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Albuquerque Public Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Albuquerque Public Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Albuquerque Public Schools
Annual SAT, RTI, 504 Review Presented by RDA Albuquerque Public Schools Presenters Sue Broemmer, Jackie Calvert, Wendy Shanahan, Pam Sutcliffe, Cheryl Brubaker

2 Norms Keep sidebar conversations to a minimum
Take care of your personal needs Be respectful of others Turn cell phones to vibrate. Step outside if you must answer your cell phone

3 Welcome and Agenda Review of RTI, SAT, and 504 purposes
Review of integration of RTI and SAT Introduction of forms and processes Update on 504 issues Dual Discrepancy K-3

4 Purpose of RTI RTI(Response to Intervention) is way to ensure success of all students, and provide early assistance to students who are experiencing academic and/or social/emotional challenges.

5 RTI and SAT RTI guides the SAT (Student Assistance Team) in developing a plan to support students in becoming successful in the general education classroom. It also helps the general education faculty develop successful strategies and interventions to use with all students.

6 Simply put: SAT is a “support group” for regular education teachers and students in need. Response to Intervention, Parents Reaching Out, Winter, 2008

7 Moving through the RTI and SAT Processes
and the associated Forms

8 TIER IA All students are Tier IA students. It means students are enrolled in classes at the appropriate level and have highly qualified teachers using best practices and core curricula.

9 Is there paperwork to be done?
Yes. We ask that every teacher fill out the following form in pencil and keep it in their grade book or plan book. It will need to be filled out for each group of students you teach.

10 Is there paperwork to be done? (continued)
The purpose is to have teachers look at their classrooms with an eye towards the type of instruction they will offer. The top portion of the form will be filled out on the copy submitted to SAT.


12 What Else Do I Do? Keep anecdotal records Record and evaluate general
screenings Log student progress and responses to general education practices Keep a record of parent contact— notes, phone calls, s Document everything done to improve student learning

13 My student is still not making adequate progress
At this point the general education teacher enters the Decision Making Process. Determine if the lack of progress is caused by a possible lack of instruction, lack of comprehension, a language issue, a physical issue, a cultural issue, or an emotional issue.

14 The RTI Triangle

15 My student is still not making adequate progress (continued)
Check to see if student has identified physical issues (vision, hearing, etc.) Check to see if student has an AIP (Academic Improvement Plan available on the RDA website) Act upon it accordingly. If student does not have an AIP develop a CIP (Classroom Improvement Plan – will be available on the RDA website) and implement, documenting the outcomes thereof.


17 You are now in Tier IB And there is paperwork to be done.

18 As you move into Tier IB you should have the following information already completed about your student and your classroom. 1. Classroom profile 2. Log of contacts with parents/guardians (and results) 3. A record of what approaches have been used with the student 4. A hypothesis of what might help the student 5. A copy of the AIP if applicable 6. Be prepared to write a CIP if applicable

19 Begin Compiling Documentation
Document the reasons you feel the student is not making progress. Select intervention strategies you feel will help the student achieve. Complete the District AIP or develop a class CIP—fill out the appropriate form and place a copy in your student’s file.

20 Classroom Intervention Plan

21 The CIP Form Addressing the student’s skill deficit, the teacher will design and implement a program of intervention to assist student in reaching targeted goal. Begin implementation of the intervention within the classroom instructional time. Specific measurable skills development must be set. Time period is four to six weeks. Progress monitor and graph results every week.

22 The CIP form (Continued)
Review the effectiveness of the intervention. If it is working, continue with the intervention as indicated. If student is not succeeding, begin the second intervention and proceed as before. Inform the parents of actions you as the teacher have taken and are planning to take. Invite them to review your results. Consult with them in developing future plans.

23 The AIP Academic Improvement Plan
This form will automatically be generated by the district. It is generated on the District Benchmark Assessment (DBA) taken in Spring of the previous year for most students. Students new to the district will be assigned based on the Fall DBA. Students who did not take the Spring DBA will assigned based on the Fall DBA. First graders will all be assigned based on the Fall DBA.

24 The AIP Form The form is parallel to the CIP form and the process is nearly the same. Both forms require measurable outcomes. The interventions may be designed as a school-wide implementation or individually by the teacher.

25 The AIP Form (continued)
Invite the parents to attend a meeting to receive information about what is being done to help their student. The AIP form is generated by the District as a result of District Benchmark Assessments given the previous spring or fall in the cases of new enrollees, students who missed the spring testing window, and all first graders.

