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Bells Times and Watches

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Presentation on theme: "Bells Times and Watches"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bells Times and Watches
GS Knowledge Bells Times and Watches Code Flags Mariner Terms Parts of Boats $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000

2 Where does WAGGGS receive most of its funding from?

3 From Thinking Day contributions

4 How many bells signal the end of a watch
How many bells signal the end of a watch? What is the one exception to this rule?

5 8 bells The 1st Dog watch ends with 4 bells

6 Name the flag and tell us the meaning.

7 Not a flag!!! What flag is this….

8 The direction in which a boat is steered is called a ____?

9 Course

10 What are the arrows pointing to?

11 Gudgeons

12 What part of the boat is this?
This one!

13 Stern Seat

14 Who was married to Lord Robert Baden-Powell?

15 Lady Olave Baden-Powell, They were married in 1912.

16 You hear this bell pattern during First Watch:
You hear this bell pattern during First Watch: What time is it in both military and standard.

17 8:00 p.m r 12:00 a.m. 2400/0000

18 Name the flag and tell us the meaning.

19 D- Delta Keep clear; Maneuvering with difficulty

20 To change the course of a ship by bringing the bow through the wind, so that it will sail at the same angle with the wind on the other side

21 Tack

22 What part is this? This one!

23 Handle Please tell your grads how you will remember this!!!

24 What part is this? This one!

25 Carrying Yoke

26 What two ceremonies might the Candle Light ceremony be a part of?

27 Investiture and Rededication Ceremonies

28 It is 3:00 pm, what watch is it, how many bells are rung, and what time is it in military time?

29 Afternoon Watch 6 bells 1500

30 Name the flag and tell us the meaning.

31 V- Victor Require Assistance

32 Line used to trim the sail or change the angle of the sail relative to the boat

33 Sheet

34 What part is this? This one!

35 Bilge Keel

36 What part is this? This one!

37 Button

38 April 22 is a very special day, what is it?

39 Leader’s Day

40 It is during the 2nd Dog Watch and you hear the following ring pattern: What time is it in both standard and military time?

41 Someone has made a mistake, there can only be 1, 2, 3 or 8, bells rung during this dog watch!

42 Name the flag and tell us the meaning.

43 F- Foxtrot Disabled, communicate with me

44 Sailing with the wind astern

45 Running

46 What part is this? This one!

47 Cockpit

48 What part is this? This one!

49 Transom

50 Name the five categories of interest projects.

51 Life Skills Nature, Science and Health Communications The Arts and History Sports and Recreation

52 It is 12:00 am, what watch are you in, how many bells do you hear, and what time is it in military time?

53 First or Middle Watch 8 bells 0000 or 2400

54 What word is this? Bonus: Name each flag and give the meaning.

55 Lakota L- Lima: Stop Instantly A- Alpha: Have Diver Down; Keep clear K- Kilo: Wish to Communicate O- Oscar: Man Overboard T- Tango: Keep clear, engaged in pair trawling A- Alpha: Have Diver Down; Keep Clear

56 The vessel which, according to the applicable navigation rules, must give up the right-of-way; give-way vessel

57 Burdened vessel What is the other vessel called?

58 What part is this? This One!

59 Shrouds

60 What part is this? This One!

61 Reef Points

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