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The American Revolution:

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1 The American Revolution:
Causes and Independence

2 Overview: As Great Britain gained more and more land, they needed a way to pay for the land and the battles they fought in to win land. Colonists eventually became tired of the extra taxes that the king was putting on them to pay for his debts. Thus, the American Revloution began.

3 Causes of the American Revolution
French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763 Unfair Taxes Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party

4 Vocabulary: Allies: People who unite with others during time of war
Boycott: to refuse to buy goods from another person or country Loyalist: An American colonist who supported King George during the revolution Patriot: an American colonist who supported the fight for independence

5 Vocabulary: Minutemen: American colonists who were ready to fight at a moments notice Rebel: to resist authority of one’s government Traitor: Someone who betrays his or her country Treaty: An agreement made by negotiation between two governments

6 The French and Indian War
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7 French and Indian War The French and the British were fighting over frontier land. The Indians sided with the French during the war. For a while, the French and Indians were beating Great Britain. The British decided to purchase new weapons so they could win the war. They ended up defeating the French and Indians in battle.

8 French and Indian War: The After Effects
Because the British ran up so much debt for new weapons during the war, they began taxing the colonists. This made the colonists very angry because they were being forced to pay off debt for the king with their tax money.

9 Check for Understanding:
Why were the French and the British fighting? Who did the Indians side with in the war? Who ended up winning the war? What was a negative effect for the colonists after the war?

10 Guided Practice: French and Indian War lock and key booklet.

11 Independent Work: Answer the following question in a paragraph:
Pretend you were a colonist and the king was forcing you to pay taxes for a debt that he owed. How would this make you feel? What would you do?

12 Exit Ticket: What was the war called when the French and the British fought for Frontier land? Who did the Indians side with?

13 Click on the picture to get to the song
Proclamation of 1763 Click on the picture to get to the song

14 The Proclamation of 1763 After the French and Indian War, King George issued the Proclamation of 1763. This prohibited any colonist from moving westward out of the 13 colonies. He reserved the land to the west for Indian Territory. He did not want colonists to move west and begin war with the Indians again. The Virginia Company gave the colonist tools, weapons, medicine, seeds, and other goods. In return the colonist had to repay the company with some of any gold they found or any crops they grew.

15 The Proclamation of 1763 This angered the colonists because they fought in the French and Indian War that helped gain this land for the king. Now, they were not allowed to live on it. The colonists are now angry with the king for taxing them after the war, and not allowing them to settle land that they helped gain.

16 Check for Understanding:
1. Why did the king issue the proclamation? 2. Why did the proclamation anger the colonists?

17 Guided Practice: Create your own Proclamation of 1763.
Answer these 2 questions on your construction paper: 1. Why did King George III issue the proclamation? 2. Why did the proclamation anger the colonists? Curl up the edges of your paper to look like a scroll.

18 Independent Work: Answer in paragraph form:
What compromise could have been made that could have satisfied the king and the colonists?

19 Exit Ticket: In your own words, tell me what the Proclamation of 1763 was.

20 Click the picture to listen to “No More Kings”
Unfair Taxing Click the picture to listen to “No More Kings”

21 Sugar Act The king’s first attempt at taxing the colonists was known as the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act was passed in 1764. This act forced colonists to pay taxes on molasses that was brought to the colonies from Europe. The colonists did not agree with the unfair tax, so they found ways to smuggle the molasses in without the guards knowing.

22 Sugar Act As long as the guards did not know that the molasses was coming in, they could not charge the colonists a tax on it. This angered the king because he was not getting enough money to pay his debt. He made other attempts to raise money.

23 Stamp Act In 1765, the king passed the Stamp Act. This law required colonists to pay taxes on every piece of printed paper they used. The tax included ship’s papers, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, and playing cards. The money raised would pay British troops who were stationed along the Appalachian Mountains.

24 Stamp Act Most colonists disagreed with the tax. They were worried that it would lead to more taxes. Some colonists decided to boycott the taxed goods. Because of the boycott, Great Britain decided to remove the tax a year later.

25 Check for Understanding:
1. What was the king’s first attempt at taxing the colonists? 2. Why did the Sugar Act not raise enough money? 3. What did the king try next? 4. Why was the Stamp Act not a success?

26 Guided Practice: Question and Answer Flip Book about the unfair taxes.

27 Independent Work: Answer in paragraph form:
If you were the king, what would you do to ensure that the colonists paid their taxes?

28 Exit Ticket: Describe the Stamp Act and Sugar Act in your own words.

29 Townshend Acts In 1767, the king passed Townshend Acts.
This act taxed imports such as glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Again, colonists protested the tax by boycotting the goods. Tension rose between the British and the colonists. In some cities like Boston, Massachusetts, British soldiers stood guard in case the colonists rioted.

