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Lesson 8: The Priesthood is Restored

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1 Lesson 8: The Priesthood is Restored
“Lesson 8: The Priesthood Is Restored,” Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants: Church History, (1997),36

2 Purpose To help the children understand the importance of priesthood authority and have a desire to be worthy of priesthood ordinances and blessings.

3 The Priesthood Is Restored
The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow'r is here again. Words: Joan D. Campbell, b (c) 1969 IRI Music: Hal K. Campbell, b (c) 1969 IRI. Arr. (c) 1989 IRI

(Enter Name Here)

5 Attention Activity Take turns doing the following:
Tie a knot in a piece of string. Stack and unstack several objects. Snap your fingers. Write your name on the chalkboard. Shake hands with the teacher. Sit down and fold your hands in your lap

6 Attention Activity Every day we do many things with our hands.
Men and boys who hold the priesthood do additional important things with their hands.

7 Attention Activity What are some important things priesthood holders do with their hands when they are using their priesthood power?

8 Give blessings Heal the sick
Attention Activity Give blessings Heal the sick

9 Attention Activity Baptize

10 Confer the gift of the Holy Ghost
Attention Activity Confer the gift of the Holy Ghost

11 Prepare and pass the sacrament
Attention Activity Prepare and pass the sacrament

12 Attention Activity Can everyone do these things with their hands? No.
A man or boy must be ordained to the priesthood to do these things. If he has not been ordained, the Lord will not recognize any ordinances performed by him.

13 The priesthood is the power of God.
Attention Activity The priesthood is the power of God.

14 Attention Activity God shares his power with us through priesthood holders so we can receive the sacred ordinances (such as baptism) that will help us return to Heavenly Father’s presence.

15 Attention Activity No man can give himself this power; it must be given to him by God.

16 Attention Activity This is done through the laying on of hands by someone who has the proper authority.

17 Attention Activity In lesson 2 we learned that the priesthood was taken from the earth during the Apostasy.

18 Attention Activity In today’s lesson, we will learn how the priesthood was restored to the earth.

19 Lesson 8: The Priesthood is Restored
“Lesson 8: The Priesthood Is Restored,” Primary 5: Doctrine and Covenants: Church History, (1997),36

20 Go to the Video Go to the Slides Discussion Time

Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon. They read about baptism and wanted to know more about it.

22 Joseph and Oliver decided to ask God.
They had faith that He would help them learn the truth. On 15 May 1829, they went into the woods and prayed.

23 A heavenly messenger came to Joseph and Oliver.
It was John the Baptist, who had baptized Jesus long ago. A bright light was all around him.

24 John the Baptist had come to give Joseph and Oliver the Aaronic Priesthood.
The priesthood is the power of God.

25 The Aaronic Priesthood includes the Authority to baptize people.

26 John the Baptist told Joseph and Oliver to baptize each other.
Joseph baptized Oliver, and then Oliver baptized Joseph. They went down under the water when they were baptized.

27 Long ago, John the Baptist had baptized Jesus the same way.
Jesus had gone down under the water when He was baptized.

28 Joseph and Oliver were filled with the Holy Ghost after they were baptized.
The Holy Ghost told them the true Church of Jesus Christ would soon be on the earth again.

29 Joseph and Oliver told their good friends they had been baptized.
They also told them about the priesthood. But Joseph and Oliver did not tell other people right away.

30 They knew that some people would not believe them and would make trouble for them.

31 Later, three other heavenly messengers came.
They were Peter, James, and John, who were three of Jesus’ original Apostles.

32 Peter, James, and John gave Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery the Melchizedek Priesthood.
This is also called the “greater” priesthood.

33 Once the priesthood was restored, righteous men could be given authority to help do God’s work on earth.

34 Men who have the Melchizedek Priesthood can be Church leaders.

35 They can give blessings to people.
They can also give people the gift of the Holy Ghost.

36 The restoration of the priesthood is a great blessing.

37 Discussion Time

38 Why did Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery go into the woods to pray
Why did Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery go into the woods to pray? (JS—H 1:68–69.) Who appeared to them? Who was John the Baptist?

39 How did John the Baptist ordain Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to the Aaronic Priesthood?

40 Why did this priesthood authority need to come from a heavenly messenger?
The priesthood needed to be given by someone with the proper authority.

41 Because the priesthood had been taken from the earth, no one on the earth had that authority.

42 How are men ordained today? Articles of Faith 1:5

43 Who baptized Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery? (JS—H 1:71.)
What blessings did Joseph and Oliver receive after they were baptized? (JS—H 1:73–74.)

44 Who baptized you? What authority did that person have to baptize you?

45 What priesthood authority is necessary to baptize?
Aaronic Priesthood (JS—H 1:69.)

46 What priesthood authority is necessary to give the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Melchizedek Priesthood (JS—H 1:70.)

47 Who were Peter, James, and John?
Three of Jesus’ Apostles (Matthew 4:18–22.)

48 While only boys and men hold the priesthood, everyone can be blessed by it.
What blessings can you receive (now or later in life) through the power of the priesthood? Blessings of healing or comfort Patriarchal blessings Priesthood ordination for boys Temple ordinances

49 How can you prepare to receive priesthood blessings?
Enrichment Activity 3 How can you prepare to receive priesthood blessings? Attend church regularly Study the scriptures Pray Serve and love others Live the Word of Wisdom Be honest Use good language Obey parents and Church leaders Pay an honest tithe Have an interview with the bishop

50 How can we show our appreciation for the restoration of the priesthood?


52 Explain that from the earliest times the laying on of hands has been used in ordaining individuals to the priesthood, in conferring the Holy Ghost, and in giving priesthood blessings. Let’s look up the following scriptures and see what they have to say about the laying on of Numbers 27:18, 22–23 Mark 6:5 Acts 8:17 Alma 6:1 Doctrine and Covenants 20:70 Doctrine and Covenants 35:6 Doctrine and Covenants 42:44 Doctrine and Covenants 68:27 Doctrine and Covenants 107:65–67

53 Have any of you experienced the laying on of hands by priesthood holders?

54 Enrichment Activity 2 Priesthood power ________ ________ for sale What do you think the missing words could be?

55 Enrichment Activity 2 Priesthood power ________ ________ for sale What do you think the missing words could be?

56 Let’s hear the story of Simon and the Priesthood from Acts 8: 9-22
Enrichment Activity 2 Let’s hear the story of Simon and the Priesthood from Acts 8: 9-22

57 Go to the Video Go to the slides Continue
Enrichment Activity 2 Go to the Video Go to the slides Continue

58 Many people in Samaria heard and believed the gospel.
They were baptized, but they did not have the Holy Ghost.

59 Peter and John went to Samaria
Peter and John went to Samaria. They laid their hands on people’s heads and gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost.

60 He wanted the priesthood too.

61 A man named Simon saw Peter and John giving people the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Simon knew that the two Apostles could give people the gift of the Holy Ghost because they had the priesthood.

62 He offered Peter and John money for it.
Peter told Simon that no one can buy the priesthood.

63 God gives it to righteous men.
Peter knew that Simon was not righteous. He told him to repent.

64 Priesthood power ________ ________ for sale
Enrichment Activity 2 Priesthood power ________ ________ for sale Do you now know what the missing words are?

65 Priesthood power ________ ________ for sale
Enrichment Activity 2 Priesthood power ________ ________ for sale The priesthood cannot be gained with money, but only through righteous living. Is Not

66 Enrichment Activity 4 Can you match the Office in the Aaronic Priesthood with the Duty of the Priesthood?

67 Deacon Teacher Priest Perform duties of deacons and teachers
Prepare the Sacrament Baptize others for the remission of sins Be a messenger for the bishop Bless the Sacrament Go home teaching Pass the sacrament Take care of the grounds around the meetinghouse Ordain other priests, teachers and deacons Collect fast offerings Perform duties of deacons as needed

68 Deacon Teacher Priest Perform duties of deacons and teachers
Prepare the Sacrament Baptize others for the remission of sins Be a messenger for the bishop Bless the Sacrament Go home teaching Pass the sacrament Take care of the grounds around the meetinghouse Ordain other priests, teachers and deacons Collect fast offerings Perform duties of deacons as needed

69 Deacon Teacher Priest Perform duties of deacons and teachers
Prepare the Sacrament Baptize others for the remission of sins Be a messenger for the bishop Bless the Sacrament Go home teaching Pass the sacrament Take care of the grounds around the meetinghouse Ordain other priests, teachers and deacons Collect fast offerings Perform duties of deacons as needed

70 Deacon Teacher Priest Perform duties of deacons and teachers
Prepare the Sacrament Baptize others for the remission of sins Be a messenger for the bishop Bless the Sacrament Go home teaching Pass the sacrament Take care of the grounds around the meetinghouse Ordain other priests, teachers and deacons Collect fast offerings Perform duties of deacons as needed

71 Deacon Teacher Priest Pass the sacrament Collect fast offerings
Be a messenger for the bishop Take care of the grounds around the meetinghouse Prepare the Sacrament Go home teaching Perform duties of deacons as needed Baptize others for the remission of sins Bless the Sacrament Ordain other priests, teachers and deacons Perform duties of deacons and teachers

72 To Perform these duties, the Aaronic Priesthood holder must be authorized to do so by the bishop.

73 Enrichment Activity 5 Let’s repeat the fifth article of Faith.
5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

74 Enrichment Activity 5 The priesthood can only be received through the laying on of hands by those who are in authority.

75 Enrichment Activity 5 After a boy or man receives the priesthood, he can perform ordinances only as authorized by the priesthood leader over him.

76 Enrichment Activity 5 For example, a priest cannot baptize someone without permission of the bishop.

77 Let’s try to memorize the 5th Article of faith.

78  5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

79 TESTIMONY I am grateful that we can receive all the blessings necessary for us to return to Heavenly Father because of the restoration of the priesthood. I want to challenge the boys to prepare to receive the great power of the priesthood and to always live worthy to exercise that power. I want to challenge the girls to honor the priesthood and prepare themselves to be worthy to receive the blessings of the priesthood.



82 Images and clipart are from lds
Images and clipart are from, Microsoft office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. The Lesson and Scripture story are from Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.

83 JS—H 1:68–69 68 We still continued the work of translation, when, in the ensuing month (May, 1829), we on a certain day went into the woods to pray and inquire of the Lord respecting abaptism for the bremission of sins, that we found mentioned in the translation of the plates. While we were thus employed, praying and calling upon the Lord, a messenger from heaven descended in a ccloud of light, and having laid his dhands upon us, he eordained us, saying:

84 JS—H 1:68–69 69 Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the aPriesthood of bAaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of cbaptism by immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth until the sons of dLevi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in erighteousness. Return

85 Articles of Faith 1:5 5 We believe that a man must be acalled of God, by bprophecy, and by the laying on of chands by those who are in dauthority, to epreach the Gospel and administer in the fordinances thereof. Return

86 JS—H 1:71  71 Accordingly we went and were baptized. I abaptized him first, and afterwards he baptized me—after which I laid my hands upon his head and ordained him to the Aaronic Priesthood, and afterwards he laid his hands on me and ordained me to the same Priesthood—for so we were commanded.* Return

87 JS—H 1:73–74 73 Immediately on our coming up out of the water after we had been baptized, we experienced great and glorious blessings from our Heavenly Father. No sooner had I baptized Oliver Cowdery, than the Holy Ghost fell upon him, and he stood up and aprophesied many things which should shortly come to pass. And again, so soon as I had been baptized by him, I also had the spirit of prophecy, when, standing up, I prophesied concerning the rise of this Church, and many other things connected with the Church, and this generation of the children of men. We were filled with the Holy Ghost, and rejoiced in the God of our salvation.

88 JS—H 1:73–74 74 Our minds being now enlightened, we began to have the ascriptures laid open to our understandings, and the btrue meaning and intention of their more cmysterious passages revealed unto us in a manner which we never could attain to previously, nor ever before had thought of. In the meantime we were forced to keep secret the circumstances of having received the Priesthood and our having been baptized, owing to a spirit of persecution which had already manifested itself in the neighborhood. Return

89 JS—H 1:69 69 Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the aPriesthood of bAaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of cbaptism by immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth until the sons of dLevi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in erighteousness. Return

90 JS—H 1:70 70 He said this Aaronic Priesthood had not the power of laying on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, but that this should be conferred on us hereafter; and he commanded us to go and be baptized, and gave us directions that I should baptize Oliver Cowdery, and that afterwards he should baptize me. Return

91 20 And they straightway left their nets, and afollowed him.
Matthew 4:18–22 18 ¶And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were afishers.  19 And he saith unto them, aFollow me, and I will make you bfishers of men.  20 And they straightway left their nets, and afollowed him.

92 Matthew 4:18–22 21 And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of aZebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he bcalled them.  22 And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. Return

93 Numbers 27:18, 22–23 18 ¶And the Lord said unto Moses, Take thee aJoshua the son of bNun, a man in whom is the cspirit, and dlay thine hand upon him; Return

94 Mark 6:5 5 And he could there do no amighty work, save that he blaid his chands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. Return

95 Acts 8:17 17 Then alaid they their hands on them, and they received the bHoly Ghost. Return

96 Alma 6:1  1 And now it came to pass that after Alma had made an end of speaking unto the people of the church, which was established in the city of Zarahemla, he aordained priests and belders, by laying on his chands according to the order of God, to preside and dwatch over the church. Return

97 Doctrine and Covenants 20:70
 70 Every member of the church of Christ having achildren is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their bhands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name. Return

98 Doctrine and Covenants 35:6
6 But now I give unto thee a commandment, that thou shalt abaptize by water, and they shall receive the bHoly Ghost by the laying on of the chands, even as the apostles of old. Return

99 Doctrine and Covenants 42:44
44 And the elders of the church, two or more, shall be called, and shall pray for and alay their bhands upon them in my name; and if they cdie they shall ddie unto me, and if they live they shall live unto me. Return

100 Doctrine and Covenants 68:27
 27 And their children shall be abaptized for the bremission of their sins when ceight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. Return

101 Doctrine and Covenants 107:65–67
65 Wherefore, it must needs be that one be appointed of the High aPriesthood to preside over the priesthood, and he shall be called President of the High Priesthood of the Church;  66 Or, in other words, the aPresiding High Priest over the High Priesthood of the Church.  67 From the same comes the administering of ordinances and blessings upon the church, by the alaying on of the hands. Return

102 Acts 8: 9-22 9 But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used asorcery, and bbewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some cgreat one:  10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.  11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.

103 Acts 8: 9-22 12 But when they believed Philip apreaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the bname of Jesus Christ, they were cbaptized, both men and women.  13 Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and awondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done.  14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the aword of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

104 Acts 8: 9-22 15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:  16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)  17 Then alaid they their hands on them, and they received the bHoly Ghost.  18 And when Simon saw that through alaying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,

105 Acts 8: 9-22 19 Saying, Give me also this apower, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.  20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the agift of God may be bpurchased with money.  21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not aright in the sight of God.

106 Acts 8: 9-22 22 Repent therefore of this thy awickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the bthought of thine cheart may be forgiven thee. Return

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