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Zoology Review Game.

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1 Zoology Review Game

2 Characteristics of animals
Heterotrophic, multicellular, lack cell walls, eukaryotic

3 What are filter feeders?
Animals that strain floating plants and animals from water

4 What process do simple animals use move oxygen and carbon dioxide through bodies?

5 Which symmetry shows distinct left and right sides?

6 What is a blastula? Hollow ball of cells

7 Which germ layer gives rise to muscles, circulatory and excretory systems?

8 Which germ layer gives rise to epidermis?

9 What substance to sponges produce to protect themselves?

10 Do sponges use internal or external fertilization?

11 What are gemmules and how are they beneficial to sponges?
They are form of asexual reproduction that allow sponge to survive long periods of harsh conditions

12 Why are flagella important to sponges?
Help to move water through its body

13 Why are some sponges green?
They have photosynthetic algae in tissues

14 What is the function of spicules in sponges?
Focus and direct incoming light

15 ?

16 How do sponges benefit marine animals?
Provide habitat

17 Have symbiotic relationships with photosynthetic organisms
How do some sponges play an important role in primary productivity of reef? Have symbiotic relationships with photosynthetic organisms

18 What are cnidocytes and how do they help cnidarian to survive?
Poison darts that paralyze prey

19 What are the simplest animals to have body symmetry?

20 What two functions do nematocysts form?
Defense and capture prey

21 What are characteristics of cnidarians?
Carnivorous, stinging tentacles arranged around mouth, simplest animals to have body symmetry; two forms – medusa and polyp

22 In a hydra, gastroderm and epidermis are separated by the ___________?

23 How do polyps differ from medusas?
Polyps are cylindrical and usually sessile, medusas are bell-shaped and motile

24 The nerve cells of cnidarians make up the ____________?
Nerve net

25 Cells that sense gravity are called _____________?

26 What is the function of the gastrovascular cavity?

27 Why is coral bleaching a serious ecological threat?
Causes corals to die

28 What is the function of the scolex in tapeworms?
Attach to intestinal wall

29 What organ grinds food into small pieces in earthworms?

30 ?

31 What is the structure labeled ‘D’ above?

32 What is the animal called?

33 What is the structure in a tapeworm that contains the reproductive organs?

34 In which host does a parasite reproduce asexually?
intermediate host

35 ?

36 Which type of worm is an external parasite?

37 What organ releases wastes in earthworms?

38 What is a key difference between roundworms and earthworms?
Earthworms have segments

39 Why are earthworms beneficial to gardeners?
Tunnel and prove passageways for roots and water

40 How are larvae of marine animals important?
Part of food chain

41 Which animals have a true coelom?
Annelids, arthropods, mollusks, chordates

42 What are the four parts of a mollusks body?
Foot Mantle Visceral mass

43 What is the spade-like burrowing structure of a mollusk called?

44 What is the radula of a mollusk a modification of?

45 A pond snail belongs to what group of mollusks?

46 Which group of mollusks is the most active?

47 Eats dead or decaying plants and animals
What is a detrivore? Eats dead or decaying plants and animals

48 Which group of animals contains the most species?

49 What does molting important in arthropods?
Allows them to grow as they shed their skin

50 What two body parts are important in arthropod classification?
Body segments and appendages

51 Which appendages are especially important in arthropod classification?

52 How do you tell the difference between an insect and a spider?
Counts its legs

53 What two things do spiders and crayfish have in common?
Cephalothorax and abdomen

54 Suck up liquefied tissues of prey
How do spiders feed? Suck up liquefied tissues of prey

55 How many legs does a centipede have per segment?

56 What are the 3 parts of an insects body?
Head, thorax, abdomen

57 What is an example of an animal that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis?

58 Which of the following is NOT a stage of complete metamorphosis. a
Which of the following is NOT a stage of complete metamorphosis? a. nymph b. egg c. larvae nymph

59 What body part to insects use to detect minute movements in its environment?
Sensory hairs

60 How does a nymph and a larvae differ?
Nymph resembles adult but larvae does not

61 How do honeybees use dancing?
To convey information about food

62 study embryonic development
What would you study to determine whether an animals is a cnidarian or an echinoderm? Its habitat, see if it has backbone, embryonic development study embryonic development

63 In echinoderms, body parts occur in multiples of _______?

64 Both are deuterostomes
How are echinoderms like vertebrates (in terms of embryonic development)? Both are deuterostomes

65 Which structure in an echinoderm acts like a living suction cup?
Tube foot

66 All except reproduction
What body functions of the echinoderm are the water vascular system involved in? All except reproduction

67 What is the classification of a deuterostome based on?
What happens to blastopore

68 Some type of symmetry is found in all invertebrates EXCEPT

69 Which invertebrates have a true digestive tract?

70 Concentration of sense organs in the front of the body
What is cephalization? Concentration of sense organs in the front of the body

71 Which invertebrates have radial symmetry?
Cnidarians and echinoderms

72 What organ carries out gas exchange in insects?
Tracheal tubes

73 Which of the following animals have an open circulatory system
Which of the following animals have an open circulatory system? Sponge, cnidarian, arthropod arthropod

74 What is the function of the excretory system in animals?
Get rid of wastes

75 What is the importance of expelling waste as uric acid and have moist respiratory system?
Reduce water loss

76 Which organs exchange gases in fish?

77 Which organ in fish adjusts it buoyancy?
Swim bladder

78 What structure helps fish to detect currents in water?
Lateral line system

79 What is an example if a jawless fish?

80 What feature distinguishes fishes from amphibians?

81 Animal that breaths with gills as larvae and lungs as adults
What is an amphibian? Animal that breaths with gills as larvae and lungs as adults

82 What organ is missing from adult salamanders?

83 What are the only areas that reptiles can not live?

84 How do reptiles warm themselves?
Bask in sun

85 What type of fertilization do reptiles have? Internal or external
Internal fertilization

86 Most reptiles are oviparous or viviparous

87 What part of a bird’s respiratory system stores food before it enters the stomach?

88 What are characteristics of mammals?
Hair Give birth to live young Nourish young with milk

89 How can you tell difference between egg of reptile and bird’s egg?
Test hardness of outer shell

90 How can you tell difference between egg of reptile and bird’s egg?
Test hardness of outer shell

91 What are the three groups of mammals?
Monotremes Marsupials Placental mammals

92 What body system includes the rumen?

93 Which group of mammals lays eggs?

94 What do mammals that have baleen feed on?

95 Young develops in a pouch
What is a marsupial? Young develops in a pouch

96 What is an example of a marsupial?

97 How many chambers does a fish heart have?
Two – one atrium and one ventricle

98 What animal has a gestational period of two years?

99 What is the importance of panting?
Allows animals that can’t sweat to cool down

100 What is the difference between an endotherm and an exotherm?
Endotherm regulates its body temperature, exotherm can not

101 Which animal has the most efficient respiratory system?

102 Why is a one way respiratory system important to birds?
Allows them to be efficient at getting oxygen from air

103 what is the function of ligaments?
Connect vertebrae (bone to bone)

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