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Unit 6 Review 1914 CE—Present.

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1 Unit 6 Review 1914 CE—Present


3 1. What was the region of Europe that produced the most diplomatic crises prior to World War I?
Scandinavia The Balkans Italy Spain Iberian peninsula

4 1. What was the region of Europe that produced the most diplomatic crises prior to World War I?
Scandinavia The Balkans Italy Spain Iberian peninsula

5 2. By 1915, conflict on the Western Front
had become a shifting game of rapid maneuver with few major battles. had resulted in the surrender of France and the establishment of the Vichy government. had resulted in victory for the British and French troops, who pushed the exhausted enemy to the borders of Germany. had settled into a deadly stalemate in which hundreds of thousands of lives were expended for a few feet of trench. had resulted in massive food shortages in both France and Great Britain.

6 2. By 1915, conflict on the Western Front
had become a shifting game of rapid maneuver with few major battles. had resulted in the surrender of France and the establishment of the Vichy government. had resulted in victory for the British and French troops, who pushed the exhausted enemy to the borders of Germany. had settled into a deadly stalemate in which hundreds of thousands of lives were expended for a few feet of trench. had resulted in massive food shortages in both France and Great Britain.

7 3. Which of the following statements concerning the global aspects of World War I is most accurate?
The British dominions, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand remained aloof and virtually untouched by the war. By 1914, the United States had not entered the scramble for colonial possessions. American businessmen prior to 1917 profited by selling goods to both sides and by taking advantage of European distractions to seize new world markets. The United States aggressively entered the war in 1914 to demonstrate its new position as a world power. Germany discouraged colonial nationalists in their struggle against British imperialism.

8 3. Which of the following statements concerning the global aspects of World War I is most accurate?
The British dominions, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand remained aloof and virtually untouched by the war. By 1914, the United States had not entered the scramble for colonial possessions. American businessmen prior to 1917 profited by selling goods to both sides and by taking advantage of European distractions to seize new world markets. The United States aggressively entered the war in 1914 to demonstrate its new position as a world power. Germany discouraged colonial nationalists in their struggle against British imperialism.

9 4. Which of the following was NOT included in the final set of treaties that ended World War I?
A League of Nations was formed, but the United States refused to join. Russia was rewarded for its service to the Allies by the grant of substantial territories in Poland and the Baltic republics. Germany was forced to accept blame for the war and to pay huge reparations to the victorious Allies. Austria-Hungary was divided up into a Germanic Austria as well as the independent states of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Poland was created from eastern German territory.

10 4. Which of the following was NOT included in the final set of treaties that ended World War I?
A League of Nations was formed, but the United States refused to join. Russia was rewarded for its service to the Allies by the grant of substantial territories in Poland and the Baltic republics. Germany was forced to accept blame for the war and to pay huge reparations to the victorious Allies. Austria-Hungary was divided up into a Germanic Austria as well as the independent states of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. Poland was created from eastern German territory.

11 5. In 1885, regional associations of Western-educated Indians came together to form the
Indian Socialist Workers Party. Liberal Party. Revolutionary Nationalist Party. Indian National Congress Party. Muslim League.

12 5. In 1885, regional associations of Western-educated Indians came together to form the
Indian Socialist Workers Party. Liberal Party. Revolutionary Nationalist Party. Indian National Congress Party. Muslim League.

13 6. The British promised support for a Jewish settlement in the Middle East in the
Sinai Resolution. Exodus Pact. Chamberlain Manifesto. Balfour Declaration. Fourteen Points.

14 6. The British promised support for a Jewish settlement in the Middle East in the
Sinai Resolution. Exodus Pact. Chamberlain Manifesto. Balfour Declaration. Fourteen Points.

15 7. In which of the following countries was women’s suffrage NOT granted in the decade after World War I? Britain United States Switzerland Germany Turkey

16 7. In which of the following countries was women’s suffrage NOT granted in the decade after World War I? Britain United States Switzerland Germany Turkey

17 8. Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the state of Mexican political organization after the revolution? A multitude of political parties so confused the electoral scene that no meaningful political compromise could be achieved. Mexico was immediately dominated by labor parties who originated in the northern parts of Mexico. The revolutionary leadership institutionalized the regime by creating a one-party system under PRI. Presidents ruled much as the caudillos before them without limitation of powers or term of office. Two major parties developed, creating a bi-party system between left and right.

