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Leadership at all levels Tony Parkin ICT Adviser

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1 Leadership at all levels Tony Parkin ICT Adviser
25 March 2017 Leadership at all levels Tony Parkin ICT Adviser

2 Influences and Distributed Leadership…!
UK Global European National Regional Local Authority School School leaders Staff Students Parents and community Ambivalence!

3 Educational directions for Leadership
UK Educational directions for Leadership Globalisation and knowledge economies The autonomous and self-directed learner Collaborative and team-working Lifelong learning The personalisation of learning The changing educational workforce The shift from instruction to coaching and mentoring Harnessing the technology …from all directions!

4 Learning and technologies
How to address the leadership of the constantly moving educational technologies for schools? Complex interactions involving learning and ICT….. Virtual environments Curriculum Pedagogies Extended schools Built Environment Teaching technologies Learning tools Personalising Learning



7 iNet’s Mission 'The mission of International Networking for Educational Transformation (iNet) is to create powerful and innovative networks of schools that have achieved or have committed themselves to achieving systematic, significant and sustained change that ensures outstanding outcomes for all students in all settings.'

8 Networking innovation Leadership development Development and research
iNet’s Objectives Networking innovation Leadership development Development and research Student voice Networking people and knowledge through conferences, workshops and publications

9 A growing global network

10 3,000 affiliates networking across twenty seven countries
Where are we already? Maturing Networks: England Australia South Africa Hong Kong Chile Emerging networks: China Wales Holland Georgia, USA New Zealand 3,000 affiliates networking across twenty seven countries


12 Personalising learning – the gateways
Developed by Professor David Hargreaves working with leaders from over 250 Trust schools. Gateways can be seen as a variety of routes by which a school may successfully explore personalising learning.   Advice and guidance Assessment for learning Curriculum Learning to learn Mentoring and coaching New technologies School design and organisation Student voice Workforce development Development and research

13 Leadership: Student Voice

14 Student voice – autonomous learners?
25 March 2017 Student voice – autonomous learners? HEALTH WARNING! The following video extract may cause symptoms of unease, nausea and even vomiting. The Future – Today! Courtesy of M*** Labs

15 Student Voice Growing appreciation in schools of the power and effect of student voice – but developing leadership is a challenge D& R Networks – one of most effective in action Many schools still stuck at School Council stage – with all focussing on uniforms and food rather than learning A small but significant number have achieved breakthrough in each region… Links to ‘Assessment for Learning’ gateway… but synergy essential and ‘short-sighted vision’ still an issue!





20 eMentoring

21 Douglas Adam’s take on new technology …
25 March 2017 What about teachers? Douglas Adam’s take on new technology … “Anything that exists in the world before you are born is part of the normal way in which the world operates. Anything invented while you're between the ages of 15 and 35 is exciting, revolutionary - and quite possibly something you can get a career out of. Anything invented after you reach 35 is against the natural order of things.” Is this impacting new technologies in school?

22 Sharing : CPD in ICT in the Subject
Over 300 schools around England acting as training centres Based around schools with expertise in ICT in a subject Maths, Science, Design & Technology, Modern Foreign Languages, English, ICT, Arts, Music, Humanities, Business Education ‘Subject Toolkits’ developed by classroom practitioners 4 X 1hr sessions on each toolkit One per term in each subject – 8 already in use for most subjects, Many include sessions on use of Interactive Whiteboards in subject

23 Sharing: Lead Practitioners

24 Subjects Thematic areas Voc GCSE
Lead Practitioner Networks Subjects Thematic areas Voc GCSE Applied Art & Design Applied Business Applied ICT Applied Science Engineering Heath & Social Care Leisure & Tourism Manufacturing Arts Business & Enterprise Design & Technology Languages Humanities ICT Music Maths Science Rural Dimension Equality & Inclusion Gifted & Talented Personalising the Curriculum SEN / Inclusion Workforce Reform

25 Sharing school to school

26 ICT Register:
Register schools provide support network with advice and support on a range of ICT-related issues to other schools Services are available to all schools Services range from telephone calls or ed advice to visits, audits, provision of classroom support or courses and extended guidance on ICT strategy All services are reasonable and affordable … some are offered free of charge




