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Moral Majority. opponents of affirmative action.

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Presentation on theme: "Moral Majority. opponents of affirmative action."— Presentation transcript:

1 The conservative movement by 1980 was supported by all of the following EXCEPT?:
Moral Majority. opponents of affirmative action. advocates of gun control. critics of "secular humanism." citizens against increased taxes

2 In the Reagan Doctrine, the Reagan administration declared that it would?:
end restrictive international trade policies. allow all nations to determine their own political and economic future. support anti-Communist forces fighting the Soviets or Soviet-backed governments. respect the sovereignty of all nations. Create policies with preferential treatment for the poor.

3 The election of 1984 demonstrated that the:
New Deal coalition was in shambles. political power of the Sunbelt was waning. American electorate wanted a repeal of the New Deal. South was still a solidly Democratic stronghold. Reagan’s coalition of supporters was almost exclusively socially conservative.

4 To weaken the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, the Reagan administration:
endorsed a peace plan backed by other Latin American nations. relied on peaceful persuasion to encourage the Nicaraguan people to question their government. secured the agreement of European allies to cut off trade with Nicaragua. used the CIA to initiate an anti-Sandinista campaign of sabotage and destruction. Used measures of direct diplomacy to compel other Latin American nations to back a coup.

5 Which of the following was the most significant foreign policy accomplishment of President Jimmy Carter?: Paris Peace Accords. Panama Canal Treaties. SALT I Treaty. Mayaguez Incident. Camp David Accords.

6 Which of the following was NOT a major issue during the presidency of Jimmy Carter:
Iranian hostage crisis. inflation. the unilateral withdrawal of U. S. troops from Europe. SALT negotiations. human rights.

7 The U. S. Senate faced a major controversy during the Bush administration when the president?:
refused to nominate to the Supreme Court Jesse Jackson, who had the overwhelming support of African Americans. requested that the Court reaffirm the Roe v. Wade decision of the Burger Court. refused to accept Justice Thurgood Marshall's retirement because it was important to have an African American on the Supreme Court. nominated Clarence Thomas, a conservative African American judge, as an associate justice. nominated General Colin Powell to the Court to remove him as a presidential rival in the 1992 race.

8 In response to the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Bush administration
severed diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. introduced and gained passage of a United Nations resolution placing severe economic sanctions on the People's Republic of China. expressed revulsion but took no steps to punish the Chinese government. immediately denied China most-favored nation status in its trade with the United States.

9  The Presidential campaign of 1980 featured all except:
a democratic party in open revolt with itself the emergence of charismatic conservative who was a master of the media parties that were racially polarized an election seeking economic stability an election republicans in the post Watergate era

10 The 1979 incident at Three Mile Island had which of the following effects?
It intensified criticism of the Supreme Court. It intensified American Indian political activism. It forced the United States to reconsider the policy of "massive retaliation." It increased public pressure to free the United States from dependence on foreign energy sources. It increased support for the movement against nuclear power.

11 "Reaganomics," or supply-side economics, led to which of the following?
A decline in unemployment and poverty Greater tax revenues than government expenditures Large increases in the incomes of wealthy Americans An increase in appropriations for school lunches Lower military expenditures than during the Carter administration.

12 Which of the following was NOT a result of the Persian Gulf War?
unprecedented approval ratings for the president cheaper gasoline the imprisonment of Saddam Hussein an atonement for the failure in Vietnam a great personal victory for George Bush

13 The only significant piece of social legislation to be enacted in the first Bush administration was the Equal Rights Amendment. Social Security Privatization Act. Civil Rights Act of 1991. National Health Insurance Act. Americans with Disabilities Act.

14 Bill Clinton was impeached for
perjury and obstruction of justice. having an affair with Monica Lewinsky. selling missile technology to China for campaign contributions. making unwelcome sexual advances to Paula Jones. being involved in a crooked real estate scheme in Arkansas.

15 Which of the following was NOT a component of the Contract with America?
a middle class tax cut. term limits for members of Congress. a line-item veto for the president. universal health care coverage. a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution

16 The "graying" of America since the 1970s is widely seen as threatening which of the following?
The American tourist industry The consumer culture of American society The long-term viability of the social security system Voter turnout in local and national elections Immigration quotas

17 The 1990 economic recession was unique in that
immigration ceased. few people were laid off. many white-collar workers lost their jobs. blue-collar employment actually increased. lasted only thirty days.

18 Potential Free Response Questions
To what extent did the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton reflect a conservative consensus? Assess the validity of the following statement: The 1980s were largely characterized by economic growth and prosperity.

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