18 8. Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the state of Mexican political organization after the revolution? A multitude of political parties so confused the electoral scene that no meaningful political compromise could be achieved. Mexico was immediately dominated by labor parties who originated in the northern parts of Mexico. The revolutionary leadership institutionalized the regime by creating a one-party system under PRI. Presidents ruled much as the caudillos before them without limitation of powers or term of office. Two major parties developed, creating a bi-party system between left and right.

19 9. Who was the leader of the Russian government after the March Revolution?
Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Leon Trotsky Nicholas II Alexander Kerensky

20 9. Who was the leader of the Russian government after the March Revolution?
Joseph Stalin Nikita Khrushchev Leon Trotsky Nicholas II Alexander Kerensky

21 10. What was Lenin’s solution to Russian participation in World War I?
He launched a massive offensive campaign that carried Russian forces deep within Germany. He immediately demanded that his British and French allies send humanitarian, economic, and military aid to the Eastern Front. He negotiated a peace treaty with the Germans and surrendered huge amounts of land on Russia’s western border. He successfully achieved a significant role at the Versailles peace negotiations. He implemented a trench warfare strategy which caused the German advance to stop.

22 10. What was Lenin’s solution to Russian participation in World War I?
He launched a massive offensive campaign that carried Russian forces deep within Germany. He immediately demanded that his British and French allies send humanitarian, economic, and military aid to the Eastern Front. He negotiated a peace treaty with the Germans and surrendered huge amounts of land on Russia’s western border. He successfully achieved a significant role at the Versailles peace negotiations. He implemented a trench warfare strategy which caused the German advance to stop.

23 11. The leader of the Revolutionary Alliance, a loose coalition of anti-Qing political groups that spearheaded the 1911 revolt, was Yuan Shikai. Chiang Kai-shek. Sun Yat-sen. Mao Zedong. Puyi

24 11. The leader of the Revolutionary Alliance, a loose coalition of anti-Qing political groups that spearheaded the 1911 revolt, was Yuan Shikai. Chiang Kai-shek. Sun Yat-sen. Mao Zedong. Puyi

25 12. The Long March refers to
the humiliating exportation of Chinese prisoners to Japan. the march of 90,000 communists from Hunan to Shaanxi province. the Nationalist Party progression from minor movement to ascendancy in China. Chiang Kai-shek’s assault on the communist stronghold in Beijing. the invasion of northern China by the U.S.S.R. in 1934.

26 12. The Long March refers to
the humiliating exportation of Chinese prisoners to Japan. the march of 90,000 communists from Hunan to Shaanxi province. the Nationalist Party progression from minor movement to ascendancy in China. Chiang Kai-shek’s assault on the communist stronghold in Beijing. the invasion of northern China by the U.S.S.R. in 1934.

27 13. Franklin Roosevelt’s program introducing several social insurance programs in the U.S. was called the New Frontier. Fair Deal. New Deal. Square Deal. Great Society.

28 13. Franklin Roosevelt’s program introducing several social insurance programs in the U.S. was called the New Frontier. Fair Deal. New Deal. Square Deal. Great Society.

29 14. Which of the following was NOT part of Adolf Hitler’s political program?
The need for unity and the hopeless division of parliamentary politics A return to more traditional ways Alliances with socialist parties in Germany A glorious foreign policy designed to undo the disgrace of Versailles Creation of a secret police known as the Gestapo

30 14. Which of the following was NOT part of Adolf Hitler’s political program?
The need for unity and the hopeless division of parliamentary politics A return to more traditional ways Alliances with socialist parties in Germany A glorious foreign policy designed to undo the disgrace of Versailles Creation of a secret police known as the Gestapo

