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 Hero’s Journey  Post-Aristotelian  Dramatica Theory

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1  Hero’s Journey  Post-Aristotelian  Dramatica Theory
Three Story Paradigms  Hero’s Journey  Post-Aristotelian  Dramatica Theory

2 A system to help authors create stories.
Story Paradigm A system to help authors create stories. Narrative Theory Checklist

3  Hero's Journey Joseph Campbell – 1904-1987 – Myths
Gerpge Lucas – 1944-? – Implementer Christopher Vogler – Hollywood John Truby – Modernize

4  Post-Aristotelian Lajos Egri – 1888-1967 – Founder
Syd Field – ~1940-? – Modernizer Robert McKee – 1941-? – Hack Michael Hauge – ~1950-? – Hack

5  Dramatica Theory Chris Huntley – ~1960-? – Founder
Melanie Anne Phillips – ~1960-? – Tag-along Jim Hull - ~1970-? – Analyst

6    Progress Standard Plot Stereotypical Characters Focus on setting
Hero’s Journey Standard Plot Stereotypical Characters Focus on setting Post-Aristotelian Character- driven plot Character focus Setting- agnostic Dramatica Plot shows problems Characters solve problems

7 Reflection Hands: Which of these three story paradigms have you heard of before? Which proponents? Post-Its: What questions are you anticipating already?

8  Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell George Lucas Christopher Vogler
John Truby Discussion

9  Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell George Lucas Christopher Vogler
John Truby Discussion

10 Joseph Campbell ( )

11 Comparative mythology
The fundamental structure of ancient myths. Compare scenes … …of old stories.

12 The old stories are all the same.
The Monomyth Prometheus The old stories are all the same. Odysseus Penelope The Buddha Osiris Telemachus Jesus Christ

13 The Hero with a Thousand Faces

14 The Hero with a Thousand Faces
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”

15 Stages: Universal scenes, naturally leading from one to the other.
Two Sections Stages: Universal scenes, naturally leading from one to the other. Archetypes: Jungian characters, universally recognized across humanity.

16 Seventeen Stages Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call
Supernatural Aid Crossing the Threshold Belly of The Whale Road of Trials Meeting the Goddess Female Temptation Atonement with the Father Apotheosis/Apostasis The Ultimate Boon Refusal of Return Magic Flight Rescue from Without Crossing the Return Threshold Master of Two Worlds Freedom to Live

17 The Monomyth again In your handouts

18 J. J. Abrams (1966-?)

19 Lost The final season DVD discusses Campbell. Abrams repeatedly quotes Joseph Campbell, and tells how each character is a hero in their own way.

20 About the Monomyth and LOST.
Video About the Monomyth and LOST.

21 We’ll Repeat the Stages
For lack of time, we will not go into detail. We will repeat with Christopher Vogler’s 12-stage version. To study the original 17 stages, go to ‘Monomyth’ on Wikipedia.

22 Other scholars test the Monomyth.
Others Confirm Poseidon Prometheus Adam and Eve Other scholars test the Monomyth. Odysseus Dionysus King Arthur Penelope Sigurd Gilgamesh The Buddha Krishna Beowulf Osiris Zoroaster Telemachus Muhammad Odin Jason Jesus Christ Roland

23 Post-Its in pairs: Name stories that follow the pattern.
Reflection Post-Its in pairs: Name stories that follow the pattern.

24  Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell George Lucas Christopher Vogler
John Truby Discussion

25 George Lucas (1944-?)

26 Star Wars “… it came to me that there really was no modern use of mythology … and I started reading Joe’s … The Hero with a Thousand Faces. I began to realize that my first draft of Star Wars was following classic motifs … so I modified my next draft …”

27 About the Monomyth and Star Wars.
Video About the Monomyth and Star Wars.

28 The Hero with a Thousand Faces

29 Stages: Universal scenes, naturally leading from one to the other.
Two Sections Stages: Universal scenes, naturally leading from one to the other. Archetypes: Jungian characters, universally recognized across humanity.

30 Archetypes Archetypes are recurring patterns of human behavior. They are symbolized by standard types of characters. Quick to identify Stereotype

31 Hero Heroes are the central figures in stories.
Everyone is the hero of his or her own myth.

32 Herald Heralds bring the Call to Adventure.
Could be a person or an event.

33 Mentor The Supernatural World is new and difficult.
Mentors guide the hero. It is a person, or sometimes a principle.

34 Threshold Guardian Threshold Guardians stand in the way at important turning points. The first comes in the Crossing the Threshold stage. Includes jealous enemies and professional gatekeepers, and the Hero’s own fears and doubts.

