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Presentation on theme: "KS3 IMPACT! ENERGISING THE STRATEGY: PROMOTING A WHOLE-SCHOOL IMPACT"— Presentation transcript:

Geoff Barton April 8, 2017

2 KS3 IMPACT! Achieving whole-school impact
TODAY: Achieving whole-school impact Motivating gifted & talented students Re-energising literacy & numeracy Assessment for Learning * Customising the behaviour strand * Mystery interlude


4 Download at
KS3 IMPACT! Download at




8 KS3 IMPACT! & allowances


10 KS3 IMPACT! An inclusive education system within a culture of high expectations The centrality of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum The infusion of learning skills across the curriculum The promotion of assessment for learning Expanding the teacher’s range of teaching strategies and techniques no child left behind reinforcing the basics enriching the learning experience making every child special making learning an enjoyable experience

11  KS3 IMPACT! Focus and structure the teaching
Actively engage the pupils in the learning process Use assessment for learning Have high expectations Strive for well-paced teaching Create a settled and purposeful atmosphere

12 The Big Shift

13  KS3 IMPACT! gains in the Year 9 test results were modest;
catch-up arrangements have been dogged by the logistical problems of finding timetable space and staff; dissemination in departments has been slow in schools without consultancy support; the greatest impact has been in Year 7, with less impact in Years 8 and 9; reinforces fragmentation.

14 KS3 IMPACT! Why do we need it? Nearly 40% of pupils make a loss and no progress in the year following transfer, related to a decline in motivation “Year 7 adds so little value that actually missing the year would not disadvantage some children” (Prof John West-Burnham) Pupils characterise work in Years 7 and 8 as ‘repetitive, unchallenging and lacking in purpose’

15 KS3 IMPACT! Change of emphasis … From To
Departmental strategies Whole-school strategy Departmental development School improvement National launch Local consolidation / embedding Directed training Selected training and support

16 KS3 IMPACT! 5 short-cuts to success

17 1 KS3 IMPACT! Key players Strategy manager Working party Headteacher
Governors Teaching assistants Subject leaders Students!

18 1 KS3 IMPACT! NOW! Key players Strategy manager
Coordinating, auditing, planning and monitoring processes (depts and whole school) It is possible that as the Strategy develops into a whole-school strategy, including the behaviour and attendance strand, schools will review the role and allocate responsibilities to other members of the senior leadership team.

19 1 KS3 IMPACT! FUTURE! Key players Customising to the school’s context
Strategy manager Customising to the school’s context School improvement plan Focus on evaluating impact

20 2 KS3 IMPACT! Customise it ruthlessly Half-term by half-term plan
How will you judge IMPACT? Subject & whole-school priorities Enrol key players Drip-feed good news

21 3 KS3 IMPACT! Emphasising whole school reponsibilities
to contribute to whole-school initiatives; to strengthen lesson design and planning, especially for the middle part of the lesson; to establish within the subject the relevant elements of a whole-school intervention programme to support pupils who are working below expectations; to secure constructive behaviour in all lessons; to audit, monitor and plan to improve learning

22 4 KS3 IMPACT! KS3 IMPACT! Focus relentlessly on T&L
‘Standards are raised ONLY by changes which are put into direct effect by teachers and pupils in classrooms’ Black and Wiliam, ‘Inside the Black Box’ “Schools are places where the pupils go to watch the teachers working” (John West-Burnham) “For many years, attendance at school has been required (for children and for teachers) while learning at school has been optional.” (Stoll, Fink & East)

23 5 KS3 IMPACT! Be realistic Go for critical mass Small successes
But make them public to build a momentum

24 Making an impact through School Improvement Planning & Evaluation
KS3 IMPACT! Making an impact through School Improvement Planning & Evaluation

25 KS3 IMPACT! SIP 1: Central, working document
2: Attach who, when, costs, success criteria, and make them smart 3: Less is more - eg focus on 3 key areas for classroom impact (questions, explanation, starters) 4: Keep it in the public domain; part of PM; website 5: Have Dept-by-Dept targets 6: Evaluate progress publicly each half-term

26 Using feedback and questionnaires to drive school improvement
“We should measure what we value, not value what we measure” John MacBeath