31 15. What military leader in Argentina broadened the base of support for the conservative government by appealing to labor groups and by utilizing the popularity of his wife? Juan Peron Victoriano Huerta Ernesto Guevara Julio Iglesias Fidel Castro

32 15. What military leader in Argentina broadened the base of support for the conservative government by appealing to labor groups and by utilizing the popularity of his wife? Juan Peron Victoriano Huerta Ernesto Guevara Julio Iglesias Fidel Castro

33 16. Which of the following was NOT typical of the Soviet economy?
Control of virtually all economic sectors Emphasis on heavy industrial goods Need to create a massive armaments industry Ready availability of consumer goods Emphasis on rigid planning

34 16. Which of the following was NOT typical of the Soviet economy?
Control of virtually all economic sectors Emphasis on heavy industrial goods Need to create a massive armaments industry Ready availability of consumer goods Emphasis on rigid planning

35 17. After 1937, the government of Japan was dominated by
socialists who gained power in the aftermath of the depression. labor unions whose position was strengthened by their control of industry. the emerging estate of middle-class liberals intent on a broader franchise. a military regime dedicated to the ultra-nationalist goals. a democratic government elected after the fall of the emperor.

36 17. After 1937, the government of Japan was dominated by
socialists who gained power in the aftermath of the depression. labor unions whose position was strengthened by their control of industry. the emerging estate of middle-class liberals intent on a broader franchise. a military regime dedicated to the ultra-nationalist goals. a democratic government elected after the fall of the emperor.

37 18. The Nazi invasion of this country in 1939 put an end to the idea of appeasement.
Poland Czechoslovakia France Sweden Belgium

38 18. The Nazi invasion of this country in 1939 put an end to the idea of appeasement.
Poland Czechoslovakia France Sweden Belgium

39 19. At this conference in 1942, the Nazi high command finalized plans for the destruction of the Jewish race. Krakow Auschwitz Berlin Wannsee Munich

40 19. At this conference in 1942, the Nazi high command finalized plans for the destruction of the Jewish race. Krakow Auschwitz Berlin Wannsee Munich

41 20. Hitler’s last-ditch effort to repel the Allied armies became known as
the Battle of Berlin. the Battle of the Ardennes. the Battle of the Bulge. the Battle of Britain. the Battle of France.

42 20. Hitler’s last-ditch effort to repel the Allied armies became known as
the Battle of Berlin. the Battle of the Ardennes. the Battle of the Bulge. the Battle of Britain. the Battle of France.

43 21. President Roosevelt met with the other major Allies in 1945 at
Potsdam. Yalta. Cairo. Teheran. Paris.

44 21. President Roosevelt met with the other major Allies in 1945 at
Potsdam. Yalta. Cairo. Teheran. Paris.

45 22. By what decade had the European colonization of most of black Africa come to an end?

46 22. By what decade had the European colonization of most of black Africa come to an end?

47 23. What was the solution to the division in India between Muslims and Hindus in 1947?
The British established a single government with a Hindu majority, but with specific offices reserved for Muslims. The government of India was divided between two houses of the Indian parliament , one for Muslims, one for Hindus. The British simply withdrew from India without any political settlement of the problem of religious division. The British decided to divide India into two nations, a Muslim Pakistan and a secular, but Hindu-dominated India. A civil war broke out between Hindus and Muslims but was settled quickly with the aid of Gandhi.

48 23. What was the solution to the division in India between Muslims and Hindus in 1947?
The British established a single government with a Hindu majority, but with specific offices reserved for Muslims. The government of India was divided between two houses of the Indian parliament , one for Muslims, one for Hindus. The British simply withdrew from India without any political settlement of the problem of religious division. The British decided to divide India into two nations, a Muslim Pakistan and a secular, but Hindu-dominated India. A civil war broke out between Hindus and Muslims but was settled quickly with the aid of Gandhi.

