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Potential and Kinetic Energy

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Presentation on theme: "Potential and Kinetic Energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential and Kinetic Energy

2 How is all energy divided?
Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Gravitation Potential Energy Elastic Chemical

3 What is Potential Energy?
Energy that is stored and waiting to be used later

4 What is Gravitational Potential Energy?
Potential energy due to an object’s position P.E. = mass x height x gravity Don’t look down, Rover! Good boy!

5 What is Elastic Potential Energy?
Potential energy due compression or expansion of an elastic object. Notice the ball compressing and expanding

6 What is Chemical Potential Energy?
Potential energy stored within the chemical bonds of an object

7 What is Kinetic Energy? Energy an object has due to its motion
K.E. = 1/2mv2

8 Kinetic Energy Depends on 2 factors
Mass and Velocity If Dino and the car have the same velocity, which has the greater KE? If the trucks have the same mass, which one has greater KE?

9 Which factor has the greater impact on KE?
Think about the formula!! Velocity has greater influence because it is SQUARED in the formula!!

10 Energy is Conserved!


12 The total amt of energy remains constant!!
KE i + PE i = KE f + PE f


14 TME = KE + PE Mechanical Energy
The total amount of KE and PE is referred to as the total MECHANICAL ENERGY of an object. TME = KE + PE

15 There are other forms of energy.



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