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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

2 Question 1

3 Whose feast day is on 6th December?
A St. George B St. Valentine C St. Peter D St. Nicholas

4 Question? A B C D St. Nicholas

5 £100

6 Question 2

7 Who would wish someone, “Frohe Weihnachten?
A A Spaniard B An Italian C A German D A Frenchman

8 Question? A B C A German D

9 £200

10 Question 3

11 Which country celebrates Hogmannay?
A England B Wales C Ireland D Scotland

12 Question? A B C D Scotland

13 £300

14 Question 4

15 What would you expect a “sapin” to have on it?
A decorations B cranberry sauce C wrapping paper D funny hat

16 Question? A decorations B C D

17 £500

18 Question 5

19 A Spanish carols B French cakes C German biscuits D Italian presents
What are “lebkuchen”? A Spanish carols B French cakes C German biscuits D Italian presents

20 Question? A B C D German biscuits

21 £1,000

22 Question 6

23 In Britain, what happens on “Twelfth Night”?
A have a party B take down tree C bake mince pies D have fireworks

24 Question? A B take down tree C D

25 £2,000

26 Question 7

27 In Spain, on New Year’s Eve, what do people traditionally eat?
A grapes B torillas C 8 tapas D 6 oranges

28 Question? A grapes B C D

29 £4,000

30 Question 8

31 What is the shape of the German cake “Stollen” ?
A star B Jesus in the manger C Christmas tree D angel

32 Question? A B Jesus in the manger C D

33 £8,000

34 Question 9

35 In Italy, who traditionally gives out presents?
A Santa Lucia B Babbo Natale C Gesu’ Bambino D la Befana

36 Question? A B C D la Befana

37 £16,000

38 Question 10

39 When do people in Spain eat their special meal –”la Nochebuena”?
A Christmas Eve B Christmas Day C New Year’s Eve D New Year’s Day

40 Question? A Christmas Eve B C D

41 £32,000

42 Question 11

43 Where do the little figurines “santons” come from?
A northern Italy B eastern Germany C southern France D western Spain

44 Question? A B C southern France D

45 £64,000

46 Question 12

47 A straw B gold coin C egg D sprig of holly
What do Polish people put under the table when they have their Christmas meal? A straw B gold coin C egg D sprig of holly

48 Question? A straw B C D

49 £125,000

50 Question 13

51 A Christmas cake B mince pies C crackers D Christmas pudding
What do the French describe as “tartelettes aux fruits secs et aux épices”? A Christmas cake B mince pies C crackers D Christmas pudding

52 Question? A B mince pies C D

53 £250,000

54 Question 14

55 In Spain, “El Gordo” takes place on 22nd December. What is it?
A religious parade B football match C end of term D lottery draw

56 Question? A B C D lottery draw

57 £500,000

58 Question 15

59 A Italy B France C Germany D Spain
According to Dutch tradition, where does Santa Claus (Sinterklaas) lives? A Italy B France C Germany D Spain

60 Question? A B C D Spain

61 £1,000,000

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