27 Staff …

28 Yes No


30 Student …

31 Book sampling…




35 KS3 IMPACT!  Talking Point  What evaluation have you done?
What could you do next?

36 G&T KS3 IMPACT! Identifying G&T students A whole-school approach
Strategies that work

37 KS3 IMPACT! Identifying / Diagnosing Gifted & Talented students
Entitlement v Elitism

38 ? T: Art Music Sport G: Other subjects Grow your own definition DfES
5-10% of students teachers students

39 Which of these should we use to define students who are gifted and talented?
NC tests (eg KS2, KS3) Diagnostic tests (Midyis, CATs) Classroom observation Teacher recommendation Checklists of general ingredients Peer / parental recommendation

40 So how can we spot our gifted and talented students?
What are the key signals? Conformist Diligent Adult-friendly Smart presentation Socially adept Leadership qualities Mustn’t grumble Enjoys problem-solving Sense of humour Non-Conformist Non-completer Avoids extension tedium Uncommunicative, surly, challenging, unnerving Scruffy presentation detached, even disruptive Loner or rebel Scornful Dark humour

41 KS3 IMPACT! Ask the students
How do you know what you are especially good at? Is everyone able to show their best and be proud of it? Do some people pretend they are not clever at something? What sort of things make you think hardest?Of all the ways the teacher gets you to learn about things which do you enjoy the most? Of all the ways the teacher gets you to learn about things, which do you enjoy least? Do you find it easy to get on with the tasks you’ve been set? Do you have targets which really challenge you?

42 Of all the ways the teacher gets you to learn about things which do you enjoy the most?
Activities – not writing, nothing intimidating. More discussion, needs to be variety (maths now = all from books) Biology = copy from board – don’t even read it VAKi in French to analyse own learning If teachers drone on = some of us don’t have the attention span Unfairness about time given to complete coursework ie some = meet deadlines. Others = 3 months late so have extra 3 months to work on it Too many tests in short space of time Would help if different subject teachers could talk to each other so we do not get all coursework assignments at the same time.

43 Of all the ways the teacher gets you to learn about things, which do you enjoy least?
Vague questions that you don’t know what it means I think we should be setted for English because it could be more challenging too long on one piece of work would be helpful, disruptive people were in difficult group Humanities – go round and round in circles because don’t have specialist teachers. Spend time trying to manage behaviour

44 So what should we be aiming to provide for G&T students
So what should we be aiming to provide for G&T students? And what NOT provide?

45 NOT BUT More of the same Extra handouts FOFO projects Experimentation
Metacognition Modelled learning Open questions Detours and tangents Humour Wonder Creativity Resilience ‘Flow’ thinking

46 Create the climate for things to happen
So what could you do next? Create the climate for things to happen Do things History A gifted or talented student may:  Work with a high degree of independence  Use a variety of sources to obtain information  Question the validity of sources/ideas  Utilise specialised vocabulary  high level of empathy  perceptive level of questioning  transfer previous knowledge  link topics with other subjects  be able to group philosophical concepts In delivery the teacher may:  allow students to select their own sources of information  promote paired work  role-play  allow them to produce materials for other students’ use (e.g. a wordsearch, audio tape, video etc.)  interview ‘experts’ (eg other members of the department) in order to gain information  promote different methods of recording information  promote higher order skills by asking open questions, e.g. Henry VIII – a good or bad influence on the religion of the country?  Limit the time they have available for a task

47 1 Hammer out your school’s definition of G&T, giving a broad view of ability, downplaying innateness, emphasising inclusiveness, emotional literacy, resilience. Involve staff in this process

48 2 The G&T coordinator should coordinate, not DO everything. S/he should also be a key evaluater

49 3 Keep it simple: 3 (or less) things that some people will try to do in their lessons. Build a critical mass. Roll the project out sequentially using allies

50 4 Do whole-school stuff (masterclasses, conferences, thinking skills workshops, trips). But expect in-lesson impact too, and know how you will evaluate it

51 5 Involve students and parents and experts. Give control. Do less!

