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Presentation on theme: "Agenda TODAY WE WILL COVER:"— Presentation transcript:

1 K2 Solutions, Inc. ESOP & 401(k) Plan Julie Isom Swerdlin & Company December 12, 2012

Introduce Swerdlin and learn ‘Who Is Swerdlin & Company’? An overview of K2 Solutions retirement plan. What is and how do I use it? Questions?

3 Overview of Swerdlin Trustees Hired Swerdlin Swerdlin selected
Pension Actuaries and Employee Benefits Consultants Can handle combined recordkeeping for 401(k) deferral and employer stock 32 years in business with 67 employees Independent of plan assets Established service standards Administer 600+ plans in 36 states Administer over 100 ESOPs

4 Overview of Swerdlin We are the administrator of the new KSOP
Major role as “Recordkeeper” Records account activity Performs compliance testing Produces employee statements Prepares governmental reporting

5 Overview of Benefits Plans
K2 Solutions had 1 benefit plan 401(k) Plan - funded by you, invested by you. Effective January 1, 2012, K2 Solutions has added an Employee Stock Ownership Plan – funded by K2 Solutions, invested by Trustees. Effective December 31, 2012, the two plans will be combined into one, K2 Solutions Employee Stock Ownership and 401(k) Plan.

6 Overview of Benefits Plans
The plan is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees Acts in the best interest of participants (Fiduciary Duty) Funds employer company contributions Approves annual valuation of stock after reviewing valuation company’s opinion

7 Overview of Benefits Plans
401(k) Basics You elect to contribute a portion of your salary You direct the investments Benefit to You Investment grows tax-free Traditional 401(k) - You do not pay taxes on your contributions until you elect to receive a payout Roth 401(k) – You are taxed on the contribution dollars but are not taxed when you receive a payout

8 Overview of Benefits Plans
ESOP Basics No contribution is required from you in order to share in the ESOP contribution (Company pays 100%) An ESOP is the only type of qualified retirement plan that gives the employee an opportunity to share in company growth You do not pay taxes on your ESOP account until you elect to receive a payout You get cash equal to the current value of your stock when you receive your distribution

9 What is Your Participant Portal

10 What is Knowledge Center

11 What is

12 Participant Help Your retirement account is easily accessible:
24 Hour access to the DayPak Website By Internet at In house Participant Call Center available 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST, Monday through Friday Speak to a live representative: Call

13 Participant Help You have the ability to do the following with both options: Obtain your current account balance Change your PIN Review current investment elections Change your current investment elections Transfer existing 401(k) account balances Model or review plan loans Review 401(k) fund performance

14 Summary Questions? 14

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