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linking research to real life.

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1 linking research to real life.
SART: Strategy Assessment and Revision Tool A Tool for Evaluating, Revising, or Creating Plans PART TWO Introductions/Check out audience roles/explain they will leave knowing about a tool Co-Developers Wendy Szakacs OCALI Regional Consultant Chris Filler OCALI Program Director Lifespan Transitions Center A division of the ESC of Central Ohio

2 WHY Does A Strategy Work? Strategy Assessment Revision Tool (SART)
Strategy to be Assessed Positive Reinforcement WHY Does A Strategy Work? Strategy Assessment Revision Tool (SART) The positive reinforcement factor: Positive reinforcement is an evidence-based practice that can support the teaching of new skills and interventions. Positive reinforcement is always part of building a positive behavior plan, but we want to look at how it can impact each intervention. Changing behavior is a complicated task that requires a “pay off” for the person with complex needs, and positive reinforcement can increase the chances for positive outcomes. Being creative with what a person finds reinforcing can increase the chances of success. So, rather than only seeing positive reinforcement as a response to increase a positive behavior, we can embed it into interventions, academics, activities, and tasks. Build into the strategies/interventions Effective regardless of cognitive or communicative abilities EBP that increases the chance for positive outcomes Simonsen et al, 2008 and Retrieved

3 Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
Break behavior down into small steps Each step has a clear beginning, middle, and end Trials are repeated several times Child rewarded for correct answers/actions Can be done 1:1, in classrooms, in homes

4 Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace
Jack stocked shelves for a large department store. Although he was a hard worker, he could be very rude to the other employees and customers. The supervisors implemented a procedure in which Jack was not given any attention for rude behavior. However, when he was considerate to others, the supervisors and workers gave him special attention and tried to make him feel liked and appreciated. This procedure resulted in Jack engaging in much more thoughtful behaviors. Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace Using the student’s special interest as part of the positive reinforcement only increases interest, engagement, and the possibility for more positive outcomes

5 Positive Reinforcement: Resources

6 WHY Does A Strategy Work? Strategy Assessment Revision Tool (SART)
Strategy To Be Assessed Individualized, Motivating WHY Does A Strategy Work? Strategy Assessment Revision Tool (SART) Individualized, motivating factor: Similar to what we just discussed, part of positive reinforcement and the teaching of new skills involves the consideration of how to individualize systems and lessons so as much of what we are doing to change challenging behaviors is motivating to the individual. When we are trying to transform deeply ingrained patterns and choices, such as these challenging behaviors, making the positive behavior plan as saturated as possible with topics, items, and passions they love increases the opportunity for positive outcomes. Examining the strategies/interventions educators are using with students to see if they are individualized and motivating will make them more successful. Learning is saturated with topics, items, and passions of the individual Motivation is individualized within the tasks, activities, work Browder & Cooper-Duffy, 2003 and Simpson, 2005

7 REMINDER: Make sure communication supports are individualized for the person (style, method, and content) So, if the use of an AAC device is being considered, making sure the language and topics are individualized and motivating can make it more likely for positive outcomes.

8 Special Interests Motivate
‘Person is interested in music and touching different textures’ Provide access to music while doing chores or at work Use the most familiar and favorite music during the least motivating or favorite activities Sing steps to task to help a person remember what to do Chores to include folding towels and handling other fabrics Have person carry favorite item (tactile item) when making difficult transitions New employment? Person not sure of a job? Search out employment that might allow sorting and organizing materials while listening to music in iPod or radio. ELA= English Language Arts

9 Choices Are Motivating
Pick who will be your partner for an activity Decide when to do the house chores Decide what to wear Decide what to eat and when Or……..

10 I want: Wine Beer Starbucks Juice …….Adult Choices

11 Individualized & Motivating: Resources
Power Cards: Using Special Interests to Motivate Children and Youth with AS and Autism By Gagnon Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All By Gayle

12 WHY Does A Strategy Work? Strategy Assessment Revision Tool (SART)
Strategy To Be Assessed Teaches What To Do WHY Does A Strategy Work? Strategy Assessment Revision Tool (SART) Teaches what to do factor: Direct instruction is an evidence-based practice for individuals with complex needs. New interventions or changes in strategies need to have a teaching component. Persons with intricate needs have difficulty just “picking up” on something new; they need to receive repeated instruction, positive feedback, and opportunities to practice the new skills. Some examples of this would include using social narratives to teach social competence, teaching how to use a speech device to communicate, or demonstrating how to use a visual support that shows a deep breathing sequence to reduce anxiety. These all teach what to do and can help support changing a challenging behavior. Direct, repetitive instruction of new skills that are part of strategies Opportunities to practice new skills Bremer & Morocco, 2003, Flores & Ganz, 2007 and Browder & Cooper-Duffy, 2003

13 Video Modeling

14 Teach Expectations with Video Modeling
Integrate video clips of “modeled behavior” Allows person to see and ‘study’ desired behavior Studies promising Another strategy may be video modeling.  This may be a great way for the child to see the appropriate behavior and expectation of the classroom.  Consider videoing a child exhibiting proper behavior in your class and then allow a student that is struggling to view the video and to see what the expectations are.  This works great for the child that enjoys watching videos. Using videos from the internet such as YouTube or commercial products can also be beneficial. You can also make your own videos using a flip video camera or a cell phone. How? Cell Phone Video Tablet Camera YouTube

15 Shower and Wash Hair Showers are Good for You Showers make You Clean
Wash Body and Hair Friends Like You to Smell Clean

16 Options for Alternatives for Challenging Behaviors
Instead of This….. Try This…… Screaming for Attention Tap person’s arm Grabbing everyone’s drink Use sign language to ask for help getting a drink Hitting to tell someone ‘no’ Use words, sign language, gesture or picture to tell someone ‘no’ (and teach others to respect the message!) Hitting head with own fist to relieve anxiety, stress, frustration Use stress reducing alternatives such as deep breathing, deep pressure, heavy blankets, taking long walks…. Refusing to do a job/chore/task Teach the person how to do the job (maybe reduce the difficulty too….) Throwing items to escape from the work or task Use sign language, a visual symbol, gesture, picture, etc. to ask for a break

17 Anxiety Support This slide shows an example of a visual support for anxiety. This visual support uses pictures and text in order to help the child relax. Each step of this sequence would need to be taught, practiced, and reinforced for it to become a habit an individual can remember in a time of anxiety.

18 Self-Monitoring Teach person how to track their own behavior/work
Develop system for tracking and teach to the student Remember to reinforce progress

19 (Myles, et al., 2004, Endow, Mayfield, Myles, 2013)
The Hidden Curriculum “The set of rules or guidelines that are often not directly taught but are assumed to be known.” Phrases associated with hidden curriculum: “I shouldn’t have to tell you but …” “Everyone knows that …” “It’s obvious …” Teach the Hidden Curriculum by reviewing the situations in the book, on the calendars, or that occur in everyday life. The hidden curriculum teaches what to do and what is expected in social situations (Myles, et al., 2004, Endow, Mayfield, Myles, 2013)

20 Teaches What To Do Resources
Enhancing Everyday Communication for Children with Disabilities Sigafoos, et al Social Thinking Across the Home and School Day Winner

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