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Week 1 – Freshman Composition

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1 Week 1 – Freshman Composition
Welcome Week 1 – Freshman Composition

2 Basic Writing Purposes and Elements Grammar Review
Welcome and Intros Who Am I? Who are You? What’s this Class About? Syllabus Review Icebreakers Basic Writing Purposes and Elements Grammar Review Parts of Speech Pronouns Characteristics of a Narrative Essay Go over Assignment Sheet: Narrative Essay In-Class Brainstorming Session – Narrative Essay Wrap Up

3 Who Am I? Instructor with 18 years experience teaching and preparing instructional curriculum Teaching Experience Orange County Public Schools Florida Virtual School Florida Metropolitan University University of Florida Educational Background Northwestern University (Undergraduate) Rollins College (Master’s Degree) University of Florida (Doctorate)

4 Who Are You?

5 Icebreaker 1 STOP Get into pairs (Find a Partner)
Individually, look in your purse/wallet/backpack and find something that is significant to you. Share with your partner why the item is significant to you. STOP When done, you’ll introduce your partner and share something significant about them.

6 Icebreaker 2 STOP Find a different partner
Complete the following sentence: “If I could have dinner with any person, living or dead, it would be____________ because_____________." Share with your partner. STOP When done, you’ll introduce your partner and share who they would have dinner with and WHY.

7 What Will I be Doing? Writing and Revising Personal Narrative
Descriptive Essay Definition Essay Comparison and Contrast Essay Argument Presenting Conducting Peer Reviews Grammar Review and Exercises

8 What Will I Need to Succeed?
Textbooks Bullock, Richard and Francine Weinberg. The Little Seagull Handbook. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2014. Buscemi, Santi and Charlotte Smith. 75 Readings Plus. Tenth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.

9 How Will I Be Graded? Essays Turned in Late Deduction of 10% per day
Four days late = 0

10 Basic Writing Elements
Week 1 – Freshman Composition

11 Parts of Speech

12 Pronouns

13 Let’s See What You Know Review the sentences on the handout.
Write the word that is the part of speech indicated in parenthesis Example: ___________(verb)The Blue Streaks running back exploded off the line of scrimmage. exploded

14 Expository – provides information or an explanation about a topic
Narrative – tells a story Descriptive – describes a subject using sensory details Persuasive – attempts to change someone’s viewpoint about a subject 4 Writing Purposes

15 Point of View Point of View – how the author tells his story
First person – narrator as a major character; narrator as a minor character – the narrator may be naïve or insane – the narrator uses first person pronouns (I, my, mine, we, our, etc.) Second person – narrator involves the reader through the use of second person pronouns (you, yourself, yours, etc.) Third person – omniscient, selective omniscient, objective – third person pronouns are used (he, she, him, her, they, them, etc. Point of View

16 First Person Point of View
A story told from the first person point of view involves the narrator as part of the story, and usually features the following pronouns: I, me, mine, our, we, us, Example: For one whole semester the streetcars and I shimmied up and scooted down the sheer hills of San Francisco. I lost some of my need for the Black ghetto’s shielding-sponge quality, as I clanged and cleared my way down Market Street, with its honky-tonk homes from homeless sailors, past the quiet retreat of Golden Gate Park and along closed undwelled-in-looking dwellings of the Sunset District. (From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou) First Person Point of View

17 Second Person Point of View
Instructions and directions are usually written from a second-person point of view. Uses the pronoun “you” Remember, any tool that you can use against an enemy may also be used against you. Ninjas train on special courses that really mess with their perception of space, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your own mini gauntlet to increase your skills. The Ninja Handbook Second Person Point of View

18 Third Person Point of View
Third person point of view is told by a narrator who is not part of the story and generally uses pronouns such as: he, she, it, they, them, him, her, its, etc. There are three type of third person narration: omniscient and limited. Third Person Point of View

19 Third Person Objective
No character’s thoughts are revealed – only their actions and dialogue. Third Person Objective

20 Third Person Omniscient Point of View
“Omniscient” means all-knowing. If a person is all-knowing, he or she knows the thoughts and feelings of everybody. Third person omniscient occurs when a story is told by a narrator who is not part of the story but knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. In other words, a third person omniscient narrator is inside the hearts and heads of the characters, exposing their thoughts and/or feelings. Example: The next semester the writing professor is obsessed with writing from personal experience. You must write from what you know, from what has happened to you. He wants deaths, he wants camping trips. Think about what has happened to you. in three years there have been three things: you lost your virginity; your parents got divorced; and your brother came home from a forest ten miles from the Cambodian border with only half a thigh, a permanent smirk nestled into one corner of his mouth. Third Person Omniscient Point of View

