry Kaoru Inoue Minister of Foreign Affairs, First Japanese students at UCL

7 UCL - F:M student numbers 2009
remained fairly constant for the past three years and does not match this trend nationally of increased female numbers above 50% . There is significant variation across disciplines, between home and international students, and between undergraduate and postgraduate entry. For undergraduates, numbers of men and women are almost equal for UK students; for other EU, over 57% are female; for non-EU almost 56% are female (total 51% are female). For postgraduates, around 53% of UK students are female; 58% for other EU; 58% for non-EU. In total, 55% are female. All these figures exclude international semester/year abroad students.

8 UCL 2009 % female students by faculty
u/g UK non UK p/g Arts & Humanities 60 72 62 75 Built Environment 43 56 64 Biomedical Science (=clinical medicine) 74*  0 55 Engineering 23 31 26 34 Laws 57 69 Life Sciences 68 70 MBBS 44 66 Maths and Physical Sciences 35 29 Social and Historical Sciences 50 65 * = not u/g medical students, n<50

9 Faculties in UCL Biomedicine Life Sciences Laws
Arts & Humanities Classical World, Dutch, English, European Social & Political Studies, Fine Art, French, German, Hebrew & Jewish Studies, Italian, Language & Culture, Philosophy, Scandinavian Studies, Spanish & Latin American Studies Social and Historical Studies Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, History of Art 6. Engineering Biochemical, Chemical, Civil and Environmental, Computer Science, Electronic/ Electrical, Geomatic, Mechanical, Medical Physics/ Bioengineering, Naval Architect./Marine Engin. 7. Mathematical & Physical Sciences Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Information Management, Math, Natural Sciences, Physics, Science and Technology, Statistical Sci. 8 Built Environment Architecture, Project Management for Construction, Urban Planning/ Design/Management, Urban Studies

10 Some UCL highlights - Biomedicine
Prof Marmot’s ‘Whitehall study’ shows how status differences between civil service employees links to risk of cardiovascular disease The new International INSTITUTE FOR SOCIETY AND HEALTH will tackle problems of health inequalities on a global scale Health and Inequality Prof Sir Michael Marmot

11 Some UCL highlights - Biomedicine
Cognitive Neuroscience The UCL INSTITUTE OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE and the FUNCTIONAL IMAGING LABORATORY are world centres for studying brain function A now classic study by Dr Eleanor Maguire showed how the hippocampus of the brain grows larger as London taxi drivers learn ‘the knowledge’- city streets

12 Some UCL highlights - Technology
LONDON CENTRE FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY Partnership: UCL < > Imperial College Interdisciplinary: engineering < > IT < > molecular < > bioscience manipulations on atomic scale exploit quantum properties for computing proteins: ‘nature’s nanomachines’ human tissue engineering environmentally friendly materials & catalysts

13 Some UCL highlights - Architecture
Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning UCL alumnus Angus Campbell is lead architect for the new Wembley Stadium ‘Space Syntax’ developed at UCL analyses how people flow through streets, offices and hospitals

14 Some UCL highlights – Environment
Environmental Change Research Unit Prof Rick Battarbee’s research team uses diatoms – micro-fossils that enable UCL researchers to trace the acidity, temperature, and ecology over centuries of lakes worldwide Global Deserts Outlook Report for the UN: Prof Andrew Warren (UCL Geography) finds threats from salinisation and climate change ... but opportunities for aquaculture and solar energy

15 Some UCL highlights - Law
Institute of Global Law teaches and analyses law through a comparison across national systems comparative law of privacy anti-terrorism and human rights compensation for injury in different national systems

16 Some UCL highlights – Social Sciences
School of Slavonic & East European Studies Economic and social transition in the post-Soviet era Literature and cinema of Eastern Europe and Russia Centre of Excellence for teaching Eastern European languages award-winning new building for SSEES

17 Some UCL highlights – Archaeology/ Egyptology
The Institute of Archaeology has nearly 200 graduate students engaged in projects worldwide ..from seafaring in Arabia 7,000 years ago.. to evidence of African-American plantation life in Louisiana UCL’s Petrie Museum contains over 80,000 objects from ancient Egyptian culture

