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New Hire Orientation Maria Freidlund, Administrator

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1 New Hire Orientation Maria Freidlund, Administrator
Dementia New Hire Orientation Maria Freidlund, Administrator

2 Dementia What it is; What it isn’t The brain Strategies for employees

3 What it is; what it isn’t
Dementia What it is; what it isn’t

4 Dementia Umbrella term describes multiple conditions
characterized by the gradual loss of intellectual functioning

5 Dementia Umbrella term covers: Alzheimer's Vascular Lewy bodies
Frontal Temporal Parkinson’s Huntington’s

6 Dementia Different from “Age Associate Memory Impairment”
Starts in late 20’s Increases as you age Around age 40 you fall off a cliff! Age Associate Memory Impairment happens to everyone.

7 Dementia Text Book Definition: 1. Memory impairment, AND
2. One or more of the following cognitive difficulties: Language difficulties (aphasia) Impaired ability to conduct motor activities Failure to recognize or identify objects Disturbances in intellectual functioning Such as planning, organizing and abstract thinking.

8 Dementia Dementia in itself is NOT a disease DISEASE

9 Dementia Dementia is a term for a cluster of symptoms Faulty reasoning
Difficulty remembering Impaired judgment Loss of communication skills Failure to identify objects Difficulty recognizing Short term memory loss Impaired motor activity Loss of abstract thinking Disorientation to time/place

10 Dementia The Brain

11 The Brain: Parts of the Brain
Judgment & Behavior Memory Language Understanding (how to understand spoken language AND how to speak)

12 The Brain: Healthy vs Dementia

13 The Brain: the Hippocampus
“Memory Glue Guy”

14 The Brain: the Hippocampus
“Memory Glue Guy” Filters through information Determines what to keep that is important Determines what is temporary (not so important) Example of retaining what I had for breakfast this AM might remember tomorrow but goes away. Alz don’t recall

15 The Brain: What Remains?
Procedural memories Deeply stored long-term memory Automatic responses Social rituals Procedural Memories: Also known as ‘hand memories’ – folding, sorting, sanding, painting, etc. Deeply-Stored Long-Term Memory: Often from childhood or young adult years. Automatic Responses: Songs, hymns, prayers, poems, old sayings & proverbs – things repeated many, many times over the years. Social Rituals: Handshakes & hugs; passing food at the dinner table; etc. Desire for Purpose: A strong need to be “good for something.” Daily tasks, broken into very simple steps, often work well. Individual Strengths: Examples: Sense of Humor; a Nurturing Spirit; Playing the Piano; Singing; Artistic Abilities; etc. <<flinch>>

16 Strategies for employees
Dementia Strategies for employees

17 Strategies for Employees
Every impression is a first impression Carefully monitor yourself exaggerate facial expressions (big smile) body language (warmth) make eye contact tone of voice (calm) Remain below eye level Treat every interaction as if it is your first It may feel this way to the person

18 Strategies for Employees
Approach gently from the front let them see you approach never “sneak up” or startle Offer physical contact a handshake hand over hand a hug or kiss

19 Communication Strategies
Use good vocal quality – Low and slow, loud and clear Low pitch Slow speech Slightly louder Very clear enunciation

20 Communication Strategies
Simple words Use the 7&7 rule Speak 7 words or less Allow 7 seconds for them to respond Concrete language - no jargon, no baby talk (“It’s time for bed”, not “Let’s go beddy-bye”) Use words the person has used in their lifetime

21 Communication Strategies
Fill in the gaps If struggling for a word, suggest one Prevent embarrassment when language or memory fails (they try to cover it up!) Use positive wording - not negative Not: Don’t grab someone else’s wheelchair Instead: Let’s go further ahead so you can grab the railing.

22 Strategies for Employees
Resident Choice and Dementia Use statements instead of questions Re-approach, don’t force Example: It’s dinner time so you tell Joe Dementia, “It’s dinner time. (pause) Let’s go to the dining room.” If Joe refuses, walk away, re-approach.

23 Strategies for Employees
DON’Ts Ban this Phrase: “DON’T YOU REMEMBER?” Don’t you remember me? Don’t you remember, it’s time to eat? Quizzing residents about recent events Don’t you remember your family was just here?

24 Practice Pair up with another person
Tell them your plans for the evening Non-verbal skills for cueing - Pointing, Placing, Hand-over Hand Low and slow, loud and clear 7 simple words, wait 7 seconds Can ask a question (“Do you like…” not “Do you remember…”)

25 Dementia Review

26 Dementia Review What is Dementia? What Happens in the Brain
An umbrella term A cluster of symptoms Not a disease in itself What Happens in the Brain Gradual erosion Hippocampus - “Memory Glue Guy” starts to let memories go

27 Dementia Review Communication Strategies Positive non-verbal cues
Choose simple words Speak 7 words; wait 7 seconds Low and slow, loud and clear Remember

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