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Exit Ticket! Compare and Contrast the three forms of Authoritarian Regimes. What’s one way they’re similar? How are they different? How did Napoleon.

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Presentation on theme: "Exit Ticket! Compare and Contrast the three forms of Authoritarian Regimes. What’s one way they’re similar? How are they different? How did Napoleon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exit Ticket! Compare and Contrast the three forms of Authoritarian Regimes. What’s one way they’re similar? How are they different? How did Napoleon Bonaparte become an authoritarian ruler?

2 Forms of Government

3 Queen Elizabeth II of England
Monarchy King & Queen Ex. England, Sweden, Saudi Arabia Power handed down through family Queen Elizabeth II of England

4 King Louis XIV of France

5 Versailles Palace used by the kings and queens of France

6 Theocracy Government controlled by religious leaders Examples Iran
Vatican – Pope

7 Dictatorship Complete and absolute power Take power by force

8 Types of Dictatorship Oligarchy – power in hands of a small group
Totalitarian – control all aspects of people’s lives

9 Adolf Hitler At the end of World War I Adolf Hitler was angry over the defeat of Germany. During the 1920s, Germany went through tough economic times.

10 Throughout the 1920s the Nazi Party grows in numbers.
By the 1930s, the Nazi party is the largest party in Germany In January 1933, President Paul von Hindenberg appoints Adolf Hitler Chancellor

11 September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland
Hitler began “cleansing” Poland of Jews Einsatzgruppen A, B, C, and D units moved through Poland behind the German army to get rid of Jews Parts of Poland was given to Germans The Eastern parts of Poland were used to house Jews sent from all over Europe in camps

12 Einsatzgruppen Units


14 Concentration camps had been in Germany since 1934
Concentration camps had been in Germany since The first camp was Dachau.

15 Final Solution By 1942, the German government was looking for a more efficient way to get rid of the Jews. The decision became known as the Final Solution

16 Democratic Governments
All voters meet to make laws Small communities Direct Democracy People elect representatives Republic Representative Democracy

17 Direct Democracy – Ancient Greece Small towns in New England

18 Representative Democracy
United States People should stay informed through news, vote, become active in their community, etc.

19 Why do we have government?
1. Helping people cooperate Solve problems 2. Providing services Schools, military, police, fire, highways, trash, libraries

20 3. Providing laws Constitution – Supreme Law of the Land State laws Local laws

21 4. Guarantee freedoms Bill of Rights Speech, religion, press, assembly, petition, right to bear arms, etc.

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