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Science is… a human activity and scientific knowledge is the creation of the human mind. We develop scientific knowledge through experiments and observations.

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Presentation on theme: "Science is… a human activity and scientific knowledge is the creation of the human mind. We develop scientific knowledge through experiments and observations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science is… a human activity and scientific knowledge is the creation of the human mind. We develop scientific knowledge through experiments and observations.

2 Observation Noting or recognizing something has occurred. HOW?
Scientists make observations by using their senses.


4 What can we observe with our five senses?
Taste: temperature, texture, flavor (sour, sweet, spicy, bland) … Smell: odor (pleasant or unpleasant), particle filled (smog), heavy … Hearing: pitch, volume, rhythm, echo… Sight: shape, color, dimension, texture, size… Touch: texture, shape, temperature, size…

5 DATA Data is recorded observations.
Factual Data is verifiable through tests Opinions are theories or thoughts of the scientist Quantitative data includes numbers (temperature, blood pressure, measurements) All branches of science use observation in their tests.




9 Scientific Law A scientific law is an observation about nature—a summary of a natural event. A law does not have to explain how or why something happens.

10 Example When you place a hot cooking pot on a cooler place, does the pot become hotter as it stands?

11 No! This illustrates a scientific law that states warm objects always get cooler when they are placed in a cooler location. The law does not explain why this happens simply that it does.

12 Scientific Theory A possible explanation of an event, theories are always open to challenges and testing. To be valid a theory must continue to pass several tests: Explain observations clearly and simply. Experiments are repeatable. Predictions can be made from the theory. Theories can be changed or replaced as new discoveries are made.

13 Where do theories come from?
Suggested by examination of data Product of imagination in which the mind has been stimulated by data. Arise from combination of observation and imagination.



16 Scientific Models A scientific model is a representation of an object or event that can be studied to understand the real object or event. Models are used to represent real situations and to make predictions.


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