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Warm up – Oct 13 When you go buy for you school supplies what do you make sure you buy? And what do you feel you don’t need to buy?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up – Oct 13 When you go buy for you school supplies what do you make sure you buy? And what do you feel you don’t need to buy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up – Oct 13 When you go buy for you school supplies what do you make sure you buy? And what do you feel you don’t need to buy?

2 The indefinete articles un, une, and des
Read Mise en train on page 76 et 77, then do question on page 78 # 1, # 2 and 4. Page 80, note culturelle. The indefinete articles un, une, and des The articles un and une both mean a or an. Use un with masculine nouns and une with feminine nouns. Use des(some) with plural nouns. Notice that un, une, and des change to de after ne……pas. Ex. J’ai un crayon, mais je n’ai pas de papier.

3 Listen #9 Review Definite Articles Definite Article = the
Indefinite Article a/an/une/some plural Les Des Starts with a vowel L’ Is female la une Is male Le les After a negative Me…….pas De/d’

4 Asking others what they need and telling what you need
To ask what someone needs: Qu’est-ce qu’il te faut pour les maths? What do you need for…………..? (Informal) Qu’est-ce qu’il vous faut pour la géo? What do you need for…………………? (Formal) To tell what you need: Il me faut un stylo et un classeur.

5 Qu’est ce qu’il te faut? Séverine’s English teacher has given her a list of supplies she has to buy for her class. Her french-speaking mother is having difficulty reading the list. How will Séverine answer her mom’s questions? Example: Il te faut un sac? = Non, mais il me faut un cahier. What is on the list: a pencil sharperner, a notebook, pens, paper, two binders, and an eraser Il te faut un livre? Il te faut des crayons? Il te faut une calculatrice? Il te faut une trousse? Il te faut une règle?

6 Tout pour mes cours Make a list of supplies you need for four of you current classes. Example: Pour le français, il me faut un classeur, un livre et des feuilles. Pour………………………………………………………………………. Pour…………………………………………………………………….. Pour………………………………………………………………………

7 Exercise- Sort the following words by the in definitive articles
Cahier crayons chien plage amie crpissant livre gomme sac à dos Des Une Un

8 *Exit Ticket Do activitiy 10 on page 81 -Handouts

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