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It’s legitimate to ask what else we don’t know!

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1 It’s legitimate to ask what else we don’t know!
An Introduction to Healthy Home Environments for the Environmentally Sensitive When yesterday’s “Triumph of Modern Chemistry” turns out instead to be today’s threat to the global environment, It’s legitimate to ask what else we don’t know! Denis Hayes

2 We live in a toxic soup! 88,000 chemicals in common use
2,000 new produced each year- average 4-6 week testing prior to going into the marketplace. Typical carpet sample contains 120 chemicals, many known neurotoxins 53 listed by EPA as PBT’s- persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic 257 listed in 2007 as hazardous materials Blood samples done on umbilical cords averaged 287 chemicals found. Passed on from the Mother. Mother’s breast milk passes on xenobiotics to nursing child- exp. mercury, dioxin, formaldehyde

3 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MSC) or the twenty first century illness
A condition in which various symptoms reportedly appears after a person has been exposed to any of a wide range of chemicals. The exposure may occur as a major event, such as a chemical spill, or from a long term contact with low level of chemicals. As a result of exposure, these individuals develop a sensitivity and have reactions to chemicals even at levels most people can tolerate 10-20% of population in World is environmentally sensitive

4 Total Body Burden or Total Load
Along with chemical sensitivity, often individuals demonstrate food sensitivities, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), mold, pollen, and animal allergies/ sensitivity. The body is filling up with exposures and stressors so that one’s daily ability to tolerate exposures may fluctuate depending on how many exposures already have been endured on that day. The degree of ill effects depends on dose, duration, manner of exposure, biochemical individuality, genetic predisposition, diet, and stress levels.

5 MCS symptoms Can affects any bodily system, including respiratory, digestive, neurological, musculoskeletal, endocrinological, immunological and others Most common symptoms are- tiredness/lethargy, difficulty concentrating, muscles aches, memory problems, long term fatigue, change in heart rhythm, rapid mood change, headache, itchy, sneezes, difficulty breathing and sore throat- With Children, consider learning disabilities, lethargy, mood swings or ADHD like symptoms. Common triggers are pesticides, formaldehyde, fresh paint, new carpets, diesel exhaust, perfumes, cooking gas, wood composites, glues, cleaning supplies and air fresheners.

6 Some physiologically based theories
Systemic breakdown from long term- multi-generation exposure. Limbic kindling- Olfactory- limbic i.e. nose to emotion Xenobiotic (foreign to body) detoxification pathways damaged or depleted Immunological damage- Helper cells fight pathogens or turn on immune response. To many helper cells cause autoimmune like condition Neurogenic inflammation Long term exposure to solvents/ brain change i.e. Mad Hatter Candidiasis/ often seen with mercury poisoning Trauma precursor- physical or mental

7 Toxic Metals Amalgam filling Vaccinations/ thimerisol, flu shots
Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides Contaminated water, air borne- factory, incinerators, car exhaust Contact lens solution, nasal sprays- read your labels Replaces minerals in body necessary for enzymatic process or structure. Mercury, Nickel, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Aluminum,Barium, Colbalt, Gold, Silver, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Tin, Thallium, Titanium, Platinum, Palladium

8 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)- Follow your nose!
Building material-carpets, glues, paints composite woods, solvents, vinyl floors, upholstery, caulks, finishes etc. Personal care products Cooking, dry cleaning, hobbies, newspapers, nonelectric space heaters, photocopiers, smoking, stored chemicals, propane, natural gas, markers, Teflon, fire retardants An abbreviated list- Acetone, Benzene, Ethylene glycol, Formaldehyde, Methylene Chloride, Perchloroethylene, Toluene, Xylene, 1,3 Butadiene, Dioxin (75 chlorinated chemicals)

9 Formaldehyde A immune system sensitizer which means that chronic exposure can lead to multiple allergies and sensitivities to substances that are unrelated to Formaldehyde (spreading phenomenon) Symptoms onset often flu like illness diagnosed as viral infection which leaves one with general malaise, fatigue and depression, brain fog, loss of memory, respiratory problems, neuropathy, sore throats, mood changes, etc Widely found in as wood preservative/ particle board, carpets, sprayed on clothes, new car smell, urea formaldehyde foam, flame retardants sprayed on upholstery, auto exhaust, disinfectants, cosmetics, fumigants, adhesives. Used also as an intermediate in synthesis of other chemicals.

10 Other possible exposures
Mold, dust mites, ambient air pollution, soil contamination, water contamination, animal dander, decomposition of building materials, pollens, second hand smoke, PCB’s ( banned in found globally) pesticides/herbicides, EMF( Electro Magnetic Frequency) Found in Shopping malls, Schools, Homes, Highways, Factories, Airplanes, Trains, Cars, Grocery stores, Restaurants i.e. Urban and Agrarian ecologies

11 Children have increased susceptibility
More vulnerable as they are growing and developing, higher rate of cell production, less developed metabolisms, higher rate of exposure/ body mass. Due to chemical load at birth many children have compromised digestive and immune systems Delayed onset or early onset puberty from Plastics/endocrine disrupters.17% of kids in U.S. developmental disabilities One of factors in ADHD, Autism, behavior disorders, low birth rate, cancer increase 1-2% yearly, asthma, heart problems Cell phone radiation 2” into brain Autism is now consider epidemic> outside influences Immunization- Thimerosol/merthiolate/ mercury- preservative for injectable vaccines Toxic schools, toxic homes, increased risk in congested areas

12 Over Whelmed

13 Here comes the real work BREATHE Become a detective into your own life!

14 For example- Is this You?
Do you become ill from odors in malls, restaurants, churches, schools, hospitals etc. Do you become ill after putting gas in your car or heavy traffic, or driving on new asphalt. Do you can’t read certain book with shiny smell paper or fresh ink. Do you crave certain odors or aromas or detest certain odors. At first, is there is a marked increased sense of smell, which later on can result in a loss of smell. Do you become mentally foggy, nose stuffy or itchy in a new or remodeled building especially with new carpet and particle board cabinetry.