49 24. Where was the focal point of the Cold War in Europe immediately after World War II?
Hungary Czechoslovakia France Germany Britain

50 24. Where was the focal point of the Cold War in Europe immediately after World War II?
Hungary Czechoslovakia France Germany Britain

51 25. The European Economic Community is a good example of
Europe’s continued national strife. cooperation between European nations and a willingness to create a single European economy. the need for Europe to develop a single foreign policy independent of the U.S. the continued economic dependence of the European nations on the capital derived from the U.S. the continued economic dependence of the European nations on the influence of Marxist ideas and the power of the Soviet Union.

52 25. The European Economic Community is a good example of
Europe’s continued national strife. cooperation between European nations and a willingness to create a single European economy. the need for Europe to develop a single foreign policy independent of the U.S. the continued economic dependence of the European nations on the capital derived from the U.S. the continued economic dependence of the European nations on the influence of Marxist ideas and the power of the Soviet Union.

53 26. Who wrote The Feminine Mystique?
Betty Friedan Gerda Lerner Jeanne Stemple Sojourner Truth Kate Millet

54 26. Who wrote The Feminine Mystique?
Betty Friedan Gerda Lerner Jeanne Stemple Sojourner Truth Kate Millet

55 27. Greece, Albania and ________ remained independent of direct Soviet control by 1948.
Hungary Latvia Yugoslavia Poland Estonia

56 27. Greece, Albania and ________ remained independent of direct Soviet control by 1948.
Hungary Latvia Yugoslavia Poland Estonia

57 28. What Soviet leader emerged to take power in 1956?
Joseph Stalin Mikhail Gorbachev Yuri Andropov Leonid Brezhnev Nikita Khrushchev

58 28. What Soviet leader emerged to take power in 1956?
Joseph Stalin Mikhail Gorbachev Yuri Andropov Leonid Brezhnev Nikita Khrushchev

59 29. What Russian leader significantly altered political, diplomatic, and economic policies in the Soviet Union after 1985? Joseph Stalin Mikhail Gorbachev Yuri Andropov Leonid Brezhnev Nikita Khrushchev

60 29. What Russian leader significantly altered political, diplomatic, and economic policies in the Soviet Union after 1985? Joseph Stalin Mikhail Gorbachev Yuri Andropov Leonid Brezhnev Nikita Khrushchev

61 30. The independent labor movement in Poland that challenged Soviet dominance was called
Comintern. Solidarity. Izvestia. Pravda. the New Independence Movement.

62 30. The independent labor movement in Poland that challenged Soviet dominance was called
Comintern. Solidarity. Izvestia. Pravda. the New Independence Movement.

63 31. The “second world” refers to
the industrialized West. Latin America. industrialized communist nations. unindustrialized nations. former British colonies.

64 31. The “second world” refers to
the industrialized West. Latin America. industrialized communist nations. unindustrialized nations. former British colonies.

65 32. What corporation in Guatemala became the centerpiece of the dispute between the United States and reform governments in the Central American country? U.S. Steel Ford Motor Company Continental Can Company United Fruit Company Chiquita

66 32. What corporation in Guatemala became the centerpiece of the dispute between the United States and reform governments in the Central American country? U.S. Steel Ford Motor Company Continental Can Company United Fruit Company Chiquita

67 33. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the outcome of the Cuban revolution?
Despite the successful overthrow of Batista, the revolutionary government failed to enact significant reforms in the plantation economy. The revolutionary government eventually announced its adoption of Marxist-Leninist leanings, broke off relations with the U.S., and introduced sweeping socialist reforms. The largely liberal government that resulted from the revolution returned to the constitution of 1940 and closer relationships with the U.S. After a brief sojourn in the U.S., Batista was able to return to power with the support of the U.S. military. Castro and the United States agreed to a cease-fire and resumed normal relations by 1970.

68 33. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the outcome of the Cuban revolution?
Despite the successful overthrow of Batista, the revolutionary government failed to enact significant reforms in the plantation economy. The revolutionary government eventually announced its adoption of Marxist-Leninist leanings, broke off relations with the U.S., and introduced sweeping socialist reforms. The largely liberal government that resulted from the revolution returned to the constitution of 1940 and closer relationships with the U.S. After a brief sojourn in the U.S., Batista was able to return to power with the support of the U.S. military. Castro and the United States agreed to a cease-fire and resumed normal relations by 1970.