21 Third Person Limited Point of View
Third person limited is similar to the omniscient point of view, but it is a limited viewpoint. The narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character. Example: J.K. Rowling uses third person limited in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The reader witnesses what Harry sees and knows his thoughts and feelings but without ever hearing first-person narration from Harry. Check out the excerpt below. Harry had taken up his place at wizard school, where he and his scar were famous ...but now the school year was over, and he was back with the Dursleys for the summer, back to being treated like a dog that had rolled in something smelly. The Dursleys hadn't even remembered that today happened to be Harry's twelfth birthday. Of course, his hopes hadn't been high? In this excerpt from the novel we are able to know how Harry Potter is feeling, what he's thinking, and what is happening. Third Person Limited Point of View

22 Let’s See What You Know Point of View Activity

23 Basic Organization of Essays
Introduction (with thesis statement) Body (Supporting paragraphs) Conclusion Basic Organization of Essays


25 Introduction Why bother writing a good introduction?
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Ideally, your introduction will make your readers want to read your paper. Introduction Source: The Writing Center, The University of N.C. Chapel Hill.

26 Your introduction is an important road map for the rest of your paper
Your introduction is an important road map for the rest of your paper. It should convey: What your topic is Why your topic is important How you plan to proceed with your discussion Contains a THESIS Introduction Source: The Writing Center, The University of N.C. Chapel Hill.

27 Strategies for Writing a Strong Introduction
Open with an attention grabber An intriguing example A provocative quotation A vivid ancedote A thought-provoking question Try writing your introduction last. Strategies for Writing a Strong Introduction

28 What is it? a one- or two- sentence statement that explicitly outlines the purpose or point of your paper. placed at or near the end of the introductory paragraph. What does it do? must contain an arguable point. it should point toward the development or course of argument the reader can expect your argument to take Thesis

29 Example (in an Argument Paper)
Poor: Stephen King writes readable books. Good: Stephen King’s books are so good because they are about normal people who get into supernatural situations. Example (in an Argument Paper)

30 Supporting Paragraphs
What is it? a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. Every paragraph in a paper should be: Unified: All of the sentences in a single paragraph should be related to a single controlling idea (often expressed in the topic sentence of the paragraph). Clearly related to the thesis: The sentences should all refer to the central idea, or thesis, of the paper (Rosen and Behrens 119). Coherent: The sentences should be arranged in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan for development (Rosen and Behrens 119). Well-developed: Every idea discussed in the paragraph should be adequately explained and supported through evidence and details that work together to explain the paragraph’s controlling idea (Rosen and Behrens 119). Supporting Paragraphs

31 Ways to Organize a Paragraph
Narration: Tell a story. Go chronologically, from start to finish. Description: Provide specific details about what something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels like. Organize spatially, in order of appearance, or by topic. Process: Explain how something works, step by step. Perhaps follow a sequence—first, second, third. Classification: Separate into groups or explain the various parts of a topic. Illustration: Give examples and explain how those examples prove your point. Ways to Organize a Paragraph

32 Example – Descriptive Paragraph
Description: Provide specific details about what something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels like. Organize spatially, in order of appearance, or by topic. Piranha are omnivorous, freshwater fish, which are mostly known for their single row of sharp, triangular teeth in both jaws. Piranhas’ teeth come together in a scissor-like bite and are used for puncture and tearing. Baby piranha are small, about the size of a thumbnail, but full-grown piranha grow up to about 6-10 inches, and some individual fish up to 2 feet long have been found. The many species of piranha vary in color, though most are either silvery with an orange underbelly and throat or almost entirely black. Example – Descriptive Paragraph

33 Should help your reader see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down. allows you to: have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper summarize your thoughts demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and propels your reader to a new view of the subject Conclusion

34 Strategies - Conclusion
Return to the theme or themes in the introduction. This strategy brings the reader full circle. Synthesize, don’t summarize: Include a brief summary of the paper’s main points, but don’t simply repeat things that were in your paper. Instead, show your reader how the points you made and the support and examples you used fit together. Pull it all together. Propose a course of action, a solution to an issue, or questions for further study. Do NOT begin with overused phrases such as “in conclusion”, “in summary” or “in closing” Strategies - Conclusion

