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26 Chapter 26 Section 26.1 Wellness for Life Section 26.2

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1 26 Chapter 26 Section 26.1 Wellness for Life Section 26.2
Health and Wellness Chapter 26 Section 26.1 Wellness for Life Section 26.2 Taking Care of Yourself 1

2 Section 26.1 Wellness for Life
You are responsible for your health and well-being. Being informed and making smart decisions about your health and safety can improve the quality of your life now and in the future. 2

3 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary wellness fitness endurance
aerobic activities flexibility body image Body Mass Index (BMI) anorexia nervosa bulimia binge eating substance abuse credit composition

4 Your Well-Being Two primary goals of wellness are to promote health and prevent disease. Wellness is physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Fitness is when your body works at its peak. wellness An approach to life that emphasizes taking positive steps toward overall good health and well-being. fitness When your body works at its peak, you look your best, and you are healthy, strong, and well.

5 Your Well-Being Leading an active life strengthens heart and lungs, improves muscle tone, and helps maintain a healthy weight. The three elements of fitness are strength, endurance, and flexibility. endurance The ability to use energy over a period of time without getting tired. flexibility The ability of your joints to make the full range of movements available to them. 5

6 Your Well-Being Aerobic activity is a continuous rhythmic activity that helps heart, lung, and muscles aerobic activity Continuous, rhythmic activities that help improve heart, lung, and muscle function. 6

7 A Healthy Weight Focus on maintaining a weight that is healthy for your body. Weight is based on height, age, gender, bone structure, body build, and growth pattern. 7

8 A Healthy Weight Body Mass Index (BMI) uses weight, height, and age to help determine an appropriate weight range. Weight management is a matter of balancing the energy you take in with the energy you use. Body Mass Index (BMI) A person’s appropriate weight range determined by weight, height, and age. 8

9 Health Risks Eating disorders are dangerous and can be life threatening. Anorexia nervosa is an example of one type of eating disorder. anorexia nervosa An extreme urge to lose weight by starving oneself. 9

10 Health Risks A bulimic person secretly overeats and then vomits or uses laxatives. Binge eating is compulsive overeating. bulimia Bouts of extreme, often secret overeating followed by attempts to get rid of the food eaten by using laxatives or vomiting. binge eating Compulsive overeating, often without being hungry. 10

11 Health Risks Substance abuse, the use of illegal drugs and the misuse of legal ones, in another serious health risk. substance abuse The use of illegal drugs or the misuse of legal drugs or substances. 11

12 Health Risks Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are transmitted from one person to another by sexual contact. Abstinence is the only certain way to avoid STIs. 12

13 Section 26.2 Taking Care of Yourself
Your overall health is determined by your physical, emotional and mental, and social wellness. You can improve your health by learning to cope with stress. Work with your doctor to manage your health care. 13

14 Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary stress adrenaline
primary care physician specialist adequate assume

15 Take Charge of Your Health
Your good health includes physical, mental, emotional, social health and safety. Physical health is based on the choices you make as to what to eat and when to work and relax and to sleep. Good hygiene, or cleanliness, is basic to overall wellness.

16 Take Charge of Your Health
Maximize your mental and emotional health by challenging yourself, focusing on your strengths, taking responsibility, and having a positive attitude. Social health is about the relationships with people around you. Follow safety guidelines in order to be responsible for your health. Avoid high-risk behaviors.

17 Stress When the body reacts to stress, it releases a hormone called adrenaline, where it increases the heartbeat and breathing rate. stress A body’s response when one feels overwhelmed. adrenaline A stress hormone that increases the heartbeat and breathing rate.

18 Health Care Regular checkups help keep minor problems from turning into serious ones. The United States health care system is one of the most advanced in the world; however, it is also the most expensive .

19 Health Care For routine examinations, a primary care physician provides general care. A specialist is needed for a specific condition or disease. primary care physician A doctor who provides general care and performs checkups. specialist A doctor trained to treat specific diseases or medical conditions.