18 UPCSE students conducting a chemistry experiment in a UCL laboratory
University Preparatory Certificate for Science and Engineering (UPCSE) Welcome to the web pages for the UPCSE. The UPCSE is a foundation course for science and engineering for international students who are aiming to gain access to undergraduate degree programmes at University College London (UCL) and other top UK universities. UPCSE students conducting a chemistry experiment in a UCL laboratory UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON University Preparatory Certificate for Science and Engineering (UPCSE) An intensive 1-year foundation course for international students of high academic potential who are aiming to gain access to undergraduate degree programmes in science and engineering for at University College London (UCL) and other top UK universities. Students combine study of two science subjects, Academic English and Science and Society. The UPCSE is an intensive one-year course for international students of high academic potential, combining study of two science subjects, Academic English and Science and Society.

19 Women in leadership and management project
Prof Jan Atkinson Visual Development Unit New behavioural / electrophysiological EEG techniques for assessing eye-brain development adult vision in eye and brain Visual developmental disorders e.g. Downs/Williams syndrome,CP, autism adult brain imaging (fMRI) / infant brain imaging (structural MRI) Developmental neuropsychology and developmental visuo-cognitive neuroscience - basic and clinical, translational research and assessment

Recording brain waves safely and non-invasively, with a geodesic net of electrodes while the infant looks at a visual pattern designed to activate particular areas in the brain

21 History of Athena ASSET and SWAN in UCL
JA suggests to Provost that Gender Equality Issues are incorporated into UCL White Paper JA joins UCL into Athena ASSET survey - 12 talks in depts / PGIs, contacts 45 SET department administrators - good UCL response ~ 500 SET staff (20% of total) highest in UK universities JA sets up AAG (Athena Advisory Group) & SWAN SAT (Self Assessment Team) Provost ‘Champion’- SWAN Charter as Founder Signatory SWAN Charter (Bronze) submission and UCL SWAN award JA appointed by Provost to take strategic responsibility for Gender Equality Scheme, submitted to Government UCL SWAN charter renewal (Bronze) & four SWAN Silver awards: Div of Psychology & Language Sci (8 depts/institutes) MRC Lab of Molecular Cell Biology Dept Chemical Engineering Dept Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering UCL Women in Leadership and Management Project

22 Prof Malcolm Grant, UCL Provost and President, and Prof Jan Atkinson with UCL’s SWAN Charter Award (renewal) 2009, first awarded 2006

23 getting in (first academic post - moving from post doc to lectureship)
Women in leadership and management project From analysis of ASSET data, UCL Staff Survey and National HEI data, there are three key areas of concern for women’s career development: getting in (first academic post - moving from post doc to lectureship) getting back (after career breaks - maternity/paternity leave/ carer’s responsibilities) getting on (promotion and leadership)

24 UCL has set up ‘relatively’ successful initiatives to improve career development (particularly for women) in all of these areas over past few years, e.g. flexi-time, life/work balance, paternity/maternity schemes, returner’s sabbatical term to catch up on research, mentoring

25 Flexible working relates to two much broader issues:
Gender equality generally in universities (UCL 50%+ F students, only 19% F profs) ‘Work-life balance’ Increasing problem in society – caring for elderly (usually parents) Many carers (mainly women) already look after family members outside their working day – early mornings/ evenings/ nights/weekends- but need support during the day in holiday periods and need respite care

26 Why is Flexi Working ever a problem in HEIs ?
Many individuals would like to work full time with normal working hours throughout their career Report 2009 : Glasgow Cal Business School 3500 staff M+ F: academic women sacrifice W/L balance to apply for better jobs, non academic staff more concerned with W/ L balance but many with caring responsibilities face practical difficulties (finding affordable ‘part-time’, often intermittent, care for children and family members) - so many change to part-time work or drop out difficulties, particularly in London, of working some distance from home (school often near home)