35 Personal Narratives

36 Assignment 1: Personal Narrative
Write an essay about a significant event in your life. Choose an event that will be engaging for readers and that will, at the same time, tell them something about you. Tell your story dramatically and vividly, giving a clear indication of its autobiographical significance. Use first-person, singular (“I”) narration for this essay Structuring your essay using a chronology may also be a good idea, in many cases. Rough Draft Peer Review Final Draft Assignment 1: Personal Narrative

37 What is a Personal Narrative?
A personal narrative re-creates a specific experience or event in your life. To write an effective narrative, select an experience that you feel strongly about. What is a Personal Narrative?

38 B a s i c s i n a B o x Personal Narrative at a Glance Middle
Beginning Describes the event using descriptive details and possibly dialogue Makes the significance clear End Tells the outcome or result of the event Presents the writer’s feelings about the experience Introduces the incident including the people and place involved RUBRIC Standards for Writing A successful narrative should focus on a clear, well-defined incident make the importance or significance of the event clear show clearly the order in which events occurred use descriptive details that appeal to the senses to describe characters and setting use dialogue to develop characters maintain a consistent tone

39 Writing Your Personal Narrative
1 Prewriting Your life, though it may seem average to you, is a new and exotic world to other people. Don’t be afraid to write about your personal experiences . Joe Hasley, student writer

40 Writing Your Personal Narrative
1 Prewriting How can you find ideas? Think about interesting or unusual events that really happened. Recall personal experiences that have been funny, sad, frightening, or unforgettable. Brainstorm similar incidents you have heard about from others.

41 Planning Your Personal Narrative
1. Analyze the nature of the incident. What was its significance? Why does it stand out in your mind? 2. Decide on the tone you want to create. How did the incident make you feel when you experienced, saw, or heard about it? What is the main feeling you want to create in your audience?

42 Planning Your Personal Narrative
3. Make a time line. List all the parts of the event in time order. For each part, stop and list who was involved, where it happened, and some of the significant details. When the list is finished, decide which parts to include in your narrative and which parts you can condense or skip in order to keep the narrative focused and lively.

43 Planning Your Personal Narrative
4. Decide which parts of the narrative to enliven with dialogue or with details that appeal to the senses. What details could help you show what happened rather than simply telling about it? What dialogue would move your narrative along and make it more realistic?

44 Writing Your Personal Narrative Drafting
2 Drafting Begin by describing the setting or an important character. Give background information or flash forward to an event further along in the narrative. Use your time line to help you remember the order of events.

45 Writing Your Personal Narrative Drafting
2 Drafting Keep in mind what tone you want to create. Use dialogue and plenty of descriptive details to help move the narrative along. End by telling the outcome.

46 Revising Writing Your Personal Narrative
3 Revising WORD CHOICE Pay attention to word choice to make your narrative more lively and interesting. Try using Specific nouns, verbs, and modifiers— words like chuckle, snicker, giggle, guffaw, or roar.

47 Revising Writing Your Personal Narrative
3 Revising WORD CHOICE Try using Modifiers, like velvety or shrill, that appeal to the senses. A thesaurus to find specific synonyms for vague words. A dictionary for the precise meaning of words.

48 Editing and Proofreading
Writing Your Personal Narrative Editing and Proofreading 4 PRONOUN-ANTECEDENT AGREEMENT In your narrative, make sure each pronoun you use agrees with its antecedent in number gender person

49 Tips from Little Seagull Handbook (see pages 59-61)
Describe the setting Describe what you remember seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling Remember to SHOW rather than TELL Think about the key people Describe the people (movements, posture, facial expressions) Try writing lines of dialogue between two people in your narrative. Consider each of 5 Ws (Who? What? When? Where? Why? ) Consider the SIGNIFICANCE of the event

50 Homework - Read The Little Seagull Handbook 75 Readings Plus Narration
Read W-1 (Writing Contexts), W-2 (Academic Contexts), W-3 (Writing Process) Narrating (pages24-25) W-10 Personal Narratives (pages 58-61) S-6 Pronouns p. 277 75 Readings Plus Narration Read Chapter 1: “Narration” (p.1) Read “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie George Orwell “Shooting an Elephant” Homework - Read

51 Homework –Turn In Complete Rough Draft Essay #1 Narrative Essay
Be Prepared for Quiz on 75 Readings Plus Readings Homework –Turn In

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