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UNIT 1 FIRE FIGHTING محاربة (إطفاء) الحرائق

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1 UNIT 1 FIRE FIGHTING محاربة (إطفاء) الحرائق

2 Giving Instructions إعطاء التعليمات
حينما نريد أن نعطي تعليمات بالأمر في اللغة الإنجليزية فإننا نبدأ بالفعل مباشرةً مثل: Listen to the teacher! استمع إلى المعلم! Help your father! ساعد أباك! Send a fire engine quickly! أرسل سيارة إطفاء بسرعة! حينما نريد أن نعطي تعليمات بالنهي فإننا نبدأ بـ Don’t : Don’t smoke! لا تدخن! Don’t waste any time! لا تضيع أي وقت!

3 Giving Instructions إعطاء التعليمات
حينما نريد أن نقوي التعليمات بالأمر فإننا نضيف Always : Always listen to the teacher! دائما استمع إلى المعلم! Always help your father! دائما ساعد أباك! Always send a fire engine quickly! دائما أرسل سيارة إطفاء بسرعة! حينما نريد أن نقوي التعليمات بالنهي فإننا نبدأ بـ Never : Never smoke! لا تدخن أبدا! Never waste any time! لا تضيع أي وقت أبدا!

4 Make the following instructions stronger:
تعليمات أقوى Don’t let children play with matches. Never let children play with matches. Keep a fire-extinguisher in the kitchen. Always keep a fire-extinguisher in the kitchen. Obey your father. Always obey your father. Don’t cheat. Never cheat.

5 if لو الشرطية if الشرطية لها عدة إستخدامات وسنأخذ اثنين منها:
الإستخدام الأول: الجزء الأول من الجملة الشرطية مضارع والجزء الثاني (جواب الشرط ) يكون شيء مستقبلي If + Present, … future مضارع مستقبل If you eat too much, you will become fat لو تأكل كثيرا ستصبح سمينا. الإستخدام الثاني: الجزء الأول مضارع والثاني يكون تعليمات If + Present, … instruction مضارع تعليمات If the traffic light is red, don’t go. إذا كانت الإشارة حمراء, لا تعبر. الإستخدام الثاني بترتيب مختلف instruction + If + Present Do not go if the traffic light is red. لا تعبر إذا كانت الإشارة حمراء.

6 Complete the following sentences
do not drive If you are under 17 , …………………………….. . ( drive) Call 998 If you need a fire engine , …………………………… ( call) Write the following in another way If you see a fire , don’t waste any time . Don’t waste any time if you see a fire. Call the Police if you have an accident . If you have an accident call the police.

7 You will pass the exam if you study.
Do as shown in brackets If you study, you will pass the exam. ( change the order) You will pass the exam if you study. Call the Police if you have an accident . (begin with if) If you have an accident, call the police. If you want the news, read newspapers ( change the order of instructions ) Read newspapers if you want the news.

8 إسأل السؤال الصحيح لتحصل على المعلومات التي تريدها:
Asking Questions إسأل السؤال الصحيح لتحصل على المعلومات التي تريدها: What question do you ask if you want to know the meaning of a word : تضع الكلمة التي تسأل عنها 1- What does ………………………………. mean? police 2- How do you say …………….….. in Arabic? What question do you ask if you want to know the spelling of a word: police How do you spell ……….……..? What question do you ask if you want to know the pronunciation of a word: police How do you pronounce………………..? What question do you ask if you want to know which word the teacher is explaining: Which word are you explaining?

9 Excuse me, which line are you on?
What question do you ask if you want to know which line the teacher is on: Which line are you on? What question do you ask if you want to know which page the teacher is on: Which page are you on? What question do you ask if you want to know which paragraph the teacher is on: Which paragraph are you on? ملاحظة: إذا أردت أن تسأل سؤالا غير متوقع أو أردت أن تلفت نظر المعلم بأدب فإنك تقول : Excuse me! ( لو سمحت) Excuse me, which line are you on?

10 a- extinguish ( ) come out accidentally b- tour ( ) also
Do as shown in brackets What _______ this word mean ? ( complete) does say How do you __________ this in Arabic ? ( complete) Match the following ; a- extinguish ( ) come out accidentally b- tour ( ) also c- in addition ( ) visit d – spill ( ) put out e- rank ( ) to try f- experiment ( ) a person’s position in the Police . d c b a f e

11 Choose the correct word:
1- put out tour 3- deal with 4- spill 5- rank 6- preposition 7- minimum on the job extremely – operator These books ………………… many interesting subjects . What is his …………………….. in the army ? He’s a major . Firemen usually ……………………. fires with water . Next holiday, we are going to ……………. all the cities of Saudi Arabia. The …………………. age for joining the army is 17 . The questions took an …………………… long time to answer it . Ask the …………….. to connect you to the number which you want. If you …… milk on the carpet, you should clean it. Firemen have training at the Civil Defense Institute and …………… . The …………………………. in the sentence is the word in . deal with rank put out tour minimum extremely operator spill on the job preposition

