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A An The by Patricia Galien

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1 A An The by Patricia Galien
Make sure you are in slideshow view before you start this presentation.

2 Vocabulary What does singular mean? one What does plural mean?
more than one Give some examples of articles. a / an / the What is a vowel? a, e, i, o, u What is a consonant? b, c, d, f, g, h,…

3 Vocabulary What does indefinite mean?
An indefinite noun is a thing, but you do not know the thing. For example, I live in a white house. In this sentence house is indefinite. This means that I live in a house that is white, but you don’t know what house I am referring to. What does definite mean? Definite means that you know the noun. For example, I live in the White House. You know this house. It is definite. This means that I am the president!

4 Vocabulary What is a count noun?
In English you can count some nouns, but other nouns cannot be counted. A count noun is a noun that you can count. For example: one chair, two chairs Chair is a count noun. What is a noncount noun? A noncount noun is a noun that you cannot count. For example: water, advice, air, information.

5 When do you use a or an? Use a/an before a singular count noun that is indefinite and begins with a consonant sound. a chair a fireplace Use an before a singular count noun that is indefinitie and begins with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) sound. an interesting photo an honest man a unique painting (unique sounds like younique.)

6 Vocabulary What does puddle mean?

7 A or An? Use a/an before a singular count noun that is indefinite and begins with a consonant sound. Step 4: Is p a vowel sound or a consonant sound? Step 1: Puddle is a noun. Step 2: You can count puddle. 1 puddle 2 puddles Step 5: I stepped in a puddle. Step 3: How many puddles did you step in? Answer: one

8 Write a sentence. Step 1: Is apple a noun?
Step 5: There is an apple in the tree. Step 2: Can you count apple? Step 3: How many apples are there? Step 4: Is a a a vowel sound or a consonant sound?

9 Vocabulary What is an adjective? Adjectives describe (modify) nouns.
You can put an adjective between the article and the noun. a big house a little lamp a round table an interesting painting adjective

10 Practice Complete the sentences with a or an. a
Example: He is ___ good father. an 1. You are ____ excellent student. a 2. Chicago is ____ unique city. a 3. Carter is ____ smart dog. an 4. He is ____ honest man. a 5. After MVCC, I will go to ____ university.

11 Introduce (the first time) a singular count noun with a or an.
The first time you write about a singular count noun, it is indefinite. Use a / an. The next time you write about the same noun, it is definite. Use the. Introduce (the first time) a singular count noun with a or an. I live in an apartment building. When you refer to this noun again, use the. The building is seven floors high. indefinite article singular count noun singular count noun definite article

12 a / an / the Use the before a singular noun if there is only one.
Example: I like to study in the library. This means the MVCC library. I like to study in a library. This means some library some where. Note: Do not use a or an before a proper noun. I like a Chicago. singular noun

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