69 34. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the progress of democratization in Latin America during the 1980s? Despite return to democratic government in many Latin American countries, problems with populist movements, threats from military leaders, inflation, and the drug trade weakened the new regimes. Once democratic governments were restored in much of Latin America, the influence of the U.S. in the region began to wane. The return of democracy to Latin America was so universal that military governments ceased to exist. Democratic governments in the 1980s ceased to be troubled by the existence of leftist, guerrilla movements. The trend led to increased resistance from many communist nations around the world.

70 34. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the progress of democratization in Latin America during the 1980s? Despite return to democratic government in many Latin American countries, problems with populist movements, threats from military leaders, inflation, and the drug trade weakened the new regimes. Once democratic governments were restored in much of Latin America, the influence of the U.S. in the region began to wane. The return of democracy to Latin America was so universal that military governments ceased to exist. Democratic governments in the 1980s ceased to be troubled by the existence of leftist, guerrilla movements. The trend led to increased resistance from many communist nations around the world.

71 35. What U.S. president introduced the “Good Neighbor Policy” that promised to deal more fairly with Latin American countries and to halt direct military intervention? Theodore Roosevelt Calvin Coolidge Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman John F. Kennedy

72 35. What U.S. president introduced the “Good Neighbor Policy” that promised to deal more fairly with Latin American countries and to halt direct military intervention? Theodore Roosevelt Calvin Coolidge Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman John F. Kennedy

73 36. With respect to religion, the vast majority of Latin Americans
are still nominally Roman Catholics. practice religions brought with slave populations from Africa. follow indigenous Indian religions that predate the arrival of the Spaniards. have converted to some form of Protestantism. view the Catholic church as a symbol of oppression.

74 36. With respect to religion, the vast majority of Latin Americans
are still nominally Roman Catholics. practice religions brought with slave populations from Africa. follow indigenous Indian religions that predate the arrival of the Spaniards. have converted to some form of Protestantism. view the Catholic church as a symbol of oppression.

75 37. Why have ethnic rivalries and communal violence been endemic in decolonized African states?
The level of civilization in Africa was more primitive at the time of colonization. Tribal life in Africa was traditionally more violent than other cultures. The introduction of slavery by whites in the 19th century brutalized African culture. Europeans hastily colonized Africa and established boundaries without reference to ethnic groups or cultural homogeneity. Africans received training and weapons from European colonists.

76 37. Why have ethnic rivalries and communal violence been endemic in decolonized African states?
The level of civilization in Africa was more primitive at the time of colonization. Tribal life in Africa was traditionally more violent than other cultures. The introduction of slavery by whites in the 19th century brutalized African culture. Europeans hastily colonized Africa and established boundaries without reference to ethnic groups or cultural homogeneity. Africans received training and weapons from European colonists.

77 38. On what have third world countries traditionally depended to finance industrialization?
Development of banking systems Sale of resources left behind by colonizers Profits of previous industrialization Sale of cash crops and minerals High taxes

78 38. On what have third world countries traditionally depended to finance industrialization?
Development of banking systems Sale of resources left behind by colonizers Profits of previous industrialization Sale of cash crops and minerals High taxes

79 39. One of the most common elements of African and Asian governments since decolonization is
the creation of liberal democracies. military takeovers. communism. effective industrialization. stable economic systems.

80 39. One of the most common elements of African and Asian governments since decolonization is
the creation of liberal democracies. military takeovers. communism. effective industrialization. stable economic systems.

81 40. The Egyptian government was able to force the British and their French allies out of the Suez Canal zone in 1952. 1956. 1961. 1967. 1974.

82 40. The Egyptian government was able to force the British and their French allies out of the Suez Canal zone in 1952. 1956. 1961. 1967. 1974.

83 41. In the first decades of independence, India was governed by
M. K. Gandhi. M. A. Jinnah. M. A. Bhutto. J. Nehru. R. J. Singh.

84 41. In the first decades of independence, India was governed by
M. K. Gandhi. M. A. Jinnah. M. A. Bhutto. J. Nehru. R. J. Singh.