27 Current UCL policy on flexible working, parental leave, work-life balance, equality
Flexible W-L balance Policy allowing departments to adapt different models according to their needs. Every UCL individual has right to request flexible working/ changes in work pattern. All Heads of Departments receive equality and diversity training HR Policy Team is currently trying to develop improved communication of WLB policy to all staff, and improved corporate monitoring of flexible working

28 Current situation in UCL
Many academics already have ‘flexible working’ the extent of flexibility depends on discipline and career positio (from postgrad to professor) extra flexibility is needed by many during and after career breaks (maternity/paternity leave/ carer responsibilities) NEW POLICY: for sabbatical leave from teaching commitments following return from maternity leave, to allow research ‘catch-up’.

29 Another problem – the lab work culture Unconscious belief or bias –’ “scientists should work normal working hours (9 to 5 at least - and go to the pub with the lab after work/ after seminars! ) and only take annual leave outside term/semester teaching time”

30 try to reduce the culture biases or work around these biases
Solutions? Work part-time flexible hours and live (deal) with the biases (sometimes ‘unconscious’) of the ‘lab culture (this may mean that you accept that your career prospects in the current climate may be compromised) Arrange and pay for extra care as best as you can (this is what a lot of us do, and forget good W/ L Balance!) don’t have children or take on caring responsibilities: women having children at older age (sometimes more heath risks) try to reduce the culture biases or work around these biases

31 Extra evidence of the culture biases:
Almost 50% of fathers in UK fail to take up paternity leave rights (2 weeks paid leave) 40% of men afraid to ask for flexible working arrangements which they think would harm their career prospects fear that flexible working arrangements would question their job commitment and affect their promotion chances In most households women continue to take responsibility for childcare, even where both parents work full time (Research report: Equality and Human Rights Commission 2009)

32 Another ‘real’ problem (particularly in sciences): research teams may suffer when the PI or an integral specialist team member takes a career break sometimes possible to fill post with temporary person, but unlikely to be as well qualified/ trained/ experienced as the individual on leave and usually the PI cannot be substituted If all team members are on one grant of fixed duration , grant cannot easily be suspended and extended to accommodate the career break

33 initiatives underway in UCL
increase acceptance of flexitime through managerial training/ include WLB discussion in appraisals / extend mentoring/ advisory schemes/ one-term ‘sabbatical’ after career break to aid research ‘catch-up’ try to change ideas of the ‘working day’ - accept good productivity of part-time work/ meetings in‘family- friendly’ times Run events celebrating female ‘champions’ -successful combination of career breaks/flexible working with career Aim for ‘critical mass’ of these champions - women reaching the top in universities

34 However, there are still rather few female professors across the whole of UCL, compared to women at earlier stages of their career. There is a low % of women on most of the main executive committees of UCL and only a small increase over the past 3-5 years.

35 Women in leadership and management project
% female

36 Women in leadership and management project
Provost asked JA to lead on project : ‘Women in Leadership and Management’ : The aims are: To work towards a Athena SWAN Charter Silver award for UCL as a whole in the near future To increase the number of women across the whole of UCL (SET & non-SET) with the aspiration, knowledge, skills and experience to progress to senior posts . To identify any organisational or procedural barriers to the appointment of women to management and leadership roles in order that they can be addressed (immediately ?)

37 Women in leadership and management project
Methodology Consultation across UCL to gather experiences and perceptions and to understand the key issues affecting women in the University. JA will discuss these issues and initiatives with : Faculty Deans and their Senior Management Teams Women currently in senior academic management positions Researchers whose work relates to gender in the workplace (e.g. Prof Virginia Valian: F/M leadership styles, consider Business/Economic Case for diversity and gender equality) Lay members of Council who are themselves distinguished women who can add insights and be supportive of the project.

