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Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Presenters: Leslie Arje M.S., CRC Heather Becker M.S., CRC Note: -Introduce yourself and inform Veterans.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Presenters: Leslie Arje M.S., CRC Heather Becker M.S., CRC Note: -Introduce yourself and inform Veterans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (VR&E) Presenters: Leslie Arje M.S., CRC Heather Becker M.S., CRC Note: -Introduce yourself and inform Veterans of the lesson topic. -Inform Veterans of the purpose of the class. The purpose of this orientation is to …

2 Title 38, CFR, Chapter 31 The VR&E program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities in overcoming barriers to employment to allow them to prepare for, find, and keep suitable employment. For veterans with service-connected disabilities so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, VR&E offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. The VR&E program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities in overcoming barriers to employment to allow them to prepare for, find, and keep suitable employment. For veterans with service-connected disabilities so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, VR&E offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible.

3 VR&E Process Application and Eligibility Determination
Chapter 31 Benefit Orientation Vocational Assessment/Evaluation Entitlement Determination Career Exploration and Plan Development Plan Implementation Employment Assistance

4 Who is Eligible to Apply?
Veterans are eligible if they: 1.) Have received, or will receive, a discharge that is other than dishonorable 2.) Have a service-connected (S-C) disability rating of at least 10%, or a memorandum rating of 10% or more from the Department of Veteran Affairs 3.) Apply for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) services 4

5 Who is Eligible to Apply?
Active Duty Service Members are eligible if they: 1.) Expect to receive an honorable discharge upon separation from active duty 2.) Obtain a memorandum rating of  20% or more from the VA 3.) Apply for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) services

6 What Happens Next The veteran is scheduled to attend a group orientation, then meet a VA Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for a comprehensive evaluation to determine if he/she is entitled for services.

7 What is Entitlement A veteran with a 20% or greater service-connected disability must have an “Employment Handicap”: Vocational impairments interfering with a veteran’s ability to prepare for, obtain, or retain employment consistent with his or her abilities, aptitudes, and interests. The impairment must result in substantial part from a service-connected disability. The veteran cannot have overcome the impairment with current employment or education.

8 What is Entitlement A veteran with a 10% disability must have a “Serious Employment Handicap” Significant vocational impairments such as severe or multiple disabilities, unstable work history, substance abuse history, frequent hospitalizations, chronic pain, criminal record, withdrawal from society, difficulties communicating, etc. SCD: Consideration is made to the disabling condition that has resulted or was aggravated from an injury or illness while the veteran was serving on active duty in the military. Limitations: What functional limitations does the disability have on the veteran? How does the disability impact the veteran? Examples, veteran cannot lift weight, has anxiety, PTSD, or low motivation. Impairment: The disability has to cause an impairment. If an impairment is present has the veteran overcome it through a job or training. If no impairment is present then there is no need for vocational rehabilitation. EH: Does the SCD limit the veteran? Has the veteran over the limitations or barriers? SEH: Consideration of other limitations that are a result of SCD or NSCD; such as personal problems, finances, health, unstable work history, and/or criminal background or record. Feasibility: Is the veteran able to reach their vocational goal. Consideration of the chosen goal to make sure it’s compatible with the disability; and if the goal is realistic and consistent with the veterans interests, aptitude, and abilities.

9 Evaluation Resources Rehabilitation Needs Inventory
Vocational testing results Psycho-social, vocationally oriented interview Prior transcripts & training records Resume, job descriptions, performance appraisals Medical records & rating decision Consultation with other service providers

10 VR&E Basic Benefit Information
A total of 48 months of combined VA education benefits VR&E services may be used 12 years from the latter of the following: Date of separation from active military service, or Date the veteran was first notified by VA of a service-connected disability rating. An extension of these limits is possible under specific circumstances Note – Entitlement extension maybe granted when specific criteria are met. Note – Extension to 12 year eligibility period may be granted when specific criteria are met. Exceptions: counselors will explain these exceptions as they pertain to the veterans particular circumstances.

11 Who is not entitled A veteran that is working and maintaining employment that is not aggravating his or her service-connected disabilities and is consistent with his or her interests. A veteran with a 10% service connected disability or a veteran who is beyond his or her 12-year period of eligibility, that does not have other significant circumstances that are affecting his/her ability to obtain or maintain suitable employment

12 The 5 Tracks Re-employment Rapid Access Employment
Employment through Long Term Services Self-employment Independent Living Rapid Access includes those veterans who already have the skills, experience, or training to pursue employment and simply want assistance in their job search. Re-Employment involves National Guard and Reservists who may need assistance in securing employment with their previous employer/ Employment through long term services consists of a majority of those pursuing Chapter 31 benefits. This includes those veterans who need to pursue further trainig or education, such as on-the-job training, apprenticeship, or college education to qualify for a job. Self employment services would assist a veteran to develop a formal business plan and request financial assistance to open their own business. Independent living involves those veterans who are currently unable to work and need to decrease their dependence on others.