30 Services on offer… And how to get there…

31 Leadership programmes

32 Developing Leadership and Management
Key common feature: ‘sharing what works – school to school’ Leadership and Management programmes: Aspirant Headteachers Developing Leaders for Tomorrow Middle level leaders Executive Headteachers London Leadership Strategy

33 Developing Leaders for Tomorrow
A case study involving an innovation to be based in school Opportunities to engage in action research in order to raise achievement Opportunities to listen to and engage with world class thinkers in education Opportunities to visit and network with other innovative teachers & schools. Attendance at the National Conference for Schools affiliated to the Trust. Opportunities to gain experience in a business setting. Opportunities for Teachers International Professional Development (TIPD).

34 Leadership and New Technologies
The national perspective… 25 March 2017 Leadership and New Technologies SLICT (Strategic Leadership in ICT) SLICT programme, launched by NCSL and Becta Achieved target of 10,000 heads trained Trust are providers for both primary & secondary SLICT teamSLICT Trust joined NCSL & Becta to develop programme for implementation teams from schools School specified team of up to 4 to attend teamSLICT – key staff to implement strategic ICT developments New programmes Secondary SLICT II = head and team combined Building schools for Future – BRIAN? Working with partners

35 ICT use in the classroom is rising …
25 March 2017 ICT use in the classroom is rising … … and nthois was matched by increased use of ICT in lessons. Highlight the growth in ‘substantial’ use of ICT in one of the three highlighted subjects…. Obviously various factors impact – notably access to resources being key… Prior, G and Hall, L (2004), ICT in Schools Survey 2004, ICT in Schools Research and Evaluation Series No. 22, Becta/DfES, Coventry/London. DfES ICT in Schools Survey (institutional survey)

36 Achieving change - how far have we got?
25 March 2017 Achieving change - how far have we got? Spectrum of e-enablement by schools type Late adopters Ambivalent Enthusiastic e-enabled Sample size (N) Primary schools 7% 44% 39% 10% 118 Secondary schools 11% 41% 34% 14% 85 Special schools 16% 35% 33% 43 All schools and colleges 13% 36% 40% 345 Possibly the most interesting piece of research. Several similar surveys around this time indicate that relatively few schools have become ‘e-enabled (Becta speak) or econfident (NCSL speak) Indicator of sustainable embedding of ICT – ‘e-enablement’ Based on infrastructure provision & policy, training and technical support, willingness to embed ICT. Not about lots of kit, but about sustainable and effective use of ICT to serve educational goals Not an add-on, serves a purpose, strategies for ongoing resourcing to serve goals. ICT is embedded fully and sustainably in a small minority of institutions Large group making some progress, but had yet to fully embed ICT Half full or half empty? Source: DfES/PwC Report 2004

37 …developing the ICT Self Review Framework…
25 March 2017 Political Background ‘So, how can we help all schools to use ICT effectively and achieve fairness and equality of opportunity? I want to develop a route-map which enables schools to identify where they are, and shows the practical steps they can take. I have asked Becta to work on this so that every school knows where they are and what to do next – ‘models of maturity’ in the jargon.’ Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Education and Skills, BETT 2005 Ruth Kelly had thrown down the gauntlet on this area at the BETT Show 2005 – and had given Becta only 12 months to address the challenge. Obviously the DfES and Becta had been involved in negotiations on the approach prior to the announcement, but it was still an ambitious programme and time scale. Not least because it meant getting co-operation and agreement from a large number of organisations. …developing the ICT Self Review Framework…

