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Animals that grow up in families

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1 Animals that grow up in families
(Australian Curriculum: Science Year Two) A teaching slideshow for young learners Created by Queensland Museum Strategic Learning February 2012 (Version 1.0)

2 Animals that grow up in families- Year 2 Australian Curriculum: Science links
Science Understanding Biological sciences Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030) Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034) Use and influence of science People use science in their everyday lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035) Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS037)

3 Copyright The text in this slide show is shared under the Creative Commons Licences BY, NC, SA Images marked QM are copyright (The State of Queensland - Queensland Museum) and must not be reproduced in any format without permission. Please contact: Queensland Museum PO Box 3300 South Brisbane BC Qld 4101 Phone: Images sourced from are used under Creative Commons licences: Slide 4-Babbitt family tree by FrodoBabbs Slide 5,33,42 Red Bull Ant by eyeweed Slide 17 magpie nest by Bryant Olsen Slide 18 Australian Magpie-lark chicks by Stephen Barnett Slide 25 Australian magpie wb by Lip Kee Slide 27 Feathertail glider 1 by Doug Beckers Slide 29 Acrobates_pygmaeus.jpg by vmuseum Slides Myrmecia brevinoda and Cataglyphis velox 24 photos from Mckillaboy’s photostream by Tim Keppens All other images by Narinda Sandry (Strategic Learning Queensland Museum) If you have any difficulties downloading this resource please contact QM and we will provide alternatives.

4 Teacher notes Choice of slide/text colours: Please note that the selection of text and slide background was made intentionally for the benefit of vision impaired students. However slide show colours should be changed to suit particular student needs. Information regarding this decision can be found in the following document , specifically page 3. You need to view this ppt. as a show for hyperlinks to work. The resource is designed to be used in parts, not as a linear presentation. Each section is hyperlinked back to the main page so you can view the number and order of animals as needs require.

5 Animals that grow up in families

6 Animals that grow up in families
Click on an animal picture to see how it grows in a family QM CC: eyeweed

7 Dogs In this photo she is 8 weeks old.
Lexie is a puppy. In this photo she is 8 weeks old. How do you think she has changed since she was born? What does she need to grow? NS

8 NS This is Lexie when she was first born. Her eyes are not yet open. What else do you notice about Lexie?

9 Lexie’s mum licks her puppies to keep them clean and healthy.
NS Lexie and her mum both love cuddles. NS

10 What do you think is happening in the photo?
NS Lexie at 2 weeks old. What do you think is happening in the photo?

11 What do you notice these puppies are doing?
Lexie at 6 weeks old. NS What do you notice these puppies are doing? NS

12 Dogs are family animals.
In the wild they live in families called packs. NS All Lexie’s needs are met, so she grows into a healthy young dog ready to leave her parents and join her new family. NS

13 Now Lexie is an adult dog and is old enough to have a family of her own.
CC: Jen Rossey She will look after them so that they will grow to become adult dogs too.

14 Lexie’s mum is much older now. We call her a mature dog.
All living things grow, change and get old.

15 Dogs- life stages 1 newborn puppy 2 mature 4 3 adult Back to main page
NS Back to main page

16 Magpies NS

17 Magpies When mother and father magpie are ready to have their young, the mother makes a safe place to lay her eggs. NS What do human parents do when they are going to have a baby?

18 Mother magpie lays 3-6 brown speckled light blue or green eggs and sits on them for about 20 days until they hatch. Father magpie feeds the mother while she is on the nest. Bryant Olsen

19 While the chicks are in the nest, mother is kept very busy giving them food. The father and other family members help too. Stephen Barnett They are very protective and fathers often swoop when they think their babies could be in danger.

20 When the chicks are 4 weeks old and have grown enough, they begin to try to fly. Their parents keep close to them. Why? NS When a young child is first learning to walk, what do human parents do?

21 NS Even though the chicks can fly, the parents still feed their squawking babies. The babies follow mum and dad around squawking for food.

22 NS

23 After watching the older birds they learn to find food for themselves.
NS After watching the older birds they learn to find food for themselves.

24 When the adults have more chicks the next year, the youngsters also help to feed the new babies.
The older birds will call out to the other birds when they find some food to share or when there is danger. NS

25 Magpies When they are 2-3 years old, the chicks often leave the family territory to find their own mate and a place to raise their own babies. Australian Magpies often live to a mature age of around 20 years old! QM

26 Stages of growth of magpies
egg chick S.Barnett B.Olsen young adult Lip Kee Back to main page

27 Feathertail gliders QM

28 Feathertail gliders belong to a special group of animals which have a pouch. Feathertails also have special skin on each side so they can glide from branch to branch. Doug Beckers What are baby Feathertails called? How many babies would this little pouch hold?

29 The newborn joeys are very tiny, with no hair and eyes closed
The newborn joeys are very tiny, with no hair and eyes closed. They stay in mum’s pouch for protection while they grow and to drink milk from their mum. QM After about 65 days the joeys come out of mum’s pouch but stay in the nest until they are about 100 days old. By this time they have more hair and their eyes have opened.

30 Vmuseum Feathertails spend their days in ball-shaped nests of leaves in safe places like tree hollows. They come out at night to eat nectar, gum, sap and insects.

31 QM Feather tails live in groups of up to twenty. They keep each other warm and warn each other of danger.

32 Feathertails live for about 4 years in the wild.
This is a mature feathertail glider. QM

33 Feathertail glider life stages
1 2 newborn young 3 mature 4 adult Back to main page QM Photos

34 Ants CC: Eye weed

35 Ants Ants grow up in a special type of family called a colony.
Tim Keppens A young queen ant starts the colony by laying some eggs in a safe place like under a flat rock. She looks after these eggs until they change into adult ants to help her.

36 The first job for the new ants is to make the nest bigger
The first job for the new ants is to make the nest bigger. The ants dig special tunnels called chambers. These are a bit like rooms in your house. Tim Keppens

37 What do you notice about the size of the queen?
Tim Keppens Tim Keppens Then the ants do other jobs like taking the new eggs the queen lays to a room where all the eggs are kept. What do you notice about the size of the queen?

38 The eggs grow bigger because the ants feed them and keep them clean.
What do you notice about the growing young? Do they have legs or eyes? Tim Keppens

39 The workers go out and collect food and bring it back to the nest
The workers go out and collect food and bring it back to the nest. They swallow and chew the food then regurgitate it for the young. Tim Keppens If you want to see some video of them feeding the ‘fly’ to their young then click on

40 When the young grow bigger they are taken to another room or chamber.
The worker ants roll the grubs in little stones to make it easier for them to spin their cocoon. Photos byTim Keppens

41 Inside the cocoon, the young change from a grub or larva into a an ant that looks like the adults.
When they come out these new ants then start to work with all the other ants. Tim Keppens

42 When ants die they are carried out of the nest.
The ants work every day until they die. Worker ants can live for 2 years. Some queen ants can live for around 20 years! When ants die they are carried out of the nest. Photos by Tim Keppens

43 Ant stages of growth eggs grub or larva cocoon adult Back to main page

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