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School Culture in the Middle School

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1 School Culture in the Middle School
Presented by Sergio Chavez Robert Sortino Maureen Vass, Ph.D.

2 “Positive learning can only take place in a positive culture
“Positive learning can only take place in a positive culture. A healthy school culture will affect more student and teacher success than any other reform or school improvement effort currently being employed.” -Gary Phillips

3 How do teachers determine the impact of their teaching on the learning of students?

4 Activity: Practice Sort
Hattie researched the 10 most often used practices/innovations used for instructional purposes. Privately rank their effectiveness, with 1 being the most effective and 10 being the least effective. At the signal, please compare your rankings with your group.

5 Here is a list of some of the innovations/practices
Here is a list of some of the innovations/practices. First, rank their effectiveness on your own, with 1 being the most effective and 10 being the least effective. At the signal, compare your rankings with your group. ___ RTI ___ Class Size ___ Classroom Discussion ___ Summer School ___ Homework ___ Web-based learning ___ Ability Grouping ___ Concept Mapping ___ Feedback ___ Teacher-Student Relationships

6 Effect Sizes Best way to the question, “What has the greatest influence on student learning?” An effect-size of 1.0 typically means… Advancing learners’ achievement by one year Improving the rate of learning by 50%! A two grade leap in grades (like from a C to an A)

7 Hinge point = 0.40 If the effect size is above 0.4, the influence has a positive effect on student learning. Half of the influences on achievement are above this hinge-point and half are not!

8 Activity Sort Part 2 So five of these practices have a positive impact on student learning. Highlight your top 5 Do you want to change any of them???

9 Hattie Results RTI 1.07 2 Classroom Discussion 0.802 Feedback 0.75
4 Teacher-Student Relationships 0.72 Concept Mapping Homework Summer School Class Size Web-based Learning 10 Ability Grouping

10 Reflections What surprised you?
Which of the top 5 practices are you currently using? How? What if you used influences that were all at or above an effect size of 0.40?

11 “Engage Students Hearts and Their Minds Will Follow”
- “Chip” Anderson How does the teacher prepare themselves personally and professionally to accomplish this?

12 Personal Preparedness
Mind. Meditation. Visualization. Body. Exercise. Diet. Sleep. Soul. Attitude. Perspective. Spirit. Positive self-talk about self/kids. Debrief/problem solve with someone about helping students.

13 Professional Preparedness
Rules & Procedures (3-5). Clear, continual & consistent. Positive reinforcement. Praise. Transitions (Managed well). Entering/exiting class. Fun activities. Lesson to lesson / station to station. Engaging Lessons (Use technology). Differentiated lesson plans. Pacing. Teaching is a dirty job. Organized Classroom (Open door policy). Anticipate the needs of the students. Easy access to materials/supplies. Teach from bell to bell. Ambience. Keep classroom clean and organized. Regulate temperature, smells, sights, space and sounds. Environment of personal warmth.

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