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How to express likes and dislikes with nouns (person, place, or thing)

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Presentation on theme: "How to express likes and dislikes with nouns (person, place, or thing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to express likes and dislikes with nouns (person, place, or thing)
Me gusta, No me gusta(n) Te gusta, No te gusta(n)

2 Repaso You have already learned how to express likes and dislikes with infinitive verbs. What’s an infinitive? Ejemplo: I like to run. Me gusta correr. Do you like to read? ¿Te gusta leer?

3 Ahora, ¿Cómo usamos gustar con las cosas (things)?
In Spanish, we use gustar in 2 forms: 1. If what I like is singular: Me gusta el chicle. Gum is pleasing to me. Gum agrees with gustar 2. If what I like is plural: Me gustan los jugos de fruta. Fruit juices are pleasing to me. Juices agree with gustar.

4 Ahora, ¿Cómo usamos gustar con las cosas (things)?
In Spanish, we use gustar in 2 forms: 3. If what he/she likes is singular: Le gusta el chicle . Gum is pleasing to him/her. Gum agrees with gustar 4. If what he,she likes is plural: Le gustan los jugos de fruta. Fruit juices are pleasing to him/her. Juices agree with gustar.

5 Ahora, ¿Cómo usamos gustar con las cosas (things)?
In Spanish, we use gustar in 2 forms: 5. If what we like is singular: Nos gusta el chicle . Gum is pleasing to us. Gum agrees with gustar 6. If what we like is plural: Nos gustan los jugos de fruta. Fruit juices are pleasing to us. Juices agree with gustar.

6 Soooo….. If I like something singular = Me gusta If I like something plural = Me gustan If he/she likes something singluar = Le gusta If he she likes something plural = Le gustan

7 ¡A practicar! A mí, me gusta el chicle. A mí, me gusta el jugo.
A mí, me gustan las galletas. A mí, me gustan las papas fritas.

8 4 minutos, 4 preguntas… ¿Te gusta/Te gustan?


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