13 VR&E Basics Program must be aligned with “suitable” employment:
consistent with your interests, aptitudes, and abilities does not aggravate your disabilities is stable and continuing requires reasonably developed skills 13 13

14 VR&E Basics Veterans can only receive one VA educational benefit during the same semester. Veterans cannot receive more than one VA training benefit at the same time (e.g. CH-33 and CH-31). Each veteran’s program is uniquely designed to meet his/her needs. We may not be able to sponsor an advanced or second degree. You cannot pursue just ANY type of training or education under VetSuccess. Veterans are expected to find and secure their own job. -VR&E is NOT a job service that provides jobs. The veteran must still actively look for employment. -Financial services cannot be utilized from two educational benefit programs. Only one can be used at any given time. However, a veteran can use Chapter-30 finances and the counseling services of Chapter-31 concurrent, just not payments. -VR&E assist veterans’ with disabilities to return to the work force, it is not designed to assist that veteran to be promoted or move up in his/her current job. -A training or educational program may not be authorized for several reasons. For instance, if a occupation is not compatible with the veteran’s disability.

15 Support Services Financial assistance for training costs
Case management Personal adjustment counseling Tutoring Assistive technology Medical services Independent living assistance

16 Comparison of Benefits
CH-31: VR&E CH-30; M-GI Bill CH-33: Post 9-11 Eligibility: Must be found entitled to VetSuccess in order to use. Eligible if Entered AD after 6/30/85 and did not decline in writing Eligible if served AD after 9/10/01 and irrevocably decline CH-30 GI Bill in writing Duration: Up to 48 months of education or training benefits 36 months of F/T benefits Expiration: Generally, within 12 years of initial finding of eligibility Within 10 years after last separation date Within 15 years of separation date Tuition & Fees: Paid directly to facility, including textbooks & supplies Paid directly to veteran Paid directly to school Allowance: Subsistence allowance; although BAH substitution is possible. No extra allowances BAH at E-5 with dependents rate Extra services: YES NO Notes: Extra Services includes: medical, dental, vision, and mental health; access to local and governmental services, such as financial counseling, drug/substance abuse rehabilitation; tutorial services and cognitive assessments; interest inventory assessments; and access to employment services.

17 Indicates the degree program and type Indicates enrollment period
Line 4 Indicates the degree program and type Line 5 Indicates enrollment period Line 9 Specifies services / items authorized (i.e. tuition, fees, textbooks, supplies, etc.) Line 11A MUST be signed by VRC

18 CH 31 VA Once Printout VRC’s address should be listed on the bio page of VA Once Courses need to be listed in the Remarks Section Indicate type of training, for example, non-degree, undergraduate, graduate… NEVER amend certifications. ALWAYS process as a change Be aware of VA Once codes: 5R Rejected 5A Accepted If a veteran is switching from Chapter 33 to 31 please make sure that this is changed in the VA Once system. Once the information is transmitted we cannot revoke the Chapter 33 certification.


20 What’s new Ability to elect Chapter 33 BAH rate if eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill Veteran needs to complete application for Post 9/11 VR&E counselor will assist veteran with required VR&E paperwork

21 What’s new Vet Success on Campus
Services are offered to veterans, active duty service members, and veterans’ dependents on campus. support services benefits information and referrals for VA benefits and services employment workshops and networking opportunities expedited entitlement decisions for students applying for CH 31 outreach to the community presentations on VA benefits and services coordination with the school’s referrals to other veteran specific organizations Focus on colleges or universities with a Veteran-student enrollment between Schools can combine their veteran population to reach that number Central Office is working with University partners to identify future campus

22 What’s New VA for Vets
Assists veterans and service members find federal employment opportunities that match their experience, skills, and interests by: Translating military skills, occupation and rank into civilian-friendly language Building effective federal resumes to increase application acceptance Assessing knowledge and skills to learn which federal civilian jobs fit best Career Coaches available via phone

23 E-Benefits and VR&E
Apply for vocational rehabilitation services Track VR&E claim status and stipend payments

Specialized job bank and “Job Central” bank with access to over 4 million jobs National Association of State Workforce Agencies Direct Employers – Fortune 500 companies Job resource tools Resume Builder Interview Skills Career Resources Link to other VA benefits and services Online application for VR&E – Chapter 31 services Educational Benefits Note: Emphasize key points: -At website – Veterans and Servicemembers have access to over 4 million jobs from Fortune 500 Companies, Federal, state and local agencies, and other employers -A one-stop centralized employment information website. At this website one can search for jobs, get help with developing a resume, interviewing skills, career information, and link to other employment information. -Veterans and Servicemembers can log on today and fill out the registration information for a free account. It is easy and employers can view individual resume. 24 24

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