38 Women in leadership and management project
Areas of potential focus (1) Creation and leadership of an advisory group interested in improving the number of women at senior levels within UCL. Consider developing champions/ambassadors in each faculty to lead the examination of women’s issues locally. Review the work in the departments/divisions which were successful in SWAN Silver Award applications – identify the lessons learnt and support new depts for SWAN submissions

39 Women in leadership and management project
Areas of potential focus (2) Identify any barriers in UCL’s recruitment, promotion or work-life balance arrangements that may militate against women progressing their careers or lead to bias in decision making. Link with the work of the Research Staff Sub-Committee of the Academic Appointment and Promotion Committee on the career progression/promotion of women researchers Learn from best practice in other universities, especially amongst the Russell Group (top academic Universities in UK)

40 Business/ Economic Case the Business Case emphasises the need for equal treatment to reflect diversity among potential employees and an organization and the organization’s customers- micro level the Economic case is at a macro level - it stresses the wider economic benefits that span individuals, firms, regions and nations

41 Gender equality can contribute to economic development by:
Quantitative improvement in female participation (as envisaged in European Employment Strategy) - through more effective use of investment in human capital Women with greater economic independence contribute more as consumers of goods and services (knowledge of comsumers and alter items of consumption) Integration of women into the fiscal system as net contributors to welfare state- ‘Smart Economics’ (pay more taxes) through the establishment of a sustainable system of social reproduction which is essential for economic growth , labour supply (aging population problem) and sustainable public finances

42 Debate: does Gender Equality give higher profits ?
Many studies claim a correlation between better M:F ratio (e.g. board members in companies – University executive committees ?) and profitability however, there is considerable debate over this correlation – it may not be causal It may be that this correlation is positive in certain types of firms – large, wide international recruitment market, better decision making on selection, other added benefits in these firms The correlation can be negative in firms with better gender balance (more diversity on board means more monitoring (more well-governed) , more chief executive officer turnover, more equity based compensation Catalyst - Adler R D – Women in the Executive Suite Correlate to High Profits Rennee & Ferreira, J of Financial Economics 2009

43 Women in leadership and management project
Conclusion : Can something be done to speed up the process of gender balance and equality ? Some possibilities (1): All ‘significant’ meetings/gatherings to be in ‘family- friendly’ hours (start: 10am or after, finish: 5pm) Does this make a significant difference ? Create ‘Female Ambassadors’/Advisory teams in faculties/institutes Adapt membership/terms of reference of major executive committees – bring new female recruits to committees to move more rapidly towards a 50:50 ratio Set out the Economic Case for Gender Equality : M:F grant income , M:F publications comparisons .

44 Women in leadership and management project
Conclusion : Can something be done to speed up the process of gender balance and equality ? Some possibilities (2): Provide additional mentoring/advice/training to women at intermediate levels on management and leadership . Lobby Government to extend subsidized nursery schemes to before/after-school/ half term / holiday schemes for all Lobby funding bodies to allow research grants to be extendable in time to accommodate career breaks (absence of specialised researcher)

45 Women in leadership and management project Issues to discuss:
Current senior staff reflect academic recruitment 15 years ago. Should ‘positive action’ be taken for women to improve balance? Are men and women differentially prepared to put themselves forward for promotion and management? Can/should senior roles reflect a more ‘family friendly’ culture? children at school – half the day, half the year senior staff may have caring responsibilities (on the increase) Do women bring a diversity benefit to decision and management processes, apart from issues of equity? Is there a good ‘business/economic case’ for equity in Universities? Can mentors/circle of advisors help develop women for senior management roles? Faculty ‘ambassadors’? Reverse mentoring? Do these make a difference ?

46 Women in Leadership and Management
I have prepared a short set of questions (a brief 2- page survey- 7 questions) which has been distributed by to academic/research staff (male and female) in departments / institutes. It is anonymous, but will ask for gender, position (grade) and faculty (Dept/Inst/Div –optional) The aim is to canvas opinions and expressions of interest in gender issues from across UCL at all levels.

47 Examples from Silver SWAN Depts in UCL http://www. ucl. ac
Example 1: UCL MRC Laboratory for Molecular and Cell Biology (LMCB) SWAN SAT led by Dr SARA MOLE, Reader in LMCB - research focus is an inherited genetic children's brain disorder (Batten disease) 2 school-age children (12, 7) - used UCL's Nursery (9-5.30) for 10 years. Parents/In-laws - late 70s & 80s, Alzheimer’s - 24/7 care at home.