26 TIER IB Tier I B is a general education responsibility and relies upon the teacher’s expertise in recognizing students who are experiencing academic and/or emotional difficulties. Academic issues are addressed within the classroom. Teachers develop CIPs for students without AIPs who are in need of interventions. The teacher then implements the interventions and progress monitors students keeping accurate records of progress and parent contacts. Again everything done must be documented.

27 TIER 1B & Progress Monitoring
Plan and implement classroom interventions to be done during regular class instruction Contact parents to develop and share intervention plans Review possible other influences affecting student performance Progress monitor

28 Tier IB and Behavioral Issues
This is the point students with emotional issues should be referred to the Health and Wellness Team at your school. They have a set procedure to follow before a Behavioral Intervention Plan is developed and turned in to the SAT.

29 BIP Behavioral Intervention Plan

30 Functional Behavioral Assessment
FBA Functional Behavioral Assessment

31 Continuing with Tier I B
Students may remain in Tier I B indefinitely as long as adequate growth and achievement occur. For example if an intervention is completed and the student achieves the targeted goal, another intervention may be implemented for another area in which the student has a deficit. If the teacher finds the student is still not making progress after two interventions for the same targeted goal, it is time to consider making a SAT referral.

32 Prior to Making a SAT Meeting Request
One form needs to be completed prior to making a request for a SAT meeting. Tier I B Documentation -- AIP/CIP

33 Tier IB Documentation -- AIP/CIP

34 Other Issues Affecting a SAT Referral
Review other issues that may be affecting the decision to send a student to SAT. 1. Cultural 2. Language 3. Social/Emotional 4. Lack of prior instruction 5. Issues other than academic 6. Attendance

35 Cultural Impacts Checklist

36 Language Usage Data Form
At this point of the year we are going to start with using the current form which is available on-line from the LCE website ( ). The required information will need to be gathered prior to referring a student to SAT. This form is only for students who are not considered fully English Proficient. Check to see if student qualifies as a PHLOTE student. Check with your school’s ELL specialist for guidance

37 Decision to go to SAT Steps that must be taken:
1. Schedule a SAT meeting with the SAT chair. 2. Pick up the necessary forms that will need to be completed prior to a SAT meeting. 3. Send letter of invite and notification to parents. 4. Fill out the appropriate forms for PHLOTE students and submit to the Bilingual Committee. 5. Maintain or modify interventions with documentation and progress monitoring. 6. Complete the Classroom Profile for the student.






43 You have now arrived at Tier II/SAT

44 The Initial SAT Meeting
The first SAT meeting regarding a particular student is at hand. Everyone pertinent to the meeting has been notified and is present. The SAT chair or designated person begins the meeting with introductions of all present. After the introductions a brief summary of why the meeting has been scheduled is given usually by the referring teacher or other referring person. In lieu of that person the SAT chair gives the review. The SAT chair or designated person begins the completion of the Initial SAT Meeting form (a three page document). All present need to sign the form.


46 During the Meeting The meeting is a give and take of ideas to support the success of the student. All sides are given an opportunity to give input. At grades K-3 the Dual Discrepancy forms are completed. With a mutual discussion a plan of action is developed for the student’s success. A SAT Intervention Plan: Tier II is developed. Copies of the plan will be shared with all involved parties.


48 Completing the Initial SAT Meeting
Complete the SAT Meeting Summary Form. Have all participants sign again. This form must be completed at the end of every SAT meeting. Set the follow-up SAT Meeting. Be sure copies of all documents are made available to all parties. At subsequent meetings one more document must be brought. Tier II Documentation – SAT

49 Tier II Documentation -- SAT

50 Continue at Tier II Continue to hold SAT review meetings as scheduled. Complete a SAT Summary after each meeting. After two intervention cycles the determination needs to be made whether to return the student in Tier IB, retain the student in Tier II with further interventions, or to refer the student to the Diagnostician for further review.

51 After the Diagnostician
The Diagnostician will review the SAT file sent to him or her. A determination will be made as to whether this is a good referral or not. Additional forms will be sent to be completed before further action can be taken. Upon completion of the additional forms and the referral is considered valid, the file now belongs to the Special Education Department.

52 Reference Should you have further questions, please use the hotline to get help.

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