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Session November 2005 Peter Olaf Looms Tine Sørensen

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1 Session 11 15 November 2005 Peter Olaf Looms Tine Sørensen
Project Management and Production of Digital Content PDI E2005 Room 4A.16 Session 11 15 November 2005 Peter Olaf Looms Tine Sørensen

2 Today’s programme - Validating Projects
17:00-18:00 18:00-18:10 18:10-19:00 19:00 -19:10 19:10-21:00 lecture on approaches for validating new media projects - the case of ROFL Break lecture on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for validating new media projects Feedback on Course Evaluation Criteria for evaluating the two cases Case 2; group work (planning) Evaluation of session 11; introduction to session 12

3 Contents of the lecture
We will take a closer look at: ROFL, a concrete project involving digital TV, the Web and mobile - see PDI_E2005_11a.ppt Qualitative and quantitative approaches Quick and dirty versus expensive approaches “Do it yourself” or “Hire a specialist” Review of qualitative methods including: Segmentation models Radar tools for prioritisation Focus group In-depth interview Heuristics User scenario with mock-up Observation - dummy in laboratory Eye-tracking and galvanic response with dummy Ethnography Video ethnography

4 Contents of the lecture (continued)
We will take a closer look at: Quantitative methods including: Surveys Log file analysis A useful article for this session is enclosed on the site: Handout_1: Lekakos, Georgios et al. Information Systems in the Living Room: A Case Study of Personalized Interactive TV Design * There is also a summary of qualitative methods on the site: Handout_2

5 Too much for one night! Market issues Market analysis Internal issues
Market Strategy Options Omverdens-model SOR-model Maslows behovsmodel Købemotiver/ Købstyper/ klasser Købsadfærd Beslutningsproces/ Buy-grid- modellen Opinionsledere Porter’s 5 forces Konkurrenceformer Priskrydselasticitet Konkurrent- analyse Konkurrentreaktion Markedsanalysens arbejdsproces Markedsanalyse - typer og metoder Indsamling af primære og sekundære data Analyse – og præsentation af resultater Værdikæde- analyse SWOT-analyse Ide og mål-fastsættelse Generisk strategi Konkurrence-mæssig position Eksportmotiver Eksport-beredskab  Segmentering og valg af målgruppe Valg af positionerings- strategi Vurdering og valg af eksportmarked Handlings- parametrenes egenskaber og sammenhænge Lovreguleringer PLC-kurven og valg af parametermiks Internettets  muligheder Product• Price• Prisstrategi Prisdifferentiering Place Distributionsstrategi Promotion Push-pull strategi Too much for one night! Source: Undervisningsministeriet

6 Project management and validation - asking the right questions at the right time
What product is required? Is there market potential? Who is the potential audience? What is the competition? Resources brief pitch dummy format product launch The needs and motives of the target group? Is there a unique selling proposition? What are our goals and success criteria? What demands do we need to make of the product? Product development Production Operation How do we market our product - channels? Optimal outreach to our target audience? What do we need in our marketing campaign? Time

7 Product life cycle Users Time Critical Mass Late majority
Early majority Laggards Early Adopters Innovators Time Launch Growth Maturity Decline Critical Mass Jørgen H.K. Jepsen Afsætningsøkonomisk modelsamling : Produktlivscyklus

8 Example of radar tool for early validation

9 New Markets - how do we spot new trends?
Figure 36 Summary of forecasts: Feb 2001 DAB GSM telefoni PC med Internet adgang Digital TV/STB 2. generations spillekonsoller WAP over GPRS/EDGE terminal Oversigten viser hvornår de enkelte platforme går fra en begrænset udbredelse (2 - 19% - early adopters - grøn) og videre til early majority ( % - gul) hvorefter de må betragtes som central for public service (rød) indtil platformen går tilbag (brun) for til sidst at udgå (lyseblå). I den kommende tid ( ) bør DR forholde sig til: DAB Enhanced digitalt tv (MHP på digitalt terrestrisk TV) 2. generations TTV på MHP platforme og en samordnet satsning på 1. og 2. generations TTV Mobil internet - WAP over GPRS/EDGE og UMTS Desuden bør man også forholde sig til: Mobil internet på PDA Video On Demand via bredbånd til TV-apparater eTV, iTV og Video On Demand på Personal Video Recorders, PVR DR kan overveje at supplere 2. generations TTV på MHP platforme med at samsende de samme digitale data på analogt TV i den såkaldte Vertical Blanking Interval (VBI) Endelig må man holde øje med udviklingen inden for den nuværende og næst generations videospil konsoller, som kunne ændre profil i den kommende tid. 2. generations TTV PDA med Internet adgang Digital video Recorder, PVR ELLER Video On Demand via bredbånd WAP over UMTS terminal Kilder: Arbejdsgruppens skøn baseret på en vurdering af primære kilder

10 Project Manager’s Toolkit - Validation
Qualitative Tools Focus group In-depth interview Heuristics User scenario with mock-up Observation - dummy in laboratory Eye-tracking and galvanic response with dummy Ethnography Video ethnography Quantitative Tools Radar tools for prioritisation of early ideas Surveys Log file analysis