52 G&T KS3 IMPACT! Identifying G&T students A whole-school approach
Strategies that work

53 KS3 IMPACT!  Talking Point 
What have been the successes in your own school? What do you need to do next?

54 Making an impact through Whole-school literacy
KS3 IMPACT! Making an impact through Whole-school literacy

55 LITERACY FOR LEARNING Language oddities


57 Please don't smoke and live a more healthy life
LITERACY FOR LEARNING Please don't smoke and live a more healthy life PSE Poster

58 Sign at Suffolk hospital: Criminals operate in this area
LITERACY FOR LEARNING Sign at Suffolk hospital: Criminals operate in this area


60 Churchdown parish magazine:
LITERACY FOR LEARNING Churchdown parish magazine: ‘would the congregation please note that the bowl at the back of the church labelled ‘for the sick” is for monetary donations only’

61 Why cross-curricular literacy?
LITERACY FOR LEARNING Why cross-curricular literacy?

62 LITERACY FOR LEARNING The literacy context ... A 1997 survey showed that of 12 European countries, only Poland and Ireland had lower levels of adult literacy 1-in-16 adults cannot identify a concert venue on a poster that contains name of band, price, date, time and venue 7 million UK adults cannot locate the page reference for plumbers in the Yellow Pages

63 BBC NEWS ONLINE: More than half of British motorists cannot interpret road signs properly, according to a survey by the Royal Automobile Club. The survey of 500 motorists - conducted to mark the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Highway Code - highlighted just how many people are still grappling with it.

64 According to the survey, three in five motorists thought a "be aware of cattle" warning sign indicated … an area infected with foot-and-mouth disease.

65 Common mistakes No motor vehicles - Beware of fast motorbikes Wild fowl - Puddles in the road Riding school close by - "Marlborough country"  advert

66 LITERACY FOR LEARNING “Every teacher in English is a teacher of English” (George Sampson, 1922) Build it into lesson observation sheets and performance management It’s a process, not expertise - eg writing and spelling

67 5 quick ways to maintain the momentum at your school …
LITERACY FOR LEARNING 5 quick ways to maintain the momentum at your school …

68 5: Think big; start small
LITERACY FOR LEARNING 5: Think big; start small 1: Get literacy appearing everywhere 4: Get it in the school improvement plan 3: Build in evaluation 2: Call it learning, rather than literacy

69 KS3 IMPACT!  Talking Point 
What have been the successes in your own school? What do you need to do next?

Geoff Barton April 8, 2017

71 KS3 IMPACT! Achieving whole-school impact
LATE ADDITION: Achieving whole-school impact Motivating gifted & talented students Re-energising literacy & SPELLING! Assessment for Learning * Customising the behaviour strand * Mystery interlude


73 Kick-start learning  Do aim for coherence across starters
 Don’t aim for false links with main lesson content  No Blue Peter badges  Do aim for coherence across starters Kick-start learning  Emphasise collaboration & problem-solving  Avoid writing  Avoid the temptation to extend the activity


75 -ible -able

76 Sound of Music Kylie Beethoven
Homophones Sound of Music Kylie Beethoven their there they’re too two to pray prey

77 Hard Homophones Freeze Stand advice advise practice practise
effect affect It’s its

78 Activity I’ll say some sentences containing homophones. You tell me whether it’s list A or list B. Make up sentences – eg “The pilot of the aircraft was really rather plain”) A – stand up B – under table plain Plane weak Week steal Steel main Mane rows Rows fare Fair break Brake sew So due Jew whether whether

79 LITERACY IMPACT! So … What have you done? What are you going to do?

KS3 IMPACT! ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Making a classroom impact Evaluating constantly

81 What it’s about … integrates assessment with teaching and learning; involves sharing learning goals with pupils; helps pupils to be aware of the standards they are aiming for; involves pupils in peer- and self-assessment; requires constructive feedback to pupils to help them recognise their next steps and how to take them; involves both teachers and pupils in reviewing and reflecting on assessment information and data

82 Some opening principles:
There is a marking-across-the-curriculum issue … But there’s a deeper issue about assessment too And the tyranny of questions We need to get better at assessing in different ways & stop seeing it as only our domain …which is what this presentation is about

83 The limitation of questions
Dylan Wiliam (King’s College): UK versus Japanese teachers Marks can have a negative impact Demotivation of UK students

84 Research from Israel: 33% of students given marks only – made no progress 33% given mark and comment – no progress 33% given comment only … … increased their performance by 30%

85 4 key ingredients in good assessment
Quality of questioning Quality of feedback Sharing criteria with learners Using peer and self-assessment


87 Learning Summative assessment: How have I done? Formative assessment:
“How am I doing?” Learning teacher - peer - parent - buddy - mentor verbal - tick-list - general comment - written feedback

88 Alternatives to Questions
? ? ? ? Alternatives to Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

89 Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge
Bloom’s taxonomy of questioning Tasks Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Assess / compare & contrast / judge Design / create / compose Explain / infer / analyse Demonstrate / solve / try in a new context Translate / predict / why? Describe / identify / who, when, where?