85 42. What were the “homelands” established by the government of South Africa?
Areas reserved for the white minority Areas designated for the main ethno-linguistic groups of indigenous peoples within South Africa Areas outside of the boundaries of South Africa designated for emigration of indigenous peoples Areas of South Africa in which land redistribution among the Boer population has taken place Areas whose independence was guaranteed by the United Nations

86 42. What were the “homelands” established by the government of South Africa?
Areas reserved for the white minority Areas designated for the main ethno-linguistic groups of indigenous peoples within South Africa Areas outside of the boundaries of South Africa designated for emigration of indigenous peoples Areas of South Africa in which land redistribution among the Boer population has taken place Areas whose independence was guaranteed by the United Nations

87 43. In what way was the restoration of an independent Korea complicated?
Korea had become a colony of China, which refused to restore independence. Korea was divided into zones controlled by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Korea’s government was claimed by surviving members of the old monarchy. Korea had no prior experience as an independent government. The former royal rulers of Korea wanted to be restored to power.

88 43. In what way was the restoration of an independent Korea complicated?
Korea had become a colony of China, which refused to restore independence. Korea was divided into zones controlled by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Korea’s government was claimed by surviving members of the old monarchy. Korea had no prior experience as an independent government. The former royal rulers of Korea wanted to be restored to power.

89 44. Who commanded the United Nations troops who participated in the Korean conflict on behalf of the Republic of Korea? George Marshall Omar Bradley Dwight Eisenhower George Patton Douglas MacArthur

90 44. Who commanded the United Nations troops who participated in the Korean conflict on behalf of the Republic of Korea? George Marshall Omar Bradley Dwight Eisenhower George Patton Douglas MacArthur

91 45. Which of the following was NOT a factor in the amazing economic growth of Japan following the 1950s? Cheap loans for technological innovation Educational expansion A growing population and a reduction in the agricultural labor force A rapidly growing military-industrial complex Japan’s foreign policy

92 45. Which of the following was NOT a factor in the amazing economic growth of Japan following the 1950s? Cheap loans for technological innovation Educational expansion A growing population and a reduction in the agricultural labor force A rapidly growing military-industrial complex Japan’s foreign policy

93 46. What nation other than Japan in the Pacific Rim was the most obvious example of the spread of new economic dynamism? South Korea North Korea Vietnam Malaya Indonesia

94 46. What nation other than Japan in the Pacific Rim was the most obvious example of the spread of new economic dynamism? South Korea North Korea Vietnam Malaya Indonesia

95 47. In what way was the Chinese Communist takeover of China different from the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia? China was already more industrialized than Russia at the time of the communist success. The Russian seizure of power was accomplished without ridding the country of the ruling dynasty. The Chinese Communists claimed a unified country and did not experience years afterwards of civil war and foreign intervention. The Chinese Communist leadership was unable to move directly to the tasks of social reform and economic development. Russia was heavily industrialized whereas China was still mostly a rural-based society.

96 47. In what way was the Chinese Communist takeover of China different from the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia? China was already more industrialized than Russia at the time of the communist success. The Russian seizure of power was accomplished without ridding the country of the ruling dynasty. The Chinese Communists claimed a unified country and did not experience years afterwards of civil war and foreign intervention. The Chinese Communist leadership was unable to move directly to the tasks of social reform and economic development. Russia was heavily industrialized whereas China was still mostly a rural-based society.

97 48. Mao’s 1958 program of pushing industrialization through small -scale projects integrated into the peasant communes was called the May Fourth Movement. the Cultural Revolution. the Great Leap Forward. the Long March. the Five Year Plan.

98 48. Mao’s 1958 program of pushing industrialization through small -scale projects integrated into the peasant communes was called the May Fourth Movement. the Cultural Revolution. the Great Leap Forward. the Long March. the Five Year Plan.