38 SRF Self Review Framework
25 March 2017 Self Review Framework “The strength of this approach is the cross-agency input as it ties together many areas of development”.  Head, Primary School Cambridgeshire Key focus is on school’s own self review processes to effect and manage change Building on the work of Ofsted’s ‘Common Evaluation Framework’ and on the approach of NAACEmark Development led for DfES by Becta, national agency for ICT in education Involved many national agencies and organisations, including SSAT, NCSL, Ofsted, QCA, NAACE Over 100 professionals and even more schools contributed to its ongoing development “It has given us a baseline and gave great satisfaction… It raised self esteem among the staff and confirmed that we were doing well. It has helped the deputy head…to identify priorities for school improvement in ICT.” Head, Pilot Primary School Professionals/organisations involved included Becta, NCSL, OFSTED, SSAT, QCA, TDA, NAACE, representatives from Scotland, Wales, N Ireland, and a number of Local Authorities. Ofsted had developed Common Evaluation Framework (prior to Self-Evaluation Framework), whilst NAACE and Becta had been offering Naacemark for a number of years. These, and other assets were used as a starting point for the Self Review Framework. THE KEY FEATURE WAS THAT THIS IS A SELF-REVIEW APPROACH – MUST BE DONE BY SCHOOL AND NOT BY OUTSIDE ‘EXPERTS’, THOUGH THESE CAN HELP WITH THE PROCESS WHEN REQUIRED. SRF

39 The Elements of the Self-Review Framework
25 March 2017 The Elements of the Self-Review Framework The curriculum Professional development (People resource) Impact on the Learner Learning and teaching Assessment Resources Extending Learning Impact on the learner is the reason that we use ICT in schools. This effectiveness of the impact of ICT on the learner is directly affected by four elements: curriculum, learning and teaching, assessment and extending learning. These four elements are reliant on well developed and robust resources (infrastructure and software) as well as people (professional development). The vision and the implementation for the whole system is underpinned by the leadership and management. Leadership and management

40 Aspirational e-confident
25 March 2017 Leadership and Management Curriculum Learning and teaching Assessment Professional Development Extending Learning Resources Impact on pupil outcomes 5 4 3 2 1 Aspirational e-confident Strategy in place Nothing in place Coherence Made a start The next step is to introduce the LEVELS at which an organisation can assess itself to have reached. Traditional maturity models use a five step scale – there was lots of debate around Ofsted’s four level scale for the Self Evaluation Framework and the need for alignment. The words used above are entirely unofficial to give a feel for the stages. Note that level 5 would be off the bottom of the Ofsted SEF scale – so that there is alignment between levels 1- 4 on both SEF and SRF. Identifying the levels (unofficial!)

41 Self Review Framework- Matrix
25 March 2017 Self Review Framework- Matrix Online self review tool with: Action planning Links to support materials Phase specific exemplars Benchmarking Evidence examples Linked to ICT Mark accreditation A key feature from the outset was an online self-review tool that could be used by a number of staff at a school to audit their current position and help them move forward by offerihg focussed and responsive online support and guidance

42 Self Review Framework- Matrix
25 March 2017 Self Review Framework- Matrix A key feature from the outset was an online self-review tool that could be used by a number of staff at a school to audit their current position and help them move forward by offering focussed and responsive online support and guidance

43 As school progresses… Leadership and Vision Curriculum
25 March 2017 As school progresses… Leadership and Vision Curriculum Learning and teaching Assessment Resource CPD Impact on pupil outcomes Extending learning 5 4 3 2 1

44 As school progresses… Notification of reaching threshold is automatic
25 March 2017 As school progresses… Leadership and Vision Curriculum Learning and teaching Assessment Resource CPD Impact on pupil outcomes Extending learning 5 4 3 2 1 Notification of reaching threshold is automatic

45 High Tech High School, San Diego
25 March 2017 ‘Building Schools for the Future’ High Tech High School, San Diego ..or “The Life of Brian”?

46 New Block ROSLA Block Tech wing Main Building PFI Block
25 March 2017 Changing the UK school environment: Worstcase – a school of the present? New Block ROSLA Block Tech wing Main Building PFI Block

47 Main building 19th Century coal baron’s mansion
25 March 2017 Main building 19th Century coal baron’s mansion No room suitable for whole class teaching Given over to Head’s study, reception, medical room, main school office, repro room, boardroom, schoolkeeper’s storage, sixth form study area, and several staff offices…. Wonderful roomy corridors and high ceilings – but students barred from using them….

