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What’s in a Grain?.

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1 What’s in a Grain?

2 Wheat has ears? Wheat berries grow at the top of the wheat plant. The grains are tightly packed together in clusters and called ears. Each ear of wheat is made up of grains. The grains have to be separated from the ears and stalks before they can be turned into flour. Wheat berries are intact grains of wheat.

3 Parts of a grain Bran: “outer shell” that protects the seed. Contains vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber Endosperm: inner, contains carbohydrates Germ: food for the seed. Contains vitamins B & E, fat and protein

4 Whole Grains vs. Refined
Whole Grains: Use the “whole” seed to make your grain products Examples: Whole wheat flour Brown Rice Whole wheat pasta Refined Grains: use only the endosperm “starchy part” Examples: White bread White rice Regular pasta

5 Types of grains Barley Buckwheat Bulgur Corn Couscous Grano Kamut
Millet Oats Quinoa (keen-wa) Rice Rye Spelt Wheat Wild Rice

6 Barley

7 Barley One of the oldest grains and still a staple of Middle Eastern diets. Humans made bread from barley long before they used wheat. Most barley sold for food is “pearled” barley used in soups. Barley is “pearled” by polishing off the out layers of bran.

8 Buckwheat

9 Buckwheat The fruit of a leafy plant belonging to the same family as sorrel and rhubarb. This nutritious food has a nutty flavor and is ideal for people allergic to the gluten in wheat. Used by Americans for pancakes, by Russians for blintzes, and Japanese and Koreans for soba noodles. Sometimes called groats or kasha.

10 Bulgur

11 Bulgur Bulgur is whole wheat processed by steaming, drying , and cracking the kernels. Bulgur maintains the nutritional values of whole wheat and is used in salads and pilafs.

12 Oats

13 Oats Originally a weed in between rows of wheat or barley.
95% of the world’s oat crop is animal feed. Our “oatmeal” is made from rolled oats- oat groats that are steamed and flattened. Quick cooking oatmeal is made from groats that are cut into several pieces before steaming and are rolled into thinner flakes.

14 Quinoa (keen-wa)

15 Quinoa (keen-wa) This pseudo-grain was grown by the Incas centuries ago. It is rich in complete protein and many nutrients. Can work as a rice substitute but cooks in half the time.

16 Rice

17 Rice Half the world’s population eats rice three times a day.
In Chinese, the words for rice and culture are the same. In Japanese the word for rice also means meal. Brown rice is the entire grain of rice with only the inedible outer husk removed. Brown rice is nutritious, high in fiber, and has a rich nutty flavor.

18 Rye

19 Rye Rye was first seen as a weed
Rye was the basic grain of Britains as well as countries of Northern and Eastern Europe. Rye contains little gluten so 100%rye flour will not make a loaf of bread. Most rye bread is at least 80% wheat flour. Bread can have as little as 2% rye and still be called rye bread.

20 Wheat

21 Wheat Wheat ranks first in production among the world’s grains and accounts for over 20% of all calories consumed by humans. Common foods made with wheat are cereal, bread, crackers, pasta.

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