99 49. Which of the following factors did NOT play a role in the demise of communism?
Soviet leadership Reassertion of eastern European initiative Western Europe’s thriving Economy The steadfastness of Chinese policy Economic costs of the cold war

100 49. Which of the following factors did NOT play a role in the demise of communism?
Soviet leadership Reassertion of eastern European initiative Western Europe’s thriving Economy The steadfastness of Chinese policy Economic costs of the cold war

101 50. Which of the following was NOT a significant change in Chinese policy in the late 1970s through the 1980s? The decision to participate in the world economy The decision to relax political controls The decision to admit more market forces into China The decision to allow competitive free enterprise within China The decision to allow managers to make economic decisions

102 50. Which of the following was NOT a significant change in Chinese policy in the late 1970s through the 1980s? The decision to participate in the world economy The decision to relax political controls The decision to admit more market forces into China The decision to allow competitive free enterprise within China The decision to allow managers to make economic decisions

103 51. The term perestroika refers to
a new freedom to comment and criticize the Soviet government. economic restructuring and more leeway for private ownership. the Soviet space program. the establishment of a liberal democracy. an attempt by the Soviet leadership to allow non-communists to manage the economy.

104 51. The term perestroika refers to
a new freedom to comment and criticize the Soviet government. economic restructuring and more leeway for private ownership. the Soviet space program. the establishment of a liberal democracy. an attempt by the Soviet leadership to allow non-communists to manage the economy.

105 52. Which of the following was NOT a concern within the former Soviet Union?
Invasion by the West Economic coordination Control of the military Relationships between the former Soviet states Nuclear control issues regarding weapons

106 52. Which of the following was NOT a concern within the former Soviet Union?
Invasion by the West Economic coordination Control of the military Relationships between the former Soviet states Nuclear control issues regarding weapons

107 53. The Persian Gulf War of 1991 was in response to the Iraqi invasion of
Israel Kuwait Syria Iran Turkey

108 53. The Persian Gulf War of 1991 was in response to the Iraqi invasion of
Israel Kuwait Syria Iran Turkey

109 54. The increased interconnectedness of all parts of the world is called
“gradualism.” “Universalism.” “globalization.” “Spaceship Earth.” “Unitarianism.”

110 54. The increased interconnectedness of all parts of the world is called
“gradualism.” “Universalism.” “globalization.” “Spaceship Earth.” “Unitarianism.”

111 55. A growing opponent of the ideals of globalization has been
terrorism. communism. racism. political fundamentalism conservatives.

112 55. A growing opponent of the ideals of globalization has been
terrorism. communism. racism. political fundamentalism conservatives.

113 56. Which of the following is NOT a new development regarding the globalization of the Earth?
Advances in creating a prototype universal language The end of the cold war led to new opportunities for global communication Advanced technical developments The adjustment of peoples everywhere to the notion of global communications The rise of easy transmission of money

114 56. Which of the following is NOT a new development regarding the globalization of the Earth?
Advances in creating a prototype universal language The end of the cold war led to new opportunities for global communication Advanced technical developments The adjustment of peoples everywhere to the notion of global communications The rise of easy transmission of money

115 57. Which of the following companies represents the most striking international cultural influence since the 1970s. Nike Ford Sony GE McDonalds

116 57. Which of the following companies represents the most striking international cultural influence since the 1970s. Nike Ford Sony GE McDonalds

117 58. Which of the following is NOT an issue raised against economic globalization?
Damage to labor conditions through use of cheap workers Damage to the environment Its pace is too slow. Rampant consumerism Its pace is too fast.

118 58. Which of the following is NOT an issue raised against economic globalization?
Damage to labor conditions through use of cheap workers Damage to the environment Its pace is too slow. Rampant consumerism Its pace is too fast.

119 59. Which of the following is NOT a trend running counter to globalization?
Nationalism Religious differences Ethnic competition The Internet Competition over economic resources

120 59. Which of the following is NOT a trend running counter to globalization?
Nationalism Religious differences Ethnic competition The Internet Competition over economic resources

121 60. NAFTA includes the United States, Canada and
Mexico. Brazil. Panama. Cuba. Chile.

122 60. NAFTA includes the United States, Canada and
Mexico. Brazil. Panama. Cuba. Chile.

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