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Chapter 12 Crisis of the Later Middle Ages.

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1 Chapter 12 Crisis of the Later Middle Ages




5 Prelude to Disaster What happened to Europe's climate in the 1300's?

6 Prelude to Disaster What was the impact of climate change?

7 Prelude to Disaster What were the demographic, economic, and social, consequences of climate change?

8 Black Death How does the plague cause mass death?

9 Black Death How did the plague reach Europe and spread?

10 Black Death How did the plague reach Europe and spread?

11 Black Death How were the sick treated?

12 Black Death What were the impacts of the plague?

13 Black Death How did the spread of the plague shape European society?

14 Hundred Years' War How did the Hundred Years' War develop?

15 Hundred Years' War Why did England succeed initially?

16 Hundred Years' War Why was there a French resurgence?

17 Hundred Years' War What were the implications of the Hundred Years' War?

18 Hundred Years' War What were the implications of the Hundred Years' War?

19 Hundred Years' War What were the causes of the Hundred Year's War, and how did the war affect European politics, economics, and cultural life?

20 Challenges to the Church 354-358
How did the 1300's weaken the Church?

21 Challenges to the Church 354-358
How did the 1300's weaken the Church?

22 Challenges to the Church 354-358
Which forces began to challenge Church authority?

23 Challenges to the Church 354-358
What grassroots religious trends were beginning?

24 Challenges to the Church
What challenges faced the Catholic church in the fourteenth century, and how did church leaders, intellectuals, and ordinary people respond?

25 Social Unrest Where were there major peasant revolts?

26 Social Unrest What tensions were developing in the cities?

27 Social Unrest How were sexual attitudes changing?

28 Social Unrest What was "fur-collar crime"?

29 Social Unrest Where was new ethnic/racial tension beginning?

30 Social Unrest What were the revolutionary developments occurring in literature?

31 Social Unrest How did economic and social tensions contribute to revolts, crime, violence, and a growing sense of ethnic and national distinctions?

32 Chapter 12 Crisis of the Later Middle Ages Were the catastrophes of the 14th century the great turning point in European history or did they merely amplify and accelerate trends that were already in place?

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