35 Shadow Shadows are the villains and enemies.
It might be the enemy within. They represent the repressed possibilities of the hero. His or her potential for evil. Or repressed grief, anger, frustration, or creativity. Something dangerous if it doesn’t have an outlet.

36 Shapeshifter Shapeshifters represent change. The way other people keep changing. Or how the Hero’s perceptions of them change. Often of the opposite sex. Sometimes two-faced. Sometimes literally a shapeshifer, like a vampire or a werewolf.

37 Trickster Tricksters are clowns and mischief-makers.
They represent our the Hero’s own mischievous subconscious. They urge the Hero to change. They provide relief during tense action.

38 And More From Jung Joseph Campbell suggested more archetypes.
And more items and relationships. To read more, look up Carl Jung.

39 Other Mythic Elements Star Wars The Matrix Harry Potter The Mentor
Obi-Wan Kenobi Morpheus Hagrid/Dumbledore The Oracle Yoda Sybill Trelawney The Prophecy Luke will overthrow the emperor Morpheus will find the One Harry will have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord Trickster C3PO Mouse Fred & George Han The Herald R2-D2 Punky friends invite Neo to the party Letters Failed Hero Biggs Cypher Lord Voldemort Wearing Enemy's Skin Luke and Han wear stormtrooper outfits Neo jumps into agent's skin - Shapeshifter Han Solo Snape Animal familiar Hedwig Chasing a lone animal into the enxhanted wood Luke follows R2-D2 into the Jundland Wastes Neo "follows the white rabbit" to the nightclub

40 The Power of Myth (1988)

41 The Power of Myth Documentary on the Monomyth and Star Wars
Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers Filmed at Skywalker Ranch

42 The Mythology of Star Wars

43 The Mythology of Star Wars
Bill Moyers and George Lucas Follow-up to ‘The Power of Myth’

44 Reflection Common discussion: Who is the first Threshold Guardian in a favorite movie of yours. Who is the Mentor in the Matrix? Two-and-two: Can you already see something good with the Monomyth? Something bad?

45 Two Champions Christopher Vogler John Truby Movie-centric Practical
12 stages Author-centric Theoretical 22 stages

46  Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell George Lucas Christopher Vogler
John Truby Discussion

47 Christopher Vogler (1949-?)

48 Screenwriter A Hollywood screenwriter who read Joseph Campbell. And then saw Star Wars.

49 Both old and new stories follow the pattern.
The Monomyth Poseidon I Am Legend Prometheus The Hobbit Adam and Eve Both old and new stories follow the pattern. Odysseus Dionysus King Arthur Harry Potter Penelope Sigurd Gilgamesh The Buddha Lord of the Rings Krishna Beowulf Osiris The Dark Tower Zoroaster Telemachus Muhammad Odin Jason Ender's Game American Gods Jesus Christ Roland

50 The 7-page memo A Practical Guide to The Hero With a Thousand Faces
Summarized Campbell's work. Made it practical for Hollywood. Reduced the Monomyth to 12 useful stages.

51 Legendary Vogler’s memo is one of the most influential, legendary
memos in the history of Hollywood.

52 Vogler’s Disney Movies
The Lion King Aladdin Beauty and the Beast

53 The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers

54 The Hero’s Outer Journey

55 The Hero’s Inner Journey

56 Vogler became a script consultant.

57 Movies Indiana Jones The Matrix Batman Avatar

58 Vogler on the Monomyth and the Matrix.
Video Vogler on the Monomyth and the Matrix.

59 Books Richard Adams Watership Down Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code
J. K. Rowling Harry Potter

60 Harry Potter and Star Wars
Even many Internet memes are based on the Monomyth.

61 Orson Scott Card (1951-?)

62 Ender’s Game Michael Collings
‘The Leading Edge: Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy Vol. 16’ Ender Wiggins fulfills all stages of the Hero’s Journey.

63 The Monomyth Applied Vogler mostly works with Hollywood. Poseidon
Rocky Spock Poseidon I Am Legend Prometheus Jaws The Hobbit Adam and Eve Vogler mostly works with Hollywood. Odysseus Dionysus King Arthur The Neverending Story Harry Potter Penelope Monsters Inc Sigurd Gilgamesh The Buddha Lord of the Rings Krishna Wall-E Spongebob Squarepants Beowulf Osiris The Dark Tower Zoroaster Telemachus Muhammad Dawnbreakers Odin Jason Ender's Game American Gods Kick-Ass Scott Pilgrim Jesus Christ Roland

64 Neil Gaiman (1960-?)

65 Gaiman Objects “I think I got about half way through The Hero with a Thousand Faces and found myself thinking ‘if this is true — I don’t want to know.’ “I really would rather not know this stuff. I’d rather do it because it’s true and because I accidentally wind up creating something that falls into this pattern than be told what the pattern is.”

