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January 30, 2013 Name one limit to cell growth.

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Presentation on theme: "January 30, 2013 Name one limit to cell growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 30, 2013 Name one limit to cell growth.
Which increases at a greater rate, surface area or volume? What is the surface area of the cell? How does it affect the rate of exchange? Calculate the surface area and volume of a cubed cell with the following measurements: What happens to the surface area to volume ratio as cell size increases? Length (L) = 4 Width (W) = 4 Height (H) = 4 # of sides = 6

2 February 6, 2013 The division of the cell nucleus is also known as ________ During ________, chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell Chromosomes are made of two sister _________ attached at the ________ What causes cells to stop growing in a crowded petri dish? What disease results from a cell’s inability to regulate growth and division? _________ includes G1, S, and G2 phase. Cytokinesis occurs at the same time as ___________

3 What makes an organism “true-breeding”?
February 7, 2013 Who was Gregor Mendel? What makes an organism “true-breeding”? How did Mendel crossbreed two different plants?

4 February 11, 2013 What did Mendel conclude from his P and F1 crosses? (Mendel’s 2 conclusions, look at notes) A rabbit is heterozygous dominant for a brown coat. What is his genotype and phenotype? Use C or c for the alleles. A rabbit is homozygous recessive for white coat. What is its genotype and phenotype? Use C or c for the alleles.

5 What is independent assortment?
February 12, 2013 What is independent assortment? How did Mendel’s two-factor cross prove the principle of independent assortment?

6 Describe two inheritance patterns besides simple dominance.
February 13, 2013 Describe two inheritance patterns besides simple dominance. Determine the possible gametes for an organism with the following genotype: AaBB

7 March 4, 2013 What is the difference between a sex chromosome and an autosome? What is a karyotype? What is the probability of having a child that is male? Female? What is a pedigree? How is it used to track inheritance?

8 March 5, 2013 1) Draw a pedigree for the following family:
One couple has a son and a daughter with normal pigmentation. Another couple has one son and two daughters with normal pigmentation. The daughter from the first couple has three children with the son of the second couple. Their son and one daughter have albinism; their other daughter has normal pigmentation. 2) Give an example for each type of genetic disease: Recessive: Dominant: Co-dominant:

9 March 6, 2013 If a person has XXY for sex chromosomes, he has what disorder? When chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis,  ___________ has occurred. What is the difference between sex linked and sex chromosome disorders? Humans have ______ pairs of chromosomes. _____ are autosomes and 2 are ______________. A person who has an extra chromosome #21 (trisomy 21) has what disorder?

10 March 7, 2013 Achondroplasia is a (dominant or recessive) disease also known as ____________. True or false. A woman with blood type A (homozygous) and a man with blood type B (heterozygous) have a biological child with blood type O. The genotype of someone with Turner’s syndrome would be _____.

11 March 18, 2013 What is the end result of meiosis? How is this different from mitosis? What are the two limits to cell growth? Name the stages of the cell cycle. A ________ can be used to identify a chromosomal mutation while a _________ can be used to track the inheritance of a disease or trait.

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