48 LMCB: female bias in gender balance except at senior level
From results of SWAN Self Assessment Team : Flexible working practices operate informally at all levels provided core responsibilities are covered. (but long hours of work at home) Most important LMCB meetings and seminars held during core hours (10-5), avoiding school holidays All formal requests for flexible working granted Prior to extended career break (maternity leave) discussion with HOD to reach agreement as to how duties will be covered or cover for core staff. On return, appreciation of restricted working hours Although most said that they were impartial, there is a perception of prejudice if they took a career break Work-Life Balance notice board raises issue about prejudice.

49 Sara’s SWAN-SAT pioneered chartering for a SWAN award within LMCB
Athena web page/notice board for the LMCB Survey to find out what life was really like in LMCB

50 Action plans: Promote flexible working at annual appraisal (via UCL and MRC), notice board & web site, since survey shows it is not considered as a serious option and is considered discouraged by some. (Also not yet formally taken up by any males) Vary times of social (networking) activities outside core hours so that same people not excluded Promote successful careers of diverse (female) scientists from LMCB; identify role models (of flexible working). Increase acknowledgment of caring responsibilities other than for children (mainly elderly parents) .

51 Example 2: Division of Psychology and Language Sciences: (very large; 8 Departments/Institutes; high female bias that decreases significantly with seniority) SWAN SAT led by Prof Kate Jeffery, (Director, Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience) - research focus is the neural basis of spatial cognition and navigation

52 Division of Psychology and Language Sciences SWAN SAT found that :
Teaching duties previously took into account part-time working Staff are encouraged to work flexibly and this is widely taken up, supported by IT, provided teaching responsibilities are covered. Seminars and meetings are held at family friendly times. There is a one-term teaching sabbatical for maternity returners (100% return after career break). Maternity returners have sometimes renegotiated their working hours or agreed greater flexibility. Staff meetings held between But Research Meetings held at 5 pm to allow clinicians to attend (is this necessary ?)

53 Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
Action plan (1): Implement UCL guidelines to protect part-time staff from being assigned teaching duties outside their days/hours. Record and monitor flexible leave requests. Record and monitor maternity leaves. Record and encourage paternity leave requests.

54 Division of Psychology and Language Sciences
Action plan (2): Parenting web site to promote flexible working. Moving some seminars to 4-5 pm slot. Monitoring and changing times of workshops that have been held at family-unfriendly times (especially weekends) since these seem to be under-attended by women with young children, compared to men with young children. Timing of social gatherings to be assessed Record impact of Early Career Forum /meetings.

55 But things have improved a little :
30+ years ago I was pregnant with my first child in Cambridge. I was a postdoc working in a small group with a very traditional older male PI I asked about ‘maternity leave’ from the ‘ Old Schools’ (HR- Cambridge University) I was told that ‘academic ladies arrange their births to fall in the Long Vacation’ (Summer - out of Term time) My 4 children were born in the Long Vacation , but it was not planned !

56 Some ideas for discussion :
In universities : Collect evidence as to whether all ‘significant’ meetings in family- friendly hours makes a difference to gender balance. adapt membership/terms of reference of all major committees to encourage move towards gender balance Include career advice/statistics in schools/universities on women’s career prospects for different disciplines (e.g. a civil engineering degree may have has better career prospects than a psychology degree for a career as clin psychologist) devise more interdisciplinary degree programmes (Arts & Science/ multiple science disciplines) All government research grants should be allowed to be extended in time to allow for career breaks (extra funds?)