12 Media, services, platforms and devices
TV Increase in supply of media Increase in the number of delivery platforms and devices Limited overall increase in mediia cnsumption (hours per week) Small increase in media consumption (kroner/year) Text TV Mobile VCR Internet DVD Broadband Video console Digital TV Sources: Gallup Annual Survey, Gallup Index Danmark og Danmarks Statistik

13 2. Quantitative research
Interviews (OFTEL study)

14 Use Cases: examples of real-world application
From DR and R&D project called CONTESSA

15 Validation methods - what do we need?
Proof of Concept - the format is valid and has perceived added value for the user Proof of Concept - the format is valid and meets client’s requirements Content OK Navigation and interaction design OK

16 System architecture of CONTESSA
Service Maker

17 Heuristics (Jakob Nielsen et al)
Jacob Nielsen (2005) Bruce Tognazzini (2003)

18 Use cases for validating systems: CONTESSA 1









27 Use cases to define Master Control and Continuity at DR (TV, radio, Web and others)

28 Use cases to define Master Control and Continuity at DR (TV, radio, Web and others)

29 Use cases to define Master Control and Continuity at DR (TV, radio, Web and others)



32 Tidlig version af DR Ekstra
Video demo of DR’s Digital Text (intern pitch) Director dummy for at teste navigationen





37 Demos using PowerPoint
Strengths: Fast ,easy and cheap Good to get initial reactions to interaction design Good for initial testing of content Initial indication as to whether the eTV / iTV format will be a success Weaknesses: Not suitable where the context of the application is important Not suitable for interactive programming where timing and synchronisation in relation to video content is critical

38 Demos - Director and Flash

39 Demos - Director and Flash
Strengths: Good at simulating eTV and iTV programming and services Suitable for time-based applications where the interactivity is synchronised with video Can use a remote control Suitable for testing and validating interaction design Valid basis to assess user added-value Weaknesses: Takes a few man-days to produce Risk of simulating something that cannot be implemented on one or more of the digital television platforms(APIs)

40 Discussion of qualitative validation methods
Heuristic evaluation Performance measures Thinking aloud Observation(includes ethnographical and contextual enquiry) Questionnaires and diaries Interviews Focus groups Logging actual use User feedback after the event

41 Activity: when to use the various tools?

42 Need for specialist help; quick and cheap or...

43 Segmentation models

44 = ? = ? Mobile devices SMS’erne Intensive techbrugere Basics
Active Users 28% 10% SMS’erne Intensive techbrugere Advanced Phone Simple phone 22% 40% Basics Tech ignoranterne = ? = ? Passive Users Kilde: Gallup Telecom Index 3 kvt 2004 Base: Har personligt mobiltelefon

45 Youth: Leaders ”Police” Followers Role models /Group hierarchies
Trendsetters Advisors ”Police” Followers

46 Intensive users Recreative users Impatient users Occasional users
INTERNET SEGMENTS Heavy users More than 1 hour/day on weekdays Intensive users 31 % of users 55% men 31% er 15-30 Recreative users 10 % of users 58% men 27% are 15-30 ”I’ve got better things to do with my time than the Internet” Agree with the statement: Half-hearted I’ve got better things to do with my time than the Internet”” Disagree wit the statement: Dedicated Impatient users 28 % of users 41% men 21% are 15-30 Occasional users 30 % of users 41% men 18% are 15-30 Light users Less than 1 hour/day on weekdays Kilde: NetBehaviour – månedligt snit af jan-sept 2004

47 Storforbrugere Pragmatiske Engagerede Lavforbrugere
Bruger nettet > 1 time på en alm. hverdag Videnskab + IT DR netradio Kultur DR2 P3 DR 1 DR musik SKUM Forbrug Pragmatiske Enige i at ”jeg har bedre ting at bruge min tid på end internettet” Engagerede Uenige i at ”jeg har bedre ting at bruge min tid på end internettet” P1 DR Spil P4 P2 Lavforbrugere Bruger nettet < 1 time på en alm. hverdag Kilde: NetBehaviour – månedligt snit af jan-sept 2004


49 Interactive media account for a small proportion of media consumption
Kilde: Gallup Mediedagen 2004 (18-50 år) Base: totalaktivitet

50 Media are part of the ”Time Business”


52 Det tværmedielle døgn: OL i Athen
Hvordan finder han ud af, hvad han vil i dag? Inspiration Hvornår bruger han DRs tilbud? Døgnrytme Hvilke medier bruger han? medier på tværs kl kl kl kl. 24 Tilgængelighed Deltagelse Værdier: Det er bedre fordi DR er altid der, hvor det sker... Jeg kan følge med samtidig med at jeg gør noget andet... Det er sjovere fordi jeg kan lege eller gætte samtidig med at jeg ser tv Jeg får hurtigt overblik... Man går i dybden... Man er først med resultaterne Man leverer mere end de andre Modtager SMS Modtager Lytter til radio (FM) Følger med på iTV Finder resultater på TTV Ser dansk medaljehåb i TV Lytter til rapportage fra stadion (Web streaming) Hjælp til at bruge vores samlede tilbud

53 Role models / Archetypes

54 To be continued...

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