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Use of commas to set off antithetical element

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1 Use of commas to set off antithetical element
Day 1 Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald published under the name F. Scott Fitzgerald not F. S. K. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald and his wife, Zelda, appeared to have the most perfect marriage. Consequently, when they disagreed, their arguments looked badly to their friends. Use of commas to set off antithetical element Use of predicate adjective after linking verb Elimination of superlative form of absolute adjective

2 Day 1 Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald published under the name F. Scott Fitzgerald, not F.F.K. Fitzgerald. Use of commas to set off antithetical element most Fitzgerald and his wife, Zelda, appeared to have the perfect marriage. Consequently, when they disagreed, their arguments looked bad to their friends. Elimination of superlative form of absolute adjective Use of predicate adjective after linking verb _____

3 Elimination of split infinitive
Day 2 One night at a party, Fitzgerald threw hundreds of dollars into a fountain in less than three hours time. These extravagant parties which lasted for days made it nearly impossible for Fitzgerald to fully concentrate on his writing. Elimination of split infinitive Use of apostrophe with amount of time that modifies a noun Use of commas with nonrestrictive clause

4 Day 2 One night at a party, Fitzgerald threw hundreds of dollars into a fountain in less than three hours’ time. Use of apostrophe with time phrase that modifies a noun These extravagant parties, which lasted for days, made it nearly impossible for Fitzgerald to concentrate fully on his writing. Use of commas with nonrestrictive clause Elimination of split infinitive

5 Day 3 Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel of a man who’s dreams of power lead to scandals were a huge success. This here novel, The Great Gatsby, became a instant best-seller and a symbol of the 1920’s. Elimination of here and there after a demonstrative adjective Correct indefinite article Correction of commonly confused words Subject and verb agreement

6 Day 3 Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel of a man whose dreams of power lead to scandals was a huge success. Correction of commonly confused words Subject and verb agreement here This novel, The Great Gatsby, became an instant best-seller and a symbol of the 1920’s. Elimination of here and there after a demonstrative adjective Correct indefinite article

7 Fitzgerald once said, “The rich are different than you and I.”
Day 4 Fitzgerald once said, “The rich are different than you and I.” By the end of his life, Fitzgerald had lost almost all his money. This was unfortunate. Use of different from Use of adverb to combine sentences Correct pronoun case

8 Day 4 Fitzgerald once said, “The rich are different from you and me.” Use of different from Correct pronoun case Unfortunately, by the end of his life, Fitzgerald had lost almost all his money. Use of adverb to combine sentences

9 Day 5 Fitzgerald asked his friends in the movie industry if any of them could get him work writing films? In Hollywood lives several nieghbors who still remember Fitzgerald. Subject and verb agreement Correct spelling: ie/ei Elimination of question mark with indirect question

10 Elimination of question mark with indirect question
Day 5 Fitzgerald asked his friends in the movie industry if any of them could get him work writing films. (?) Elimination of question mark with indirect question In Hollywood live several neighbors who still remember Fitzgerald. Subject and verb agreement Correct spelling: ie/ei ___

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