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Building a Biosphere Reserve in North Karelia, Finland

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1 Building a Biosphere Reserve in North Karelia, Finland
Dr. Timo J. Hokkanen Centre of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia/ North Karelia Biosphere Reserve Scotland

2 Contents North Karelia and North Karelia BR
Research and development projects Steering committee and BR strategy Future projects – extensive approach Role of the BR North Karelia and NK BR Established on projects Levels of acivity local, regional, national, international Regional priorities vs BR priorities Steering committee and BR strategy Future projects – extensive approach National Park Koli – International Model Green Belt of Fennoscandia RoK-FOR – European partherships Partnership organisations and enterprises Participation in existing processes – Climate Change Role of the Biosphere Reserve

3 Questions asked How you engage with public agencies?
How you engage with communities? How you manage the landscapes? How regional strategy has been developed? Where the biosphere reserve fits in? The long term view?

4 North Karelia and NK BR Living in the North Missä – kartta
Millaista – talvi, kesä, metsät, suot pienet kaupungit, kylät, haja-asutus Suojelua suhteellisen paljon Elinkeinorakenne polaarinen: yliopisto, koulutus >< pienet kunnat heikoilla Mitä tarvitaan keken ylläpitoon?

5 Karelia, Eastern Finland

6 Ice ages

7 North Karelia -province

8 Total area ha Forests ha 48 %

9 Total area ha Forested Mires ha 19% Forest

10 Forest, mires and lakes Total area 2 158 400 ha
Natural Mires ha 6 % Forest For. Mire 6 %

11 Total area ha Inland waters ha 18 % Forest Nat. mire For. Mire

12 Total area ha Other ha Forest 9 % Inland waters Forested mire Nat. mire


14 North Karelia RUSSIA Joensuu NK Joensuu –

15 North Karelia Forestry, metal industry, hi-tech Forest research
University of Eastern Finland (13 000) European Forest Institute Finnish Forest Research Institute Bioenergy: 65 % of energy consumption Kokonaisala ha Maa-ala ha Metsät ha Suot > ha % ojitettu Vesistöt ha Kokonaispinta-ala21 584,41 km² 4:nneksi suurin 2010 [1]– maa17 763,31 km²– sisävesi3 821,10 km²Väkiluku165 888 14:nneksi suurin   [2]– väestötiheys9,34 as/km² ( )MaakuntalauluKarjalaisten lauluNimikkolajit - lintuKäki- kalaJärvilohi- kasviKarjalanruusu- kiviVuolukivi Vuoden 2003 tilastojen mukaan maakunnan 62 000 työpaikasta 5 000 on alkutuotannossa, 16 000 jalostuksessa ja 41 000 palveluissa.lähde? Työpaikkojen kokonaismäärä on kasvanut sekä verrattuna 1990-luvun lamaa edeltäneeseen aikaan että luonnollisesti sen jälkeen. Alkutuotannossa maatalouden lisäksi merkittävää on metsätalous. Teollisuuden toimialoista suurimmat ovat metalli- ja muovituotteiden valmistus sekä metsäteollisuus. Palvelutyöpaikoista merkittävä osa on julkisia palveluita. Työttömien osuus työvoimasta vuonna 2004 oli 17,1 % (koko maa 11,1 %).lähde? Suurinta työttömyys oli Enossa (23,7 %) ja pienintä Kontiolahdella (11,6 %).lähde?

16 North Karelia BR Lieksa Ilomantsi Joensuu

17 NK biosphere reserve Established 1992, extended 2009
Total area: ha Population: Core areas: ha Buffer zone: ha Main activities forestry, tourism, services


19 KALEVALA – the national epic of Finland

20 Slash and burn agriculture


22 Taiga forest

23 Patvinsuo National Park

24 Forest, mires and lakes Koli National Park Photo: Markku Tano

25 Sonkaja Village


27 ”Biosphere Reserves – Connecting people” 27

28 Numerous background projects
Forestry, planning and protection Forest grazing of cattle New rural livelihoods Nature and culture tourism Restoration and building of cultural milieus Restoration of springs Large carnivores Ticks Giant hogweed