20 Health Care Each one of us is responsible for our health by scheduling checkups, asking questions, and following health care professionals’ advice. Use trusted resources to acquire information on your health.

21 Chapter Summary Section 26.1
Wellness for Life Wellness involves taking positive steps toward overall health. Regular physical activity improves physical, mental and emotional, and social health. Aim for an active lifestyle that promotes strength, endurance, and flexibility. Maintain a weight that is healthy for you. Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that require professional help. Teens who avoid high-risk behaviors show that they care about their health.

22 Chapter Summary Section 26.2
Taking Care of Yourself You are responsible for your own health and safety. You make decisions every day that affect your physical health, mental and emotional health, social health, and your safety. Stress is part of everyone’s life and can be negative or positive. You need to learn to manage your stress. Regular doctor and dental visits are important, and it is up to you to participate in your own health care management with your care providers.

23 Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start

24 wellness bienestar An approach to life that emphasizes taking positive steps toward overall good health and well-being. Enfoque hacia la vida que enfatiza tomar pasos positivos hacia la buena salud y el bienestar. Show Definition

25 fitness buen estado físico
When your body works at its peak, you look your best, and you are healthy, strong, and well. Cuando tu cuerpo trabaja a su punto máximo, te ves bien y estás saludable, fuerte y sano. Show Definition

26 endurance resistencia
The ability to use energy over a period of time without getting tired. La habilidad de usar energía durante un periodo de tiempo sin cansarse. Show Definition

27 actividades aeróbicas
aerobic activities actividades aeróbicas Continuous, rhythmic activities that help improve heart, lung, and muscle function. Actividades continuas y rítmicas que ayudan a mejorar las funciones del corazón, los pulmones y los músculos. Show Definition

28 flexibility flexibilidad
The ability of your joints to make the full range of movements available to them. La habilidad que tienen tus articulaciones para hacer el rango completo de movimientos posibles. Show Definition

29 body image imagen corporal
An individual’s personal view of their own size and shape. Imagen personal que un individuo tiene de su forma y tamaño. Show Definition

30 Body Mass Index Indice de Masa Corporal
A person’s appropriate weight range determined by weight, height, and age. Rango de peso apropiado que se determina por el peso, la altura y la edad de la persona. Show Definition

31 anorexia nervosa anorexia nerviosa
An extreme urge to lose weight by starving oneself. Impulso extremo de dejar de comer para bajar de peso. Show Definition

32 bulimia bulimia Bouts of extreme and often secret overeating followed by attempts to get rid of the food eaten by using laxatives or vomiting. Ataques de comer en exceso, por lo general a escondidas, seguidos por intentos de deshacerse de lo que se comió usando laxantes o vomitando. Show Definition

33 binge eating atracón Compulsive overeating, often without being hungry. Comer compulsivamente y por lo general sin tener hambre. Show Definition

34 substance abuse abuso de sustancias
The use of illegal drugs or the misuse of legal drugs or substances. El consumo de drogas ilegales o el abuso de medicamentos o sustancias legales. Show Definition

35 credit mérito Praise and recognition. Elogios y reconocimiento.
Show Definition

36 composition composición The ratio of fat to lean tissue in your body.
La proporción de grasa y tejido delgado en tu cuerpo. Show Definition

37 stress estrés A body’s response when one feels overwhelmed.
La respuesta del cuerpo cuando uno se siente abrumado. Show Definition

38 adrenaline adrenalina
A stress hormone that increases the heartbeat and breathing rate. Una hormona de estrés que incrementa los ritmos cardiacos y respiratorios. Show Definition

39 primary care physician médico general
A doctor who provides general care and performs checkups. Un doctor que proporciona atención general y realiza exámenes de chequeo. Show Definition

40 specialist especialista
A doctor trained to treat specific diseases or medical conditions. Un doctor capacitado para tratar enfermedades o condiciones médicas específicas. Show Definition

41 adequate adecuado Enough or sufficient. Suficiente o bastante.
Show Definition

42 assume asumir Take on or undertake. Tomar o emprender. Show Definition

43 End Of Chapter 26 Chapter 1

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