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1 13 Colonies

2 Why would Britain want Colonies in America?
1) Trade 2) Economic Gain 3) Access to natural resources 4) More power and territory than their rivals 5) A place to send people

3 Why come to America? Opportunity Freedom Access to food
Farther away from the monarchy Offered a chance at freedom, if you were a slave

4 New World Colonies Britain had no plan to colonize, it just happened
Just wanted to gain more than Spain What happens next???

5 First Attempt: Lost Colony
Sir Walter Raleigh Sends scouts to America Builds fortified city at Roanoke Island (NC) People come on voyage (1587) Leader of Expedition, John White, fails to follow orders, leaves Colonists to find supplies 1590, White returns, No sign of colonists Raleigh’s attempt fails, England tries again

6 New King: James I Wants to be friendly with Spain
Shares power with Parliament (legislative body) Argues over taxation Religion is also an issue, even though King James sponsors a new interpretation of the Bible

7 Religious Questions Catholic or Protestant???
Catholic - refers to the members, beliefs, and practices of the Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Church) that is in full communion with the Pope (Bishop of Rome). Protestant - individuals and churches who advocated a formal separation from the Roman Catholic Church.

8 John Calvin Founded Puritan Faith Puritan Belief God is all powerful
Man is totally evil Salvation is an unearned gift of God God’s Elect Predestination

9 Church Splits Catholic Church splits Anglican Church forms
Puritans a minority in Anglican Church English Civil war begins Cavaliers (Royals) vs Roundheads (Parliamentarians) Parliament consisted of many Puritans Oliver Cromwell helps Puritans win

10 Jamestown 1st Permanent English settlement 1607 Joint-stock Colony
A group of investors form Virginia Company purchase a charter from the king and write a constitution for the colony John Rolf introduces Tobacco in Jamestown Colony – raises profits of colony, leads to need for slave Colony eventually sold to King and becomes a Royal Colony

11 Chesapeake New name for the populated area including Jamestown and surrounding areas People migrate for financial reasons Indentured Servitude – free passage to the New World leads to seven years of work and then servants get freedom 130,000 were indentured servants

12 Land Ownership ??? Does not exist
Had to live here for 4 years before they could own land Coming to America now not as popular People not as adamant to come to America

13 1620 Puritans want to be different than Anglican Church
Separatists – Want to leave Anglican Church Mayflower leaves England for America Pilgrims – those who made the journey to America on the Mayflower Land in Plymouth

14 Mayflower Compact First governing document of Plymouth Colony
Agreement to live by Puritan rules and laws Written by William Bradford

15 1629 Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded by John Winthrop
Biggest Puritan Colony Did not have total religious tolerance

16 Salem Bay Settlement 1629 Roger Williams - Teacher
Teaches the following principle: Separation of Church and State What is Separation of Church and State? Puritans banish Williams…He starts Rhode Island

17 Religious Intolerance
Anne Hutchinson Proponent of antinomianism - the belief that faith and God’s Grace, not moral law or deeds, earn one a place among the elect Tried for heresy, is convicted, and banished John Wheelwright Brother-in-law of Anne Hutchinson, banished from New Hampshire for defending her views

18 More Religious Difficulties
Salem 1692 Salem Witchcraft Trials Leads to Mass Hysteria Accused are place on trial and hanged Most don’t get a fair chance a defending themselves

19 Southern Colonies Virginia – 1607
Joint-stock Colony converted to Royal Colony Tobacco Introduced there Carolina - Proprietary Colony - sold to eight Lord Proprietors, want a big Profit - Included NC, SC, Some of TN, KY, MS, and AL - converted to Royal Colony - split in 1712 NC – Albemarle settlement - rural, slow economic growth, isolated SC – Charleston settlement – trading center, rich colony, grow rice Georgia – 1733 - founded by John Oglethorpe - Debtors Colony - slaves illegal, gives people 2nd chance

20 Southern Society and Economy
Based on Agriculture Plantation system 3 things decide how economy will look 1) Climate 2) terrain 3) crops (cash crops – tobacco, corn, rice) Plantation system leads to Forced labor

21 Forced Labor 1) Indian Slavery 2) Indentured Servitude
Work 7 years, be free 3) African Slavery Triangular Trade Route was the trade of rum, slaves, and other goods between Europe, America, and Africa Middle Passage – shipping route slaves took to America

22 Bacon’s Rebellion Led by Nathaniel Bacon
Bought land on frontier in Virginia, Indians want land Indians want help of colony, colony is trading with Indians Landless poor people like Bacon Bacon leads revolt, dies, revolt fails Effect – slavery becomes more popular

23 Middle Colonies Maryland – 1633 Delaware - 1638
- Proprietary Colony, under control of Lord Baltimore - Catholic Colony Delaware - Dutch settled first, then English - Proprietary Colony - Independent by 1701 with elected assembly Pennsylvania – 1682 - Governor – William Penn - Quaker Colony - Quakers – Believe in simplicity, equality, peace, and integrity

24 MIDDLE COLONIES Virginia established for economic reason and the New England colonies established for religious reasons The motives for establishing the Middle colonies were a combination of these Religious tolerance/Quakers Owners offer low land prices to attract colonists Last of 3 areas to be settled Easier trade therefore

25 New England Colonies Massachusetts (1620)
- Massachusetts Bay company bought rights to settle in Massachusetts - Joint-stock colony - First settled by Pilgrims, then Salem is settled by Puritans (John Winthrop) Converted into a Royal Colony New Hampshire (1623) - established by John Mason as a fishing village - Proprietary colony, eventually became a royal colony New Jersey/ New Netherlands (1623) - Proprietary colony - settled by Dutch, Sir George Carteret and Lord Berkeley - new grant was called New Jersey New York / New Amsterdam (1624) - settled by Dutch - Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island for $24 - Proprietary colony but became Royal colony

26 New England Colonies Mixed Economy
Based on Plantation system and trade Manufacturing is also developing Grow food for family to eat, any surplus will be traded

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