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Presented by Dr. Janet Wall Senior Trainer, O*NET Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Dr. Janet Wall Senior Trainer, O*NET Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Dr. Janet Wall Senior Trainer, O*NET Academy
An O*NET Academy Briefing: Overview of the O*NET Career Exploration Assessment Tools Presented by Dr. Janet Wall Senior Trainer, O*NET Academy

2 Reminders Webinar will be archived
PowerPoint slides will be available for downloading. Access Come in with questions at any time

3 Goals of Webinar To introduce you to the 3 O*NET career exploration tools Interest Profiler Work Importance Profiler Ability Profiler To show you how these tools help to direct you to occupational information

4 Person – Environment Fit
Assessment helps here.

5 Whole Person Assessment
The assessments are pieces of the puzzle. No one assessment should be used in career exploration and career guidance. Include other information as well – personality, motivation, preferences, emotional intelligence,etc.

6 Three Major Foci of Career Development Programs
What You Like -- INTERESTS What You Value -- WORK VALUES What You Know and Can Do -- ABILITIES O*NET Assessment Tools provide each.

7 DoL Created O*NET Assessment Tools
Developed only for career exploration, career counseling Not for job selection or selection into job training programs

8 O*NET Career Exploration Tools
Format Purpose O*NET Interest Profiler Paper/Pencil Work-related Interests O*NET Computerized Interest Profiler Standalone or Network O*NET Work Importance Locator What is Important in a Job (Values) O*NET Work Importance Profiler O*NET Ability Profiler What Individual Can Do Well (Ability)

9 Review of Instruments

10 The Interest Profiler What Interests You?

11 Areas Measured The O*NET Interest Profiler and Computerized Interest Profiler measure six types of occupational interests: Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional

12 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Realistic: Construction Workers Automotive Mechanics Electricians and Technicians Engineers and Architects

13 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Investigative: Computer Systems Analysts Archeologists Forensic Science Technicians Psychiatrists and Surgeons

14 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Artistic: Floral Designer Graphic Designer Actors and Musicians Creative Writers

15 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Social: Crossing Guards Physical Therapists Teachers Psychologists

16 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Enterprising: Door-to-Door Salespersons Real Estate Sales Agents Chefs and Head Cooks Judges and Lawyers

17 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Conventional: Clerks and Secretaries Computer Operators Accountants Actuaries

18 Work Interest Areas R I A S E C
Realistic Artistic Enterprising Investigative Social Conventional

19 O*NET Occupations Master List
After self-scoring, find occupations in “Master List.”

20 Sample of Master List Note: Job Zones

21 Computerized Version Results

22 The Work Importance Profiler
What Do You Value?

23 Work Value Areas A I R S W Achievement: Fire Fighters
Seeing the results of your efforts Lets you use your best abilities Feeling of accomplishment Achievement: Fire Fighters Police Officers and Detectives Airline Pilots Surgeons

24 Work Value Areas A I R S W Independence: Sales Representatives
Talent Directors Training and Development Specialists Astronomers Doing things on your own Make you own decisions

25 Work Value Areas A I R S W Recognition: Models Athletes
Good possibilities for advancement High prestige jobs Potential for leadership Recognition: Models Athletes Education Administrators Music Directors

26 Work Value Areas A I R S W Relationships: Child Care Workers
Occupational/Physical Therapist Assistants Librarians Athletic Trainers Co-workers are friendly Service to others Jobs that do not make you go against what you think is right

27 Work Value Areas A I R S W Support: Office Clerks Retail Salespersons
Company stands behind it workers Management style is comfortable Jobs in companies with a reputation of treating employees well Support: Office Clerks Retail Salespersons Machinists Loan Officers

28 Work Value Areas A I R S W Working Conditions: Telemarketers
Agricultural Inspectors Desktop Publishers Actuaries Pay, life style, work style (busy all the time, work alone, etc)

29 Work Value Areas A I R R S W
Achievement Recognition Support Working Conditions Independence Relationships

30 Work Values Master List
Computerized version gives occupations automatically

31 Computerized Version Results

32 Combined Master List Job Zone Interest Work Value

33 The Ability Profiler What Can You Do?
What are Your Work-Related Skills? Paper-based instrument

34 Eleven Subtests Non-Psychomotor Psychomotor Arithmetic Reasoning
Power Speeded Non-Psychomotor Psychomotor Arithmetic Reasoning Mark Making (paper/pencil) Vocabulary Place Three-Dimensional Space Turn Computation Assemble Name Comparison Disassemble Object Matching

35 What is Measured? (1) 1. Verbal Ability – understand the meaning of words and use them effectively in good communication when you listen, speak or write (Vocabulary) 2. Arithmetic Reasoning – use several math skills and logical thinking to solve problems in everyday situations (Arithmetic Reasoning)

36 What is Measured? (2) 3. Computation – use arithmetic operations of additional, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve everyday problems involving numbers (Computation) 4. Spatial Ability – form pictures of objects in your mind; easily understanding how drawings represent real objects and correctly imagining how parts fit together (Three-Dimensional Space)

37 What is Measured? (3) 5. Form Perception – quickly and accurately see details in objects, pictures, or drawings (Object Matching) 6. Clerical Perception – see detail in printed materials (Name Comparison)

38 What is Measured? (4) 7. Motor Coordination – quickly and accurately coordinate eyes with hands or fingers when making precise movements (Mark Making) paper/pencil 8. and 9. Manual Dexterity – quickly and accurately move hands easily and skillfully (Place and Turn) 10. and 11. Finger Dexterity – ability to move fingers skillfully and easily (Assemble and Disassemble)

39 Automated Scoring Scoring program can be downloaded from Individual score report provided Occupations for all 5 jobs zones are provided for the person’s profile

40 Job Zone 1 Occupations

41 Job Zone 2 Occupations

42 Job Zone 3 Occupations

43 Job Zone 4 Occupations

44 Job Zone 5 Occupations

45 Ability Profiler Supporting Materials
Online Self-Assessment Quiz ! Gauge your understanding of what it takes to successfully administer the Ability Profiler . Downloadable Lunch and Learn Training Packet Includes PowerPoint Slides, FAQs, Administrator Checklist, and Scenarios for Group Discussion Available from

46 Exploring an Occupation
Select occupation to explore – based on INTEREST, WORK VALUES, OR ABILITITES Example: Carpenters Go to O*NET ONLINE

47 O*NET Online

48 Search for Occupational Information

49 Get List of Possibilities

50 Comprehensive Information

51 Match to Interests and Values


53 Supporting Webinars How to Download and Use the O*NET Interest Profiler and Work Importance Profiler AP Webinar Series Whole Person Assessment O*NET Tools for Job Seekers and Students O*NET for Military in Transition O*NET for the Older Worker in Transition Linking Education, Occupations, and Pay Behind the Scenes: Updating O*NET Information

54 Opportunities for You Spotlight –
Podcast – audio interview Contact

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