48 25 March 2017 New Block Built in the 1960’s…. the oldest building except for the main block The rooms can hold the regulation 30 desks and chairs – though the teacher has to manage without … except where desk numbers have been reduced to 25. Narrow corridors with intriguing wall designs of irregular black horizontals – achieved by application of rucksacks and elbows…

49 ROSLA Building Built in the 1970’s
25 March 2017 ROSLA Building Built in the 1970’s Only 3 people know about ROSLA – the rest believe he was a Polish benefactor Competes with New block for worst corridors award – and smallest classrooms prize The flat roof doubles as a wave tank for science – except when it drains into … … the art department – to provide appropriate dank garret feel and ceiling patterns to inspire abstract artforms

50 25 March 2017 The Tech Wing Built entirely using the capital funding associated with a successful specialism bid Famous for its interior design of bare breeze-block/fibreboard Corridors marginally wider – achieved by reducing classroom size even further…

51 The BSF /PFI block (proposed)
25 March 2017 The BSF /PFI block (proposed) Only exists as a 3D virtual model from architect Comes with interesting fly-throughs - the head loves to demonstrate them on open evenings No room appears to hold more than 6 desks, as the architect did not want to clutter the model Similarly each room appears to hold a maximum of 4 people, and they have also been shown translucent to minimise their impact on the environment….

52 The teachers’ designs…
25 March 2017 The teachers’ designs… The Head consulted staff on their views on classroom design… They came up with rectangular rooms holding 30 desks comfortably when set out in rows, plus a teacher’s desk with an electronic whiteboard The other notable change was that the doors they recommended did not have any glass panels…

53 Building the ‘school for the future’ …
What do we need in place to ensure the school of the future is built to meet 21st C learning needs and technologies? ‘Build it and they will come’ … or change the pedagogy first? Or can they develop in parallel? Does ‘one size fit all’ for this future vision of the school – or do we need to be more aware of global variations?

54 Corridors or public spaces?
25 March 2017 Corridors or public spaces? Setting the style – classrooms, a mall or offices?

55 Linking ethos, building design and curriculum design
25 March 2017 Linking ethos, building design and curriculum design Key concept of shopping/learning mall – in best practice you haven’t got a shop window but a walk-through store Display takes many forms, from conventional boards to lessons in action to on line galleries ‘Learning by Exhibition’ raises self esteem Colour plays a key part Removing walls into corridors and between classrooms transforms schools

56 Linking ethos, building design and curriculum design
25 March 2017 Linking ethos, building design and curriculum design Abandon corridors and lose the corridor culture Change school day to reduce numbers moving at one time This also provides constant adult supervision Students more considerate as they move around You walk through learning spaces instead of corridors … … so you need to bring classrooms alive Carpets reduce noise and create a different atmosphere

57 25 March 2017 Learning Centre Three classrooms and a corridor Open 7.30am – 6pm Three classroom spaces Two classes timetabled every lesson

58 25 March 2017 Art Walk through Use of display Colour, colour

59 25 March 2017 Surf and Turf Public space for interaction Colour colour

60 25 March 2017 Science Science

61 25 March 2017 Thinking out of the box Flexible learning spaces in which there is opportunity for large group work, smaller group work, individual enquiry Blocking windows for screens and rotating rooms All furniture is easily moveable and students are able to arrange it to suit their needs

62 Changing the building, or the thinking…?
Which do YOU think presents the greater leadership challenge, and which should be addressed first?

63 Building the rich virtual environment
The virtual learning world sits inside the school’s managed learning space but has global reach The comfort and design of the virtual environment is equally as important as the built environment The provision within that environment must: Automate what we do already – but more efficiently and effectively to add real value Offer opportunities to address learning challenges of today and the future, not just yesterday… Build on current technologies and pedagogies

64 Alice’s Virtual Environments…
25 March 2017 The Student Voice…. Alice’s Virtual Environments… The SIMS Zoo Tycoon

65 Building the rich virtual environment
25 March 2017 Building the rich virtual environment There were 20 families home educating in the UK 20 years ago; now there are more than 30,000

66 Tony Parkin Leadership & Affiliation Networks
25 March 2017 Tony Parkin Leadership & Affiliation Networks

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