57 End Thank you for your time

58 UCL highlights - new masters program
Dual Masters in Brain & Mind Science UCL / Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris / Ecole Normale Superieure 1 year UCL, 1 year Paris apply different disciplines/competencies (eg engineering, mathematics, genetics) Select from themes: A: Neuroscience - from molecules to systems B: Clinical neuroscience C: Language, linguistics and semantics D: Cognitive psychology and neuropsychology E: Cognitive neuroscience F: Biology of neurons G: Philosophy of sensation, emotion, action; mind H: Computational neuroscience

59 Suggestions as to how you can support and assist in this project ?
Disseminate this information in your department/institute (virtually- or at group/department meetings) Discuss selection of ‘Ambassadors for women’- Senior women to advise women in faculty and be part of the ‘Women in Leadership and Management Advisory Group. If you are a SET department discuss the SWAN Charter scheme and putting in for a Athena SWAN Charter Award (Sarah Guise and I, plus departments already with SWAN Charter Award hopefully to assist over this) Departments with a SWAN Award already, aim for a GOLD Charter Encourage members of your departments to feed back to me their thoughts and ideas (in confidence if they would prefer) on the issues raised.

60 Cont: . Some ideas for discussion after the talk
Generally in the whole of society : Government to continue schemes for subsidized nurseries but increase schemes to help parents (with school age children) and carers generally Should women , ethnic minorities/ disabled be ‘fast tracked’ to move towards equality faster at all levels ? Keep on encouraging girls at all ages to have a science career through effective widening participation schemes Set up more hands-on interdisciplinary museums/ centres for all ages –babies to adults (to include sciences/arts /culture/history/business/politics economics/ maths/built environment)

61 Excellence in teaching
Research-led teaching Study programmes developed and taught by leading academics at the cutting-edge of their disciplines More than 230 undergraduate degree programmes More than a third of students in graduate study

62 Opportunities for students from North America in UCL
undergraduate programmes (3 years) affiliated students (1 or 2 semesters-JYA) master’s programmes (1-2 years) Ph D programmes (3-4 years) diploma & short specialist courses

63 Affiliated Students- 300 from North America
fall semester (Sep – Dec) or spring semester (Jan-June) or 2 semesters (Junior Year Abroad) select from undergraduate courses popular courses in: Psychology/neuroscience Economics History/ English Politics / Law Archaeology / Anthropology Almost unique: Hebrew/Jewish studies Coming up: Engineering (Civil/Mechanical) including exchanges

64 Comments from Affiliated/JYA Students
“It is a very independent yet challenging environment. You are constantly stimulated by your professors and your peers” - Ritu Kuanna, Barnard College “ London teaches you to open up your mind” - Amira Jadoon, U of Iowa “I took an Art History course that was taught at the National Gallery” – Brian McTernan, Georgetown U “At UCL, I met people from more countries than I knew existed” – Devang Vussonji, Claremont McKenna College “You’ve heard the rumours, and yes they are all true. The food in England is bad. The men all have Austin-Powers style bad teeth … but despite these factors, even a New Yorker like me manages to fall in love with that quaint little place …”

65 Welfare and Pastoral Support for all students
Personal Tutors The International Office Students Residence Office Health Centre and Counselling Service Rights and Advice Centre International Students Orientation Programme

66 Scholarships UCL offers over 170 general and departmental scholarships per year at the graduate level These include a range of scholarships in partnership the UK government, private industry, with individuals and charitable foundations. Worth nearly £5 million per year Scholarships range in value from £1,000 per year to full fees, return airfare and a living allowance of up to £14,000 annually. The scholarships are awarded for 1 – 3 years UCL is not just investing in infrastructure but in students as well. Although most funding agencies in Singapore provide funding for overseas study at the undergraduate level funded scholars do come to us each year from, for example, the Ministry of Education and A*STAR

67 An example of the range of teaching : Institute of Neurology, UCL- Current Teaching
Undergrad- Clinical Neurology (medical students) Postgrad- Ph. D (doctoral) training (3/4 years) Postgrad- MSc courses (12/24 months) : 1) Clinical Neuroscience 2) Clinical Neurology 3) Joint London-Paris, Mind and Brain Science 4) Advanced Neuro-imaging (starting October 07) Postgrad Short Diploma Course in Clinical Neurology 10 short specialist courses (e.g. postgrad medical training) one-off courses (e.g. MRCP- Membership of Royal College Physicians, GP- General Practitioner courses)


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