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By Alexa Draman.

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Presentation on theme: "By Alexa Draman."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Alexa Draman

2 Sports Family Body To Be / To Go 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400

3 How do you say to watch a movie ?

4 Regarder un film.

5 What does une crosse mean ?

6 A hockey stick

7 How do you say : Do you like to roller skate ?

8 Est- ce que tu aimes patiner en linge ?

9 Tell me one thing you like to do and one thing you don’t like to do .

10 What does la petite – fille mean ?

11 The granddaughter

12 What is la belle- soeur?

13 The sister in law or the step sister

14 Translate and answer . Combien de frère as- tu ?

15 How many brothers do you have ?

16 Translate and answer . Quel âge a ton père ?

17 How old is your dad ?

18 What are the regular – ER verbs ?

19 Je- e Tu-es Il/ Elle -e Nous - ons Vous – e Ils/ Elles – ent

20 What are ALL the forms of être ?

21 Je suis Tu es Il/ Elle est Nous sommes Vous êtes Ils/ Elles sont

22 What does Je vais au/ à la , a l’ , aux mean ?

23 I am going to

24 What does Je vais changer de l’argent mean ?

25 I’m going to exchange money.

26 Fill in the blank with the appropriate word ( s ) . Je regarde avec

27 Les yeux.

28 What does J’ai la rhume mean ?

29 I have a cold .

30 What does J’ai la grippe mean ?

31 I have the flu.

32 What does une entorse mean ?

33 A sprain.

34 Thanks for playing !!!!!

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