90 Mr Rees has been teaching about witchcraft in 17th century England
Mr Rees has been teaching about witchcraft in 17th century England. How could he assess whether students have understood the topic? Mrs Miles has just finished teaching an ecology lesson. How could she assess whether students can synthesise the main points? Ms Hunting has just explained the coming term’s design project. How could she assess students’ ability to evaluate their own work?

91 Plan questions in scheme of work
7 tips for effective questioning … Plan questions in scheme of work Use Bloom’s taxonomy to move to higher-level skills Share key questions at the start of the lesson - point the way ahead Balance asking and telling Ask open questions Make questions collaborative Give thinking time

92 DEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE Re-thinking Assessment
Self-assessment by students Re-teaching a lesson Group feedback Re-thinking Assessment Re-present in different format 30-second 1:1 Ticklists Presentations in small groups INDEPENDENCE Learning buddy Feedback from other groups

93 NEXT STEPS Get feedback from students on their attitudes to marking - what helps them & what doesn’t Display marking criteria in all classrooms Get one team testing new homework-setting patterns Get clear in your own mind formative -v- summative assessment Use sampling to evaluate marking

KS3 IMPACT! ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Making a classroom impact Evaluating constantly

95 KS3 IMPACT!  Talking Point 
What have been the successes in your own school? What do you need to do next?

96 Making an impact through Behaviour & Attendance Strand
KS3 IMPACT! Making an impact through Behaviour & Attendance Strand

97 KS3 IMPACT! Why? Evidence suggests that where schools have successfully addressed issues of ethos and organisation, as well as strengths and weaknesses in teaching and learning, improved standards of behaviour and attendance are the inevitable consequence.

98 KS3 IMPACT! Behaviour & Attendance 1: Dismiss cynicism (eg audit)
2: Avoid one-offs 3: Develop a house-style and model it 4: Use key players, who may not be SMT 5: Train everyone in this, and keep returning to it 6: Must be based on observation, not diktat 7: Identify hot-spots and monitor them 8: Tackle causes, not just symptoms Research says …

99 What we know from research into behaviour management …
King Edward VI School Bury St Edmunds Proactive schools have better behaviour – early intervention and preventative measures. There are higher rates of difficulty and exclusion in schools with lower confidence in their ability to handle the problem. Schools that form tight communities do better – spectrum of adult roles, engaging students personally and getting them involved. These schools have a more diffuse teacher role, with frequent contact between staff and students in contexts other than the classroom. The action teachers take in response to a ‘discipline problem’ has no consistent relationship with their managerial success in the classroom. However, what teachers do before misbehaviour occurs is shown to be crucial. In well-disciplined schools, teachers handle all or most of the routine discipline problems themselves. Indeed, the over-use of hierarchical referrals is a characteristic of high excluding schools. One of the most worrying assumptions is that if mild punishment does not prove effective, then we should try more severe punishment. In other words, one is led into a false escalation, rather like the postcard notice: “The beatings will continue until morale improves”. Reactive approaches to difficult behaviour can and do make matters worse. Schools make a difference: pupils’ behaviour does NOT simply mirror behaviour at home. Teachers engage in 1000 interactions or more a day. It is closest to being an air traffic controller. Teachers therefore react and make quick decisions. If they do not have a way of coping with the busyness they can experience tiredness and stress. Collaborative approaches lead to better behaviour – rather than individual teachers isolated. Schools that promote self-discipline and active involvement do better. Chris Watkins, Institute of Education

100 KS3 IMPACT! Our ‘House’ Style … In general we aim to:
1. Set out our expectations clearly 2. Model the behaviour and language we expect from students In responding to challenging behaviour, we 3. Give students choices, rather than box them into a corner 4. Avoid public confrontation where necessary by being prepared to defer issues to the end of a lesson

101 KS3 IMPACT!  Talking Point 
What have been the successes in your own school? What do you need to do next?

102 KS3 IMPACT! FINAL THOUGHTS: Go for small-scale gains: “Less is more”
See it as driving whole-school improvement, not just KS3 Plan, implement, evaluate … always focusing on IMPACT You’re in control Customise the strategy to your own school’s context




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