29 1. Forest studies Extensive entities High-quality research
Forests important: economy, biodiversity, recreation Joensuu is a forestry centre in boreal zone Co-operation with Russia

30 UAV at Mekrijärvi Research Station
Hand launch Flies on its own Images in 20 minutes



33 Continuity of old growth forests in the border area
between Finland and Russia (Lopatin, Kolström, Hokkanen 2009, manuscript) webserver: 33

34 Predicted number of OGF indicator species (aphyllophoraceous fungi, mosses)
Lopatin et al. 2006 34

35 Natural connectivity at the border
In Russia: large untouched ecosystems should be protected In Finland: need to create corridors connecting Russian and Finnish forests

36 Joint plan? Development? Protection? Costs? Time?

37 2. Restoring cultural mileus and traditional landscapes
Local targets Studies in local history Using traditional methods Employing local people Co-operation with a school and local activists Developing tourism

38 1939

39 1923

40 Aaron Piha 1997




44 Aaron piha 2003

45 Sonkaja chapel

46 3. Ticks and Giant hogweed
Border area Research and environmental awareness Health Value of land Extensive co-operation

47 Ixodes persulcatus

48 Ixodes-species & tickborne encephalitis
Distribution Climate change Environmental change Mistä punkki on joutunut Kokkolaan? 48

49 Heracleum mantegazzianum
Giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum 49 49

50 A bit escaped 50

51 Burns… Photos: Michigan Dept Agriculture 51


53 Biosphere reserve

54 North Karelia Biosphere reserve and its activities
Kainuu Kostamus District (Russia) Mujejärven District (Russia) Suojärven District (Russia) Karelia Ladogendis (Russia) NKBR

55 Creating BR strategy Background projects
Leading = creating significancies BR needs to create and point out significancies which promote sustainable development

56 Building a school

57 Building a Biosphere Reserve
Building a school What is a school needed for? Background > planning > building > teaching > producing learning and wisdom Building a Biosphere Reserve What is a BR needed for? Background > planning > ”building” > working > producing … For What > Future?

58 Involvement in BR projects
Local Regional National Inter-national Forestry Administration Researchers, Administration Cultural milieus Workers, Teachers Ticks Local people, Researchers, Businesses Researchers Giant hogweed Administration, Businesses Level

59 Number of involved people
Involvement spheres International UNESCO International actors (e.g., EU), businesses National National MaB committee National structures, businesses, administration Regional BR committee; administration institutions; businesses Local All local structures and involved people Number of involved people

60 Ingredients of a biosphere reserve: From knowledge to change
Information/”knowledge” Research Information + context => Awareness Info dissemination Awareness + resources + commitment => activity Work Activity + continuity => change Monitoring

61 Role of BR in projects Local Regional National Inter-national Project
Forestry Communicator Initiator, Actor Communicator, Connector Cultural milieus Facilitator, Connector, Initiator, communicator, connector Ticks Researchers, Connector, Communicator, Giant hogweed onnector, Communicator, Connector, Communicator Level

62 BR Extension 2008 Delineation 1992 350 000 ha 14 500 ha core areas
Lieksa Delineation 1992 ha ha core areas 1900 inhabitants Delineation 2008 ha ha core areas ha buffer zones inhabitants Ilomantsi Tuupovaara Part of Joensuu City included 62

63 Biosphere reserve Economically viable unit (population > 20 000)
The main main actors of the province included Visibility and profile in topical sustainable development issues (e.g., bioenergy, mitigation of and adaptation into climate change) Joensuu City as a border area town National and international activities 63

