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World Geography Part 2 2007 Released Test.

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1 World Geography Part 2 2007 Released Test

2 A. Metal products B. Wood products C. Plastics D. Glass
Based on the data in this table, which materials are most commonly recycled? A. Metal products B. Wood products C. Plastics D. Glass

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5 2. The Brazilian government is struggling against miners, ranchers, and farmers to preserve what type of ecosystem? A. Chaparrals B. Wetlands C. Savannas D. Rain forests

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8 3. The greater the country’s level of economic development, the —
A. lower the cost of living B. higher the agricultural labor force C. higher the quality of life D. lower the urban population

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11 4. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an oil-rich state with many jobs to fill. Which country in the table is most likely to be the source of large numbers of immigrants to the UAE? A. Pakistan B. Singapore C. Italy D. Bahrain

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14 5. Which of the following factors has slowed India’s economic development & prevented improvement in the people’s standard of living? A. A high population growth rate B. Plentiful natural resources C. Lack of energy resources D. An aging population

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17 6. As a result of this economic trend, what name has been given to this manufacturing region?
A. Cotton Belt B. Wheat Belt C. Sun Belt D. Rust Belt

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20 7. The European Union (EU) was formed primarily to provide —
A. political power to rival the United States B. common military defense for members C. emergency assistance for sub- Saharan countries D. economic cooperation between members

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23 8. Farmers in Southeast Asia have adapted mountainous areas for agricultural use by —
A. developing contour cultivation B. practicing crop rotation C. constructing terraces D. building levees

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26 9. The ancient Incan city located in the Andes Mountains of Peru is —
A. Machu Picchu B. Chichén Itzá C. Tenochtitlán D. Teotihuacan

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29 10. According to the chart, which two countries are economically interdependent and would make the most effective trading partners? A. United Kingdom & Portugal B. Luxembourg & Romania C. Romania & Norway D. Norway & Portugal

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32 11. On the map, land areas are most distorted at the —
A. middle latitudes B. prime meridian C. equator D. high latitudes

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35 12. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a political and military alliance with members primarily from Western European nations and the — A. United States B. Dominican Republic C. United Arab Emirates D. Central African Republic

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38 13. Which country most likely relies on primary economic activities?
A. Greece B. Philippines C. Egypt D. Chile

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41 14. Which technology has promoted globalization?
A. Computerized assembly lines B. Internet communications C. Airline security systems D. Electronic investigations

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44 15. Which country benefits most from a major economic alliance with the United States?
A. Chile B. Brazil C. Guatemala D. Mexico

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47 16. With which religion is the structure in this photograph associated?
A. Buddhism B. Judaism C. Christianity D. Hinduism

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50 17. All of the following are demographic factors used in determining the total population of a country EXCEPT — A. marriage rate B. birth rate C. death rate D. immigration

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53 18. Which country has a history of the most ethnic conflict?
A. Brazil B. Canada C. Yugoslavia D. Australia

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56 19. Systems of canals and pumps like the ones shown in this photograph have created polders in —
A. Spain B. Netherlands C. Italy D. United Kingdom

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59 20. The chernozem of Russia is a type of —
A. soil B. icon C. ballet D. mineral

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62 21. The use of this advertisement in Russia is a result of —
A. environmental concerns B. advanced technology C. trademark violations D. cultural diffusion

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65 22. One of the factors that contributed to Japan’s industrial growth during much of the 20th century was that it benefited from having — A. sources of investment capital B. areas of fertile farmland C. supplies of fossil fuels D. deposits of iron ore

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68 23. Which of the following factors significantly contributes to the shrinking of the Aral Sea?
A. Sedimentation B. Pollution C. Irrigation D. Erosion

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71 24. Which of the following best summarizes the information in the table?
A. The economy of the US is based on manufacturing. B. The US economy is dependent on imports. C. The US economy is diverse. D. The economy of the US is based on agriculture.

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74 25. Which country is characterized by peaceful relationships between its different ethnic groups?
A. Rwanda B. Switzerland C. Cyprus D. Nigeria

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77 That’s All Folks!

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