15 How do you feel before and after exposure
How do you feel before and after exposure? 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours Note how you feel, behave and think Appearance, how do you look Check writing or drawing changes Check breathe rate- faster or slower Check pulse rate Use this check list to begin to pinpoint specific causes of a reaction- Backtrack if necessary

16 Time to Clean up the Home

17 How to Start? The process of elimination- or Onion analogy
What are you bringing into your home? Cleaning Supplies Detergents New clothes Children’s toys Electronic gear ( lubricants, EMF’s) Pesticides Kitchenware Cosmetics Fragrances

18 Healthier choices READ THE LABEL If you can’t pronounce the chemical, it’s not good for you
Look for the label - No fragrance/ hyper allergenic for cleaning solutions, and body products. Debra Lyons Dadd’s- white vinegar, salt, borax, liquid castile soap. Wash clothes immediately after purchasing- use natural fabrics. No aluminum cookware, no heat in plastics, no heat in stainless steel bottles. Don’t leave water bottles out in heat. If it smells like plastic, you can absorb it. Beware of mold and use bleach (face mask and gloves) to get rid of. If large patch will require more extensive mitigation. Be aware of new upholstery and flame retardants. Ask what alternatives are available. *******Begin to read label on all purchases******* Wash any new appliance or electronics to remove residual oils left from manufacturing. Use natural cosmetics see list on Do your homework- Beware of green washing. Check out one of the natural food stores, and experiment with products.

19 Our Daily bread Eliminate added chemicals from your diet- food dyes, preservatives, synthetic foods, trans-fatty acids. Shop the outside wall of the grocery store GMO’S- Be wary of genetically modified foods Food Sensitivities- Elimination diet to pinpoint Use Organic Foods when possible Fresh foods, CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture), Farmer’s market, Home gardens Vitamin C and Omega 3,6,9- vital 2

20 A Deeper Level- Harder to fix
Carpets-Average 120 chemicals in carpet plus adhesives. Carpet squares/Recycled Plastic? Best to use non synthetic throw rugs. Composite Woods- Adhesives and finishes are toxic. Use hardwood from responsibly harvested forests, recycled furniture, some new composites are non toxic. Research! Insulation- Foam- Adhesives- Solvents- Decking- What is it made of? Use non toxic alternatives. Paints- Use non Voc or low VOC. More intense the color higher VOC’s Poly-vinyl- Siding, molding, doors, flooring, windows- replace when you can All of these products take on average 5+ years to off gas MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheet- Provides info. on chemical substances in a product, handling precautions, known health effects Black mold mycelium/ spores in wood- consider mitigation

21 Water Filters WHY NOT TAP?
Get a sample of your water checked Chlorine / Fluoride- water treatment plants Hormone, antibiotic and pesticide- lack of filtration Bottled- plastic vs. glass Reverse osmosis Ultraviolet Distilled Water- lack of trace minerals

22 Air purifiers Good for ambient air pollution, not long term solution for off gasing. Def. Off Gasing- How long it takes a product to release VOC. Heat increases. Can a building be toooo tight? HEPA filters Charcoal Filters Ozone Generators ECOquest- air filter/ ozone generator

23 EMF
EMF sensitivity Cell phones- Increase in brain tumors 2” penetration into brain. Those handy but damaging PDA’s. Use ear plug speakers. NO Bluetooth! Cell phone towers are multiplying rapidly- long term effects unknown DSL, CPU’s keep at distance from body 5’ Wireless electronics - long term use? Keep away from areas of rapid cell growth in body. No electronics in bedroom-Use a battery operated clock No electric blankets- bed warmers

24 The really deep work Living and Loving, Day by Day
Detoxify- under medical supervision Develop a Safe Room where you can rejuvenate Meditation/ Breath work Stress reduction techniques Yoga Get outside daily- bike, hike, walk, play Find a Creative outlet/ Passion/ Enjoy life Build a support network, within and expanded out from the family. Nutrition counseling Environmental health consultant Family counseling to assist with daily challenges Explain yourself to others in your life. Teachers, work associates, and partners, let them know the reasons why you are demanding a healthier ecology. Be contagious!

25 Remodel or Build from ground up “Green Building”
Can be Costly… Prioritize!!! Bau- Biologie US Green Building Institute for the Built Environment Rocky Mountain Institute Boulder Green Guild Green Heart Institute Redirect Guide

26 Favorite Books Prescriptions for a Health House by Baker-Laporte, Elliott, Banta Home, Safe, Home by Debra Lynn Dadd Allergy Relief and Prevention by Taylor, Krohn MD, Larson Is this your Child’s World by Doris Rapp MD Multiple Chemical Sensitivity by Pamela Gibson PHD Green from the Ground Up by Johnson and Gibson Radical Medicine by Dr. Louisa L. Williams Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith Artists Beware by Michael McCann PHD Detoxify or Die by Sherry A. Rogers MD Toxic Exposures/ Contested Illnesses by Phil Brown The Secret History of the War on Cancer by Devra Davis

27 Web Sites
Debra Lynn Dadd American Academy of Environmental Medicine Dr Louisa L. Williams Dr. Doris Rapp Dr. Dietrich Klinghart Environmental working group Environmental Protection Agency Center for Health, Environment and Justice Center for Children’ Environmental Health

28 For more Information Karen’s Blog
. Creatively Hand crafted, Custom Furniture p#

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