66 Reflection Post-Its in pairs: Match Monomyth stages to Avatar scenes.
Open discussion: Does knowing the Monomyth detract from stories?

67  Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell George Lucas Christopher Vogler
John Truby Discussion

68 John Truby (~1950-?)

69 John Truby’ Background
John Truby is a screenwriter, director and screenwriting teacher. He has consulted on over 1,000 film scripts over the past three decades. He sells the screenwriting software program Blockbuster (originally “Storyline Pro”)

70 John Truby has not written anything himself.
Hack? John Truby has not written anything himself.

71 The All-American Boy (1973)

72 Students Beetlejuice Back to School Scream The Addams Family
Kiss of the Spider Woman Pirates of the Caribbean The Mask of Zorro Sleepless in Seattle Leap of Faith Nightmare on Elm Street Outbreak The Negotiator

73 John Truby’s Argument Others emphasize the inner transformation of the characters. John Truby emphasizes the moral effect their actions have on others.

74 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller
The Anatomy of a Story 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller (2007)

75 A more open, modern Monomyth
22 Building Blocks A more open, modern Monomyth

76 Wrong Subtitle The book contains 22 scenes, not steps.
It does contain nine steps, though.

77 Step 1 Create your premise:
State your story idea in a single sentence. This may take several hours to perfect.

78 Use the seven key steps of story structure:
Weakness and need Desire Opponent Plan Battle Self-Revelation New Equilibrium

79 Step 3 Create your characters: Create characters from your premise.

80 Step 4 Outline the moral argument:
What is the theme inherent in your premise?

81 Step 5 Create the story world:
Create the world as an outgrowth of your hero.

82 Create a web of symbols:
Step 6 Create a web of symbols: Figure out symbols that highlight and communicate different aspects of the characters, the story world, and the plot.

83 Follow the 22 “steps” of the book's subtitle.
Create your plot: Follow the 22 “steps” of the book's subtitle.

84 Create the scene weave:
Step 8 Create the scene weave: Before writing, list every scene in the story, and weave all plotlines and themes into a tapestry.

85 Step 9 Scene construction and symphonic dialogue:
Construct each scene to further the development of your hero.

86 Truby’s Blockbuster software

87 Introduction to Truby’s Blockbuster software.
Video Introduction to Truby’s Blockbuster software.

88 Randy Ingermanson (1958-?)

89 The Snowflake Method

90 Reflection Post-Its in pairs: The Monomyth exists in versions from three to several hundred scenes. Which version would help you? Open discussion: What tools do you use to overcome writer’s block?

91  Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell George Lucas Christopher Vogler
John Truby Discussion

92 Discussion Open discussion: How can you use the Monomyth in your stories? My view: The Monomyth is stale and not very useful. Except for fantastic spectacles.

93 The Monomyth is bad Myth scholars doubt its validity.
Feminists criticize its male bias. Hollywood sees diminishing returns. Writers doubt its usefulness to them.

94 Scholars Doubt The Monomyth has no support in mythology.
Scholars view generalizing claims with suspicion. Donald J. Consentino: ‘It is just as important to stress differences as similarities, to avoid creating a (Joseph) Campbell soup of myths that loses all local flavor.’

95 Hollywood Doubts The monomyth structure lacks originality.
It leads to clichés. The characters are even called archetypes. Avatar got a thorough bashing.

96 About the Monomyth and Avatar.
Video About the Monomyth and Avatar.

97 Writers Doubt The Hero’s Journey was designed for ancient myths.
It was never meant for modern stories. It fails to critically investigate or interpret narrative.

98 David Brin (1950-?)

99 Old Stories for Feudal Society
It reflects cross-cultural historical similarities. Not some deeper human insight.

100 The Monomyth is Evil Kings and priests used the Monomyth to justify tyranny. Until recently, storytellers depended on the oligarchy for their livelihood. The aristocracy punished irreverence.

101 Set the Future Free Those historical factors have disappeared.
Modern stories emerged. Science fiction is the antithesis of Campbell's monomyth.

102 Star Wars on Trial (2006)

103 Eight Charges The politics of Star Wars are anti-democratic and elitist. While claiming mythic significance, Star Wars portrays no admirable religious or ethical beliefs. Women in Star Wars are portrayed as fundamentally weak. Star Wars pretends to be science fiction, but is really fantasy. Star Wars has dumbed down the perception of science fiction in the popular imagination. The plot holes and logical gaps in Star Wars make it ill-suited for an intelligent viewer. Science fiction filmmaking has been reduced by Star Wars to poorly written special effects extravaganzas. Star Wars novels are poor subsitutes for real science fiction and are driving real SF off the shelves.

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