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The Ministry of Worship

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1 The Ministry of Worship
Part 6 The Ministry of Worship

2 SECTION OUTLINE Planning for Worship Themes in Worship
Outlines for Worship Creativity in Worship Balance in Worship Songs in Worship Change in Worship

3 Design a worship experience that lasts for 30 minutes - without singing.

4 REFLECTION What elements did you use?
How did the exercise challenge your thinking about corporate worship? Do you think a worship experience could work without singing?

5 1. Determine the Focal Point
Planning for Worship Five Guiding Principles 1. Determine the Focal Point

6 2. Select Relevant Resource
Planning for Worship Five Guiding Principles 2. Select Relevant Resource Select content Songs Readings Etc.

7 3. Design a Sequence of Events
Planning for Worship Five Guiding Principles 3. Design a Sequence of Events Flesh out outline Order the outline Schedule elements Unfolding drama

8 4. Check the Content and Flow
Planning for Worship Five Guiding Principles 4. Check the Content and Flow Suitability Movement Quantity New vs Old Sequence Emotional Shifts

9 5. Evaluate for Participation
Planning for Worship Five Guiding Principles 5. Evaluate for Participation Ask with each item: How can people be most involved?

10 Themes in Worship Sources: 1. Felt Need 2. Special Events
3. Church Experiences 4. Sermon Topic 5. God’s Heart

11 Themes in Worship Guidelines: 1. Ask God to reveal it to you
2. Introduce it naturally 3. Link your content to it 4. Don’t overplay it

12 Outlines for Worship Developing a Pattern Isaiah 6 Praise Confession
Pardon Commission Von Ogden Vogt Presentation Penitence Exaltation Illumination Dedication

13 Outlines for Worship Developing a Pattern Seidenspinner Vineyard
Adoration Communion Dedication Vineyard Invitation Engagement Exaltation Adoration Intimacy

14 Developing the Outline
Outlines for Worship Developing the Outline It’s like preparing to preach: * Select a theme/text * Analyse the theme/text - What is the message? - What is the natural outline? - What is the flow of thought?

15 Prepare a worship outline on:
Outlines for Worship Developing the Outline Prepare a worship outline on: A current event A characteristic of God A passage of Scripture A calendar event A felt need

16 Five Guiding Principles
Planning Worship Five Guiding Principles 1. Determine the Focal Point 2. Select Relevant Resource 3. Design a Sequence of Events 4. Check the Content and Flow 5. Evaluate for Participation

17 Creativity in Worship Say NO to:
Gimmicks to coerce something from worshippers. Pumping life into a dying institution. Change just for the sake of change - without a purpose.

18 Creativity in Worship Say YES to:
Enabling diverse people to experience a sense of God’s presence in the company of other believers and to respond appropriately. Incorporating variety and freshness regularly

19 Creativity in Worship Participatory Responses Visual Creativity
Singing Creatively Praying Creatively Drama and Poetry Overhead Fill-ins Multimedia Presentations

20 Adding creativity without losing the congregation
Creativity in Worship Adding creativity without losing the congregation How to change your worship services without being asked to change churches How???

21 Creativity in Worship * Bring meaningful change * Respect your context
* Don’t assume objections * Make changes slowly * Educate and inform people * Give reasons for the change

22 Creativity in Worship * Encourage dialogue * Involve people
* Take a survey * Mix the old and the new * Be sensitive to responses * Get affirmation from peers

23 Setting Goals in Worship
Tangible Communicable Achievable Definitive Flexible

24 Balance in Worship Relational Reverential

25 Balance in Worship Immanence Transcendence

26 Balance in Worship Anthropocentric Theocentric

27 Balance in Worship Love Holiness

28 Balance in Worship Edification Exaltation

29 Songs in Worship Teaching New Songs: How? * Explain the song
* Use visual aids * Teach the band * Learn the melody * Involve the choir * Limit new songs

30 Songs in Worship Teaching New Songs: When?
* Not during intimate worship * During early stages of service * Teach to small groups first * Follow with a well known song

31 Songs in Worship Teaching New Songs: Then? * Don’t repeat too much
* Do it a few times and move on * Come back to it next week * Some take longer to take off * Repeat but don’t kill songs

32 Songs in Worship Using Medleys: Criteria * Theme * Direction * Rhythm
* Key

33 Songs in Worship Leading Songs * Before Songs * During Songs
* Between Songs

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