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Incomplete Dominance and Codominance

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1 Incomplete Dominance and Codominance

Review In pea plants, yellow flowers is recessive and purple flowers is dominant. What is the phenotype of a individual with the genotype Pp? THE DOMINANT GENE ALWAYS RULES

3 Incomplete Dominance In incomplete dominance, there is no recessive allele. Instead, in a heterozygous individual an intermediate phenotype is produced. For example in flower colors with incomplete dominance, a red allele (R) with a white allele (W) would produce a pink flower

4 Example Problem When a mouse with black fur (B) is crossed with a mouse with white fur (W), what is the phenotypic ratio for the F1 generation

5 Example Problem 2 What is the expected phenotypic ratio of the F1 generation when a gray mouse is crossed with a white mouse?

6 Codominance Codominance: a relationship among alleles where both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the heterozygote. However, instead of getting a blend you see both colors. For example in flower colors with Codominance, a red allele (R) with a white allele (W) would produce a red and white spotted flower

7 Example Problem When a cattle with red fur (R) is crossed with a cattle with white fur (W), what is the phenotypic ratio for the F1 generation. This gene follows the codominance pattern of inheritance

8 Example Problem 2 What is the expected phenotypic ratio of the F1 generation when a roan cattle (red and white spots) is crossed with a red cattle?

9 Identify as codominance or incomplete dominance
Identify as codominance or incomplete dominance. Then write how the other type of inheritance would be represented a) Birds can be blue, white, or white with blue-tipped feathers. b) Flowers can be white, pink, or red. c) A Sneech can be tall, medium, or short. d) A Bleexo can be spotted, black, or white. e) A mouse can be black, white, or gray

10 Blood Type Genetics

11 Parts of the Blood Red Blood Cells – carry oxygen to body tissues
Plasma - the liquid part of blood. It contains many important substances which must be carried around the body. For example it transports Carbon dioxide hormones, vitamins, antibodies Platelets: help in the clotting process White blood cells: fight infections

12 What Blood Types are? The differences in human blood are due to the presence or absence of certain protein molecules called antigens and antibodies. The antigens are located on the surface of the red blood cells and the antibodies are in the blood plasma. Individuals have different types and combinations of these molecules. The blood group you belong to depends on what you have inherited from your parents.

13 WHAT???? Antibodies fight foreign antigens in the body. ANTIGEN B

14 – Type A antigens on blood cells • Type B
4 Blood Types • Type A – Type A antigens on blood cells • Type B – Type B antigens on red blood cells • Type AB (universal recipient) – Both A and B antigens on red blood cells • Type O (universal donor) – Neither A nor B antigens on red blood cell

15 Blood Type Chart

16 Adding the wrong blood type

17 Blood Transfusion A blood transfusion: process of transferring blood from one person into the circulatory system of another. Based on the blood chart table, what type of blood can be used in a transfusion of a person with B type blood?

18 Blood Transfusion Based on the blood chart table, what type of blood can be used in a transfusion of a person with A type blood? Based on the blood chart table, what type of blood can be used in a transfusion of a person with AB type blood?

19 Blood Transfusion Based on the blood chart table, what type of blood can be used in a transfusion of a person with O type blood?

20 Blood type inheritance
Human blood type is determined by codominant alleles. There are three different alleles, known as IA, IB, and i. The IA and IB alleles are codominant, and the i allele is recessive.

21 Blood type inheritance
Possible Genotypes A IAIA IAi B IBIB IBi AB IAIB O ii

22 Practice Questions Could a father with A type blood and a mother with AB type blood produce a son with O type blood?

23 Practice Questions Could a father with O type blood and a mother with AB type blood produce a son with O type blood?

24 Practice Questions Could a father with A type blood and a mother with B type blood produce a son with B type blood?

25 Practice Questions What is the probability that an AB blood type father and an IAi mother will produce a child with a B blood type?

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