12 UNIT 2 ACCIDENTS IN THE HOME الحوادث في المنزل

13 Choose the correct word:
1-appliances develop look like 4- shock smoke 6- scald young 8- simple 9- sharp active a- Ahmad and Ali …………….. brothers but they are not . b- You should protect yourself against electric ……………….. c- That factory makes …………………. for washing clothes . d- It is easy to ………………….. colds in winter . e- You can …………………… yourself with boiling water . f- Ali is only ten . He is too………………… for secondary school . g- If you …………………., you will damage your lungs . h- That tool is very ……………………… . Be careful that you do not cut yourself. i- Children are more ………………….. than old people . j- The test was very …………………. . Everybody passed. look like shock appliances developed scald young smoke sharp active simple

14 Choose the correct words
Match the words with their correct meanings: 5 1- appliance ( ) the ability to see 2- develop ( ) healthy and strong 3- difficult ( ) the opposite of easy 4- fit ( ) easy, not difficult 5- sight ( ) a machine used in homes. 6- simple ( ) to grow 7- good 4 3 6 1 2 Choose the correct words 1- ( smoking- suffocation ) can cause cancer . 2- ( poisoning- burns - scalds) come from boiling water . 3- ( Mothers - fathers - children) have the greatest dangers in the kitchen 4- ( Teachers - Doctors - Firemen ) put out fires. 5- ( Death- fire - accident) is the end of life . 6 - (Sweet -Smoke-Appliances) are equipment used in homes .

15 Making and Replying to suggestions عرض الإقتراحات والرد عليها
عرض إقتراح Making suggestion لماذا لا تذهب للتسوق Why don’t you go shopping? القبول Accepting تلك فكرة جيدة That’s a good idea. الرفض Refusing I’m afraid I can’t ... أخشى (أظن) أنني لا أستطيع ..(وتذكر السبب مثل إنشغالك أو مرضك إلخ) I’m afraid I can’t. I am busy.

16 Make and Reply to Suggestions:
اعرض إقتراحا Why don’t you see a doctor? .. see a doctor … اقبل That’s a good idea. ارفض I’m afraid I can’t. I don’t have enough money. Make a suggestion Why don’t you go shopping? .. go shopping … Accept That’s a good idea. Refuse I’m afraid I can’t. I have to stay at home Make a suggestion Why don’t you play football? .. play football … Accept That’s a good idea. Refuse I’m afraid I can’t. I’m sick.

17 VERB + ing AS A NOUN reading القراءة read يقرأ poisoning تسمم Poison
يسمم falling السقوط fall يسقط smoking التدخين smoke يدخن eating الأكل eat يأكل Use these words at the beginning and at the end of sentences: Playing tennis is good في بداية الجملة Playing tennis في نهاية الجملة I like playing tennis At the beginning Learning English is important learning English At the end I like learning English.

18 Adding ing Most verbs just add ing Remove silent e, add ing
(عدا ماكان منطوقا مثل be, see, free, flee Double the last letter انتهى الفعل بحرف ساكن وسبقه متحرك واحد laugh laughing take taking sit sitting drink drinking change changing swim swimming grow growing use using stop stopping

19 Change These Sentences. Use Verb + ing.
It is fun to exercise. Exercising is fun. It does you good to play sports. Playing sports does you good. It can be quite difficult to keep fit. Keeping fit can be quite difficult. It is a good idea to turn off the TV before you go to bed. Turning off the TV before you go to bed is a good idea.

20 فوق (ملامس أو غير ملامس)
Prepositions حروف الجر PREPOSITION MEANING USE IN A SENTENCE into في / إلى The man is putting his hand into the TV. onto على The water is spilling onto the floor. in في The tablets are in the bottle on على The food is on the table Off/ out off من/ من على The man is falling off the ladder near بالقرب من The child is near the cooker across عبر The carpenter is cutting across the wood at في/ عند The boy is at the door Over/ above فوق (ملامس أو غير ملامس) The lamp is over the table The lamp is above the table

21 USE IN A SENTENCE تحت/ أسفل خلال حول أمام خلف على (ملامس) بجانب بين
PREPOSITION MEANING USE IN A SENTENCE Under/ below تحت/ أسفل There is a fire under/below the stairs through خلال A stone is coming through the window round حول The car is turning round the tree in front of أمام The boy is in front of the TV behind خلف The boy is behind the TV On top of على (ملامس) There are sweets on top of the cupboard At the side of بجانب The garage is at the side of the house along على طول/ بإمتداد A man is waking along the street between بين The fire-extinguisher is between the salt and sugar containers opposite مقابل Cleaner's shop is opposite the bank next to بجوار The Baker’s is next to the bank.

22 Choose the correct preposition:
for - off - about - with - of - on - by – out of a- Falling ……………… the ladder is a danger when you clean windows . b- Thank you ……………… your letter. c- I will tell you ………………… the fire service . d- She went ………….. the house and into the garden . e- Never try to put out oil fires ……………… water . f - Read the exercise …………….. this page . g- A lot …………… accidents happen in the home . h- Some boys go to school ………………. bike . off for about out of with on of by

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