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Transition Planning and Self-Determination for Students with Disabilities Sped 461.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition Planning and Self-Determination for Students with Disabilities Sped 461."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition Planning and Self-Determination for Students with Disabilities
Sped 461

2 What is transition? Transition is concerned with a student moving from high school to adult life Transition has been included in IDEA since the 1990 because the first students graduating from special education were experiencing inadequate post-school results. Current IDEA requires that transition planning be a part of a student’s IEP beginning at age 16. However, in Illinois, the requirement is 14 ½.

3 Transition is….. Results-oriented Student-centered
focus on measurable postsecondary goals that include postsecondary education, integrated employment, and full participation in the community Student-centered transition services must be based upon "student needs, taking into account student strengths, preferences, and interests.“ (IDEA 2004) Transition planning should actively involve a student an his/her family A coordinated effort Linking schools and community agencies/support services

4 Transition Services The transition services listed in IDEA include:
instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational assessment.

5 Transition Services Transition services are highly individualized and what might work for one student may not be appropriate for another. Transition services can be considered to be services and supports needed by a student with disabilities in order to make a successful transition from school to adult life. Successful transition planning is a lifelong process in which the student, family members, friends, and professionals come together to develop and act upon a plan of action that will lead to a successful adult life. Taken from: Transition Coalition training module,

6 What is self-determination?
The attitudes, abilities, and skills that lead people to define goals for themselves and to take the initiative to reach these goals. - Ward, 1988 Acting as the primary casual agent in one’s life and making choices and decisions regarding one’s quality of life free from undue external influence or interference. Wehmeyer, 1996

7 What are self-determination skills that I can teach my students?
Choice-making Decision-making Problem-solving Goal-setting & attainment Self-management Independence, risk-taking, safety Self-advocacy Leadership Internal locus of control Self-awareness Self-knowledge Self-efficacy

8 Take a minute… Quickwrite:
Think about a time in your life when you used self-determination skills. Take a couple minutes to write about that experience. What self-determination skill(s) did you use? How did your use of these skills help you navigate the experience, situation, issue, goal?

9 How do I do it? Infuse self-determination skills into academic content
Use a person-centered planning approach Support students in actively participating in IEP development and meetings Integrate self-determination skills into IEP goals that support postsecondary goals Increase disability and ABILITY awareness in students, parents, teachers, and the community Awareness is not the same as emphasis - Virginia Department of Education

10 Resources The Transition Coalition—great resource for all things related to transition. Has training modules, examples of assessments, and publications for educators and families. UIC offers a LBS2 certification program with an emphasis on transition. See concentration 2:

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