30 The effects of the taxing:
Tension rose between the British and the colonists. In some cities like Boston, Massachusetts, British soldiers stood guard in case the colonists rioted.

31 Check for Understanding:
1. What were the Townshend Acts? 2. Were they successful at raising money for the king?

32 Guided Practice: Take a few minutes to quiz a neighbor over the notes that we have taken so far.

33 Independent Work: Answer in paragraph form:
What do you think might happen if the king continues to forces taxes on the colonists?

34 Exit Ticket: Why was tension rising between the British and the colonists?

35 Click on the picture to get to the video
The Boston Massacre Click on the picture to get to the video

36 The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5, 1770.
A few boys in Boston, Massachusetts were tossing snow balls at the guards that were stationed there. At first, the soldiers ignored the boys, but others began to join in. The guards feared the mob might attack them, so a guard fired a shot into the air to try and scare them off.

37 The Boston Massacre When the shot was fired, other soldiers began firing at the crowd. The colonists used sticks, knives, and rocks as weapons to fight the guards. Five colonists were killed during the attack. The newspapers labeled this event “The Boston Massacre”. The colonists were angered by at the situation.

38 Check for Understanding:
How did the Boston Massacre begin? The British soldiers began shooting at the colonists. A mob of colonists attacked the British guards. A few boys were teasing the guards by throwing snowballs at them.

39 Guided Practice: Create a Boston Massacre Timeline flag.
1. Label the flag with the words first, next, then, and finally. 2. Pick the 4 most significant events leading up to the Boston Massacre and write them in complete sentences on the flag. 3. Color and decorate if there is time.

40 Independent Work: Answer the following question in paragraph form: Pretend you were the newspaper reporter that got the story of what happened in Boston. Write an article in your own words describing “The Boston Massacre”.

41 Exit Ticket: Why did a British soldier fire a shot into the air?

42 The Tea Act and The Boston Tea Party
Click on the picture to watch the video on the Boston Tea Party

43 The Tea Act The British became concerned that the colonists would rage war against them, so they wanted to do something. After the Boston Massacre, Great Britain lifted the taxes on all imports except tea. They believed that the colonists would rather pay the tax on the tea than to be without it. This taxing on tea was known as The Tea Act. The colonists did not like this tax either.

44 The Boston Tea Party After the passing of the Tea Act, the colonists were even more angered, and they decided to take another step towards showing Great Britain they were tired of the taxing. Late one night on December 16, 1773, a group of colonists disguised themselves as Native Americans and quietly slipped onto the docks of Boston Harbor. The boarded three ships of the British East India Company and dumped all the tea into the water.

45 The Boston Tea Party They emptied 342 chests of tea. The tea was worth more than 10,000 pounds, almost $19,000. This event became known as The Boston Tea Party. As a result, the king passed a series of Intolerable Acts. One of these acts closed Boston Harbor until the money for the tea was paid back to Great Britain. This put a halt to many imports and exports to and from Britain.

46 The Boston Tea Party Another part of the Intolerable Acts gave more power to the governor of Massachusetts. The governor was loyal to Great Britain, not to the colonies. The boycotts and riots did not change much about the way the colonists were governed.

47 Check for Understanding:
Why did the king pass the Tea Act? He thought it would calm the colonists down to take all other taxes away. The king did not like tea. The colonists hated tea, and never drank it.

48 Guided Practice: Create a Boston Tea Party Step Book
1. Create 3 flaps and label them cause, effect, and repercussion 2. We will write the correct responses under each flap together. 3. Add this to your keepsakes pocket.

49 Independent Work: Describe The Boston Tea Party in your own words.

50 Exit Ticket: What were the Intolerable Acts?

51 The First Continental Congress
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52 The First Continental Congress
Many colonists were still loyal to Great Britain because it was their homeland. These people were known as the loyalists. Others wanted to change the way Britain treated them. They were known as the patriots. On September 5, 1774, patriot leaders met to talk about the Intolerable Acts.

53 The First Continental Congress
They were not meeting to push for independence. They thought that if they all came together for a meeting, they could make the British government listen to what they had to say. They wanted things to change, but in a peaceful way.

54 The First Continental Congress
They decided that if the government caught wind of their meeting, they would start a war against them. They decided to form an army just in case war broke out. Within their army, they trained 70 men to be ready for battle at a moment’s notice. They were known as the minutemen.

55 Check for Understanding:
Who were the loyalists and the patriots? What was the purpose of the First Continental Congress? Who were the minutemen?

56 Guided Practice: Create a scroll by writing a paragraph on a piece of construction paper answering the 5 W’s of the First Continental Congress. -who -what -when -where -why

57 Independent Work: Answer the following question in paragraph form:
Why did the representatives at the First Continental Congress decide to form an army?

58 Exit Ticket: When did the First Continental Congress take place?

59 The Battle of Lexington and Concord
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60 The king takes charge: In April 1775, patriot leaders learned that King George planned to enforce British rule by any means necessary. He sent British troops to arrest patriot leaders and seize weapons and gunpowder that the colonists stored at Concord, Massachusetts. The British leaders decided that if they stopped a rebellion in Massachusetts, the other colonies would not cause trouble.

61 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere:
More than 600 British troops marched towards Lexington, Massachusetts to arrest patriot leaders. They wanted to keep their march a secret, but news got out. On the night of April 18, 1775, patriot Paul Revere set out on his famous midnight ride to Lexington. He reached the patriot leaders just in time to warn them that the British were coming.

62 The patriots prepare for battle:
After Paul Revere’s midnight ride, the patriots prepared their minutemen for battle. They were waiting for the British army the next morning in Lexington.

63 Check for Understanding:
What message was the king trying to send to the other colonies by marching his troops into Massachusetts? Who sent word to the patriots that the British troops were coming? What did the patriots do to prepare?

64 Guided Practice: Make a mini book of Paul Revere’s ride
Illustrate each page of the book. Put it in the keepsake pocket.

65 Independent Work: Answer the following question in paragraph form:
How do you think Paul Revere felt the night he warned the patriots of the British’s arrival? Would you have done the same thing?

66 Exit Ticket: What do you think might happen next?

67 The American Revolution begins:
When the British troops arrived in Lexington and saw the minutemen waiting, neither side wanted to start a war. The 70 minutemen would be no match for the 600 British soldiers. The captain of the minutemen told them to scatter. As the minutemen began to retreat, a single shot rang out.

68 The American Revolution begins:
No one knows who fired that first shot, but it became known as “The Shot Heard Around the World”. This shot at Lexington started the American Revolution. British soldiers immediately started to panic and began shooting. Seven minutemen died.

69 The Battle at Concord: In Concord, the patriots were better prepared.
As the British got closer, 500 minutemen stopped them at the bridge outside of town. Another battle began, and as patriots got word of this, they came to join the battle Soon, the British army was outnumbered and forced to retreat to Boston.

70 Check for Understanding:
Why did neither side want a battle when the 2 met in Lexington? Who fired the first shot of the American Revolution? What was the shot known as?

71 Guided Practice: Create a puzzle piece timeline of Lexington and Concord. -Choose the 5 most important events from the battles. -Be sure to include Paul Revere’s ride and the shot heard around the world. -Write a sentence about each event and illustrate it on the puzzle piece. -Glue them down and keep in you keepsake pocket.

72 Independent Work: Answer the following question in paragraph form:
Pretend you were one of the 70 minutemen facing the 600 trained British soldiers. How would you feel? What would you do?

73 Exit Ticket: How did the patriots finally win the battle at Concord?

74 Declaring Independence
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75 Winning the war: After a few battles against Great Britain, the patriots began considering a new nation independent of Great Britain. On March 4, 1776, the patriots won their first major victory during the Battle on Dorchester Heights. This gave the patriots control of the city of Boston. After this victory, the colonies officially declared their independence from Great Britain.

76 The Declaration of Independence:
Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence. It was approved at the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. For this reason, we celebrate Independence Day ever year on the Fourth of July. The first person to sign the declaration was John Hancock. He says he signed it so large so that the king could see it without wearing his glasses!

77 The Declaration of Independence:
The Declaration of Independence had 3 main parts. The first part stated that all men were created equal and are born with certain unalienable, human rights. Among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When the government denies these rights, the people have a right to revolt.

78 The Declaration of Independence:
The second part contained a long list of grievances against the British government. These complaints included passing taxes without the colonists’ consent, cutting off trade between the colonies and the rest of the world, denying colonists of a trial by jury, and for sending large numbers of troops to stand guard in American cities.

79 The Declaration of Independence:
The third part of the Declaration of Independence was a formal claim of independence. The patriots named their new country the United States of America. The goal of the Declaration of Independence was to encourage the colonies to unite as one country.

80 Check for Understanding:
What was the final battle of the American Revolution? Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? How many parts were there to the document?

81 (directions are on the panels)
Guided Practice: Create a Declaration of Independence Quiz Panel (directions are on the panels)

82 Independent Work: Answer the following question in paragraph form:
Pretend you were the writer of the Declaration of Independence. What kinds of things would you want listed in your document?

83 Exit Ticket: What was the goal of the Declaration of Independence?

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