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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 OUTLINE Definition Classroom management components: Conduct management
Covenant management Content management

3 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT It aims at encouraging and establishing student self control through a process of promoting positive student achievement and behavior. Thus academic achievement, teacher efficacy, and teacher and student behavior are directly linked with the concept of school and classroom management.

4 Classroom management focuses on three major components
conduct management: attempts to address and resolve discipline problems in the classroom. covenant management: classroom group as a social system that has its own features that teachers have to take into account when managing interpersonal relationships in the classroom. content management: space, materials, equipment, the movement of people, and lessons that are part of a curriculum or program of studies".

5 CONDUCT MANAGEMENT Set the rules Be fair
Deal with disruptions with little interruption Avoid confrontations Stop disruptions with a little humor Overplan Be consistent

6 COVENANT MANAGEMENT 1. Appropriate teacher behavior and good relationship with the students Enthusiasm Acceptance Ability to listen and pay attention to them Availability 2. Pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere Establish a norm of tolerance Encourage risk-taking and have mistakes accepted as a natural part of learning Bring in and encourage humor Encourage learners to personalize the classroom environment according to their taste

7 Use ice-breakers at the beginning of a course
3. A cohesive learner group with appropriate group norms Try and promote interaction, cooperation and the sharing of genuine personal information among the learners. Use ice-breakers at the beginning of a course Regularly use small-group tasks where students can mix Encourage and if possible organize extracurricular activities and outings Try and prevent the emergence of rigid sitting patterns. Avoid face-threatening acts such as humiliating criticism or putting students in the spotlight unexpectedly

8 CONTENT MANAGEMENT Use different materials. Use the students.
What if students are all at different levels? Use different materials. Use the students. Do different tasks with the same material.

9 What if the class is very big?
Use worksheets. Use pair work and group work. Use group leaders.

10 What if students keep using their own language?
Talk to them about the issues. Encourage them to use English appropriately. Create an English environment.

11 What if students are uncooperative?
Talk to individuals Promote Cooperative Learning Implement team work activities

12 What if some students in- groups finish before everybody else ?
Use additional material Finish the activity when the 90 % of the group have finished.

13 What if teachers do not plan the lesson?
Why plan at all What and when should we plan Sequence of a lessons

14 REFERENCES Zoltán Dörneyi (2005) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press. UK Froyen, L. A., & Iverson, A. M. (1999). Schoolwide and classroom management: The reflective educator-leader (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, J: Prentice-Hall. Harmer, J. (1999) How to Teach English. Longman

15 Thank you


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