64 North Karelia BR Steering Committee (2008-2011)
Prof. Paavo Pelkonen (chair) Univ.Eeastern Finland, forestry Prof. Taneli Kolström UEF, Mekrijärvi Res. Station Mayor Markku Lappalainen Ilomantsi municipality City clerc Jari Horttanainen Joensuu city City clerc Matti Taponen Lieksa city Park Superintendent Kyösti Tuhkalainen Metsähallitus CEO Tiina Tolvanen NK Chamber of Commerce Prof. Ari Lehtinen UEF, geography Planning director Risto Poutiainen NK Regional Council Leading researcher Raimo Heikkilä Finnish Env. Instutute, Joensuu Prof. Erkki Sutinen UEF, computer science CEO Markku Litja Karelia-Expert OY (tourism) Co-ordinator Timo J. Hokkanen (secretary) Centre of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Karelia 64

65 Regional development priorities taken into account
Funding Minimal funds earmarked for environment compared with those for development Influence - also in environmental issues Better sitting at the tables where the decisions are being done

66 North Karelia BR mission statement
North Karelia biosphere reserve activities aim at creating regional sustainable development solutions for good economy and environment

67 BR main task: facilitation
Sustainable development Conservation Ideally, fully functioning biosphere reserves perform three main roles: - conservation in situ of natural and semi-natural ecosystems and landscapes, as well as the diversity there within; - the establishment of demonstration areas for ecologically and socio-culturally sustainable (land and) resource use; and - the provision of logistic support for research, monitoring, education, training and information exchange related to conservation and sustainable development issues. More information on: Support, training etc 67

68 Strategy BR main ”windows” Extensive co-operation Energy Tourism
Environmental awareness Extensive co-operation Benefits

69 ”Bioenergy window” Energy important for all human activities in the area Bioenergy has great influence on local life but also direct global influences Bioenergy is easily understandable by everyone Bioenergy is economically important and politically ”hot” Local and regional background strong Environmental aspects not at all easy

70 ”Tourism window” Nature and culture tourism is considered to grow in importance and volume Nature and culture tourism makes use of all environments and important culture objects Tourism and energy use are tightly coupled Easy to find local and regional support

71 Landscapes Significance of landscapes Economy Ecology Communities

72 Traditional landscapes

73 Awareness = key to change
Information/”knowledge” Research Information + context => Awareness Info dissemination Awareness + resources + commitment => activity Work Activity + continuity => change Monitoring Leadership 73

74 Projects and future Clear priorities Ambitious goals Visibility
Results required ”Think globally, act locally!”

75 Projects and processes
ROK-FOR project: sustainable foresty & bioenergy, sustainable construction & biobased products Regional Partnership Programme Koli Guiding and Culture Centre Initiation of and participation in processes Green Belt of Fennoscandia Regional Climate Change activities

76 RoK-FOR Sustainable forestry providing bioenenergy, sustainable construction and biobased products EU FP M € Large consortium – regions in focus

77 ROK-FOR consortium Centre for Development,
Transport and the Environment for North Karelia Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg EFI Atlantic Forest Research Centre Jastrebarsko Centre Tecnologic Forestal de Catalunya 77 77

78 RoK-FOR Objectives Target areas: sustainable forestry > bioenergy, biobased products and sustainable construction Actions: We will identify and start strong trans-national and inter-regional co-operation between research-driven, forestry-based clusters Results Joint action plan New joint actions during the second half of the project Increased innovativeness and competitiveness with help of the metacluster

geology bedrock, ice age biodiversity values indigenous species ecological corridor cultural heritage transboundary co-operation

80 Nature reserves


82 Research and development
Research units Climate change Environmental change Sustainable development practices 82

83 Koli Guiding and Culture Centre International sustainable development model for Biosphere Reserves?
~ 40 M € investment


85 Koli Sustainable Development Platform
MaB programme National Park Green Belt of Fennoscandia K o l i Culturum Koli Village National & International Contacts Sustainable Development In Centre North Karelia province Technology Programme

86 BR Partnership organisations and enterprises
Dynamic approach Sustainable development Commitment for future Co-operation between partners Background: Sustainable Development Network for North Karelia

87 Questions asked How you engage with public agencies?
How you engage with communities? How you manage the landscape and the type of landscapes you have? How regional strategy has been developed? Where the biosphere reserve fits in? The long term view?

88 Rosa acicularis – Carelian rose

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