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Presentation on theme: "Eggs-periment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eggs-periment

2 Question? What happens to an egg when it is put into vinegar for a few days? What happens if it is then put into corn syrup and left for a day or two? What happens if it is then put into water?

3 Hypothesis Answer the following to form your Hypothesis:
- What do you think will happen to the egg?

4 Materials: 2 Beakers 2 Eggs White Vinegar String Ruler (Metric System)
Balance Tape Clear Corn Syrup Salt

5 Day 1-Procedure: Measure the eggs around the middle. Measure the mass of each egg. Record in notebook. Carefully, put egg in labeled beaker and cover with vinegar. Put in fridge and record observations.

6 Day 1-Data Egg A Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

7 Day 1-Data Egg B Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

8 Day 2-Procedure Carefully, pour off the vinegar and measure the egg, again. Record in notebook. Rinse beaker and replace egg. Carefully, put egg in labeled beaker and cover with corn syrup. Put in fridge and record observations.

9 Day 2-Data Egg A Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

10 Day 2-Data Egg B Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

11 Day 3-Procedure Carefully, pour off the corn syrup and measure the egg, again. Record in notebook. Rinse beaker and replace egg. Carefully, put egg in labeled beaker and cover with water. Put in fridge and record observations.

12 Day 3-Data Egg A Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

13 Day 3-Data Egg B Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

14 Day 4-Procedure Carefully, pour off the water and measure the egg, again. Record in notebook. Replace egg in beaker and cover egg with a liquid of your choice. Carefully, put egg in labeled beaker. Put in fridge and record observations.

15 Day 4-Data Egg A Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

16 Day 4-Data Egg B Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

17 Day 5-Data Egg A Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

18 Day 5-Data Egg B Quantitative Observations: Qualitative Observations?
Length ______ cm (around middle) Mass ________ g Qualitative Observations? 5 senses

19 Graphs

20 Graphs

21 Conclusions: Record in notebook
What happens to an egg when it is put into vinegar for a few days? What happens if it is then put into corn syrup and left for a few days? What happens if it is then put into water? What happens if it is then put into __________?

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