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JEOPARDY! Final Jeopardy Review Mr. H. Mayo AP European History.

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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY! Final Jeopardy Review Mr. H. Mayo AP European History."— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY! Final Jeopardy Review Mr. H. Mayo AP European History

2 Final Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 500 People Women Event/ Acts Hodge
Podge Odds and Ends Religion/Arts Leaders 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

3 Which of the following explores conquered the Incas in South America in the 16th Century?

4 Francisco Pissarro People

5 The major figure of the Scottish Reformation who was instrumental in making Presbyterianism the dominant church in Scotland was? 200

6 John Knox people

7 Which of the following conducted revolutionary experiments to study gravity that led to his development of the laws of motion? 300

8 Galileo Galilei People

9 A major target of Stalin’s wrath during the Soviet collectivization of agriculture was the

10 Kulaks People

11 What was the ruling in Korematsu v. United States?

12 Japanese-Americans could be sent to relocation centers
BONUS People

13 Bonus: This person was a enlighten ruler who did little to improve legal and political rights for Women ? Answer

14 Napoleon I People

15 The English ruler most known for the conquest of Ireland and particularly harsh treatment of its inhabitants was 100

16 Oliver Cromwell Leaders

17 Who was the rulers during his reign sought to improve relations with the Catholic church?

18 Napoleon I Leaders

19 Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin both believed that imperialism was the logical outgrowth of

20 Capitalism BONUS Leaders

21 Bonus: Pope Leo XIII’s issuance of Rerum Novarum (1891) indicated the church’s acceptance of which of the following in the nineteenth century? answer

22 Capitalism Leaders

23 “While the nobility merits to be generously treated if it does well it is necessary at the same time to be severe with it if it ever fails in what its status demands of it.” The above statement was most likely written by 400

24 Cardinal Richelieu of France

25 Which of the following philosophers influenced the “enlightened despots” to decrease the use of torture? 500

26 marquis de Beccaria Leaders

27 The War of the Roses was significant because it led to the rise of the __________ dynasty in England

28 Tudor Events and Acts

29 The English Bill of Rights (1689) established

30 a constitutional monarchy with the nobles and gentry in control of Parliament.
Events and Acts

31 A major eighteenth- century result of the Enlightenment was

32 the rise of classical liberalism and the French Revolution
Events and Acts

33 The ____________ on July 14, 1789 was significant because it prevented the royal army from cracking down on the new National Assembly. 400

34 The Storming of the Bastille
Events and Acts

35 The 1848 “June Days” revolution in France was characterized primarily by class warfare between the

36 The bourgeoisie and the working class
Bonus Events and Acts

37 Which of the following philosophies is most closely associated with atheism?

38 Existentialism Events and Acts

39 A major source of labor during the early years of the industrial revolution in England was

40 Orphaned Children Odds and Ends

41 A major aspect of England’s mercantilist system in the years between 1650 and 1750 was

42 the institution of Navigation Laws
Odds and Ends

43 A major eighteenth- century result of the Enlightenment was

44 the rise of classical liberalism and the French Revolution
Odds and Ends

45 __________________ was a limitation experienced by explorers in the sixteenth century.
Odds and ends

46 Inability to determine Longitude
Odds and Ends

47 The Reform Bill of 1832 was significant in British politics as it
Odds and Ends

48 Gave the House of Commons supremacy over the house of Lords

49 Great Britain was officially created as a state due to
BONUS Great Britain was officially created as a state due to Answer

50 The Act of Union between England and Scotland in1707
Answer The Act of Union between England and Scotland in1707 Odds and Ends

51 The period of improved relations between the U. S. S. R. and the U. S
The period of improved relations between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. in the 1970s was known as 100

52 Détente Hodgepodge

53 Which of the following was true about Fascist Italy under Benito Mussolini?

54 He Organized all independent labor unions into government controlled syndicates

55 In which of the following ways did World War One transform European society?

56 It ended the rule of long- standing dynasties in central and eastern Europe.

57 Which of the following countries was most affected by the challenges of ruling a multi-ethnic empire during the eighteenth century? 400

58 Austria Hodgepodge

59 It increased the production of textiles during the era of proto-industrialization it was a major innovation 500

60 Flying Shuttle Hodgepodge

61 Which of the following conducted revolutionary experiments to study gravity that led to his development of the laws of motion? 100

62 Galileo Galilei People

63 Which of the following was known for his statement, “I think; therefore I am,” that illustrated the viability of deductive reasoning? 200

64 Rene Descartes People

65 Which of the following explorers conquered the Incas in South America in the sixteenth century?

66 Francisco Pisarro BONUS People

67 Bonus: The Major figure of the Scottish Reformation who was instrumental in making Presbyterianism the dominant church in Scotland was Bonus

68 John Knox People

69 The clergy was not allowed to marry, Catholicism cannot be practiced openly, and everyone is required to attend church services of the Anglican Church were provisions incorporated during the reign of 400

70 Elizabeth I People

71 Which of the following co- founded Plato’s Academy in Florence and was an expert on Greek philosophy and Neoplatonism? 500

72 Marsilio Ficino People

73 In contrast to artists during the last half of the nineteenth century, Baroque artists
Depended on 100

74 Depended primarily on wealthy donors
Religion and Arts

75 Salvador Dali, Persistence of Memory is an example ________ artistic styles

76 Surrealism Religion and Arts

77 The Swing, by Jean-Honore Fragonard, best represent what artistic syle?

78 Rocco Religion and Arts

79 The last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian peninsula prior to 1492 was

80 Granada Religion and Arts

81 They believed in a strong voluntary association of believers with no connection to any state. During the 16th century 500

82 Anabaptists BONUS Religion and Arts

83 Bonus: _______________________________________________
Best describes Ottoman rule in the Balkans in the years between 1500 and 1700? Bonus

84 The Turks were religiously tolerant of Christian worship
Religion and Artss

85 Which of the following statements regarding Florence Nightingale is true?

86 She was a leading figure in battlefield nursing during the Crimean War.

87 In theory, women enjoyed a significant increase in rights during

88 Lenin’s leadership in Russia

89 In the two decades following World War Two, the average European women

90 had fewer children Women

91 Who Said: “Woman has always been man’s dependant, if not his slave; the two sexes have never shared the world in equality. Even when her rights are legally recognized in the abstract, long-standing custom prevents their full expression in the mores. In the economic sphere men and women can almost be said to make up two castes; other things being equal, [men] hold the better jobs, get higher wages, and have more opportunity for success than their new competitors [women].” 400

92 Simone de Beauvoir BONUS Foreign Affairs

93 Bonus: The clergy is not allowed to marry. Catholicism cannot be practiced openly Everyone is required to attend church services of the Anglican Church were all part of whose reign . Bonus

94 Elizabeth I Women

95 What unification was delayed from 1945 to 1990?

96 East Germany and West Germany

97 Final Jeopardy Italy

98 Final Jeopardy __________________________ was the nucleus of Italian unification after 1850. Answer

99 Sardinia Piedmont The End

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