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ANATOMY 2A Practice QUIZ 2.

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1 ANATOMY 2A Practice QUIZ 2

2 What are the granules inside the cell at the pointer?
Keratin granules Vacuoles rER Histamine and heparin Melanin

3 Where would you expect to find this tissue in the body?
Epidermis Moist body openings Urinary bladder Heart wall Walls of large ducts

4 What type of tissue is at the arrow?
Simple cuboidal ET Adipose CT Simple squamous ET Areolar CT Impossible to tell

5 Where would you find this tissue in the body?
Upper respiratory system Digestive system Alveoli of lungs Kidneys Both b and d

6 Name the black structure at the arrow.
Collagen fiber Basement membrane Reticular fiber Elastic fiber Cell membrane

7 Where specifically was this tissue taken from in the body?
Kidney tubules Alveoli of lungs Epidermis Urinary bladder Thyroid gland

8 What type of tissue is this?
Dense regular C.T. Elastic C.T. Stratified squamous E.T. Dense irregular C.T. Transitional E.T.

9 What produced the fiber at the arrow?
Plasma cells Fibroblasts Chondroblasts Mast cells Fibrocytes

10 Name the tissue. Simple squamous E.T. Simple cuboidal E.T.
Adipose C.T. Areolar C.T. Reticular C.T.

11 Specifically where was this tissue taken from in the body?
Epidermis Urinary bladder Moist body openings Dermis Large ducts

12 What is the function of the structures at the arrow?
Cell division Absorption To reduce abrasion To move substances To move the cell

13 What system is predominantly lined with the tissue in the bracket below?
Reproductive Digestive Respiratory Circulatory Endocrine

14 What is the function of the pink structure at the arrow?
Production of thyroid hormone Diffusion or filtration Absorption of nutrients Production of mucus Both a and b

15 Where would you expect to find this tissue in the body?
Ligaments between vertebrae Tendons and ligaments Dermis a and b only a, b and c

16 The function of the tissue type at the arrow is:
Absorption and secretion Diffusion